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[Update 11/09/2021]
This is now a character pack!
(Wow… two whole character… huh-huh…)​

Darth Sidious [v1.3]


speed: 4
weight: 8

Ever wondered what Darth Sidious, the dark lord of the Sith and Emperor of a galaxy far far away was doing during his decades long rule?
Dealing with vasts and complex galaxy-wide political and economical problems?
Diving deeper into his mastery of the dark side?
He took his imperial shuttle to go karting of course!


Ditto [v1.0.2]


(original) Speed: 1
(original) Weight: 1

Well… it's a Ditto!

Y'know, that Pokémon from gen 1 that can morph into whatever other Pokémon
it's facing? The one that in the subsequent games is mainly used as a
breeding machine in the daycare center?

Well, in Kart it does basically the same thing (no, not the breeding stuff):
Ditto copies the nearest racer in form, color and stats!
This Pokémon has an unstable cellular structure and relies on a flickering
So if you stray too far away from the racer you copied for too long you'll morph
back into Ditto's original form.
On it's own Dittos is slow and light, so you better make use of that
copy ability!


Okay, so Ditto is kinda more of a script thant a character at this point, lol!
Ditto's gameplay can be slightly tweaked using two console commands: one is server-wise, the other one is player-wise.​

As I said, Ditto takes the form of other racers, and also copies their color by default. Also, Ditto will, by default, always copy its target stats. This takes hostmod's restat into account, so Ditto will take the same stats as its 'restated' target. Also, restating your Ditto won't change that: by default the copy ability will always copy the target's stats, so that your restat on Ditto will only affect its base form. Note that this is the default behavior and that it can be a bit tweaked with the script's built-in commands.

Also, if the server Ditto is installed on has Horns, Ditto will take those into account, and automatically change its horn to the same one has the target.

This is the server-wise command. Use it to set the default gameplay behavior of Ditto players.


Called without any parameter, the current state of the server config will be displayed in the console. Call it with a setting's name as a parameter to toggle that settings.

As of v1.0 the settings are:
if on, the ditto will keep there skin color after morph.
when on, the ditto won't morph into a randomly picked racer at the beginning of the race.
when on, the ditto will only morph once per race (and wont demorph until the end of the race)
if Hostmod's restat is used on the server, any restat will also apply after morph ('restat' command + 'keep_restat' setting set to 'on' is the only way a ditto will ignore the target's stat when morphing)
the setting is tied to 'FriendMod'. If it is installed on the server, when a team battle starts, by default, ditto won't change color (even with `keep_color` set to 'off'). With the `ignore_team` set to 'on' ditto will copy the color of the target, ignoring the current team race. (If a server hosts the mod alongside Ditto, I recommend to lock this setting to 'Off', unless they like utter chaos and confusion, ofc)
this setting is a bit special, as only server can change it. By default, in battle mode, dittos can't copy players that are ghosts (i.e. out of bumpers). When this settings in set to 'on', they can do so.

For example, if you open the console as admin and call:
ditto_server_config keep_color
it'll toggle the 'keep_color' setting.
If server calls:
ditto_server_config keep_restat on
it'll turn on the 'keep_restat' setting.
ditto_server_config keep_restat off
will turn it off.

Server config are merly 'default settings' for ditto players. These settings will be set as the default for joining players, but won't affect already joined players, that have the liberty of changing these settings for themselves, on their end.

However, the server can force a particular setting on a particular configuration, by 'locking' specific settings with the sub-command 'lock'. For example, if the server calls:
ditto_server_config keep_color on
ditto_server_config keep_color lock
the 'keep_color' setting will be force to 'on' for every ditto player, and they won't be able to change it back on their side. ( Also server can unlock it later by calling `ditto_server_config keep_color unlock` )

This is the player-wise command. An individual ditto player can use it to change gameplay settings for themselves, unless said setting has been 'locked' by server (and on the exception of the 'battle_dead_copy' setting, which players can't tamper with). Settings are the same that the ones used by the `ditto_server_config` command (except for `battle_dead_copy`, as explained): `keep_color`, `no_random`, `copy_once`, `keep_restat`, and `ignore_team`.


Called without any parameter, a player can check his current ditto configuration. As with the server-wise command, called with a setting's name, a player can change his own ditto configuration (unless, once again, the particular setting has been locked by the server).

For example, if a player calls:
ditto_config keep_color
it'll toggle his 'keep_color' setting.
If he calls:
ditto_config keep_color on
his 'keep_color' setting will be set to 'on', and he will retain his skincolor on every morph (unless the server said otherwise).

  • Thanks to Bartman3010, from whom I borrowed his character (Ranma 1/2, cool stuff, it's on the MB, check it out)'s particule transformation effect.
  • Big thanks to Lat' whos code (mainly from his 'DriftGauge' script, cool stuff, it's on the MB, check it out) was very usefull for drawing the 'over character' HUD stuff, and make it (sorta) work with splitscreen!
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  1. Ditto - No P_TeleportMove warning

    Minor Ditto bugfix and finally removing annoying 'P_TeleportMove' warning.
  2. Ditto morphs into Kart!

    Ditto morphs into Kart! ------ [ Update 1.0.2]: Fixed an 'invalid player' crippling issue that...

Latest reviews

I came across the Ditto add-on of this character dual-pack while exploring various servers in SRB2Kart, and I need to confess I'm honestly flabbergasted at how in-depth Ditto is. You thought of practically every situation one would want to use Ditto, from "I just want a Chao clone" to "I want Mokkujin-level moveset swapping chaos" and everything in between. The character honestly steals the show to an incredible degree compared to Darth Sidious, which is a bit of a shame since he's a fun add-on in and of himself. His sprites are decent, and the stats are fitting considering the custom kart this old codger is driving.

I think Ditto themselves ought to be a must-have on casual servers, and is a respectable add-on in countless more. My kudos are to both you and everyone who helped you in creating this masterpiece of a character, and I look forward to seeing more from you because of this.
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such a nice detail that Ditto can also copy restat stats and horns, good job on the LUA c:
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