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This is my first mod so it's possible that there will be changes in the future.
After 5 years of development, I finally present my first mod for SRB2, Dirfex the Dire Wolf!

-But what is Dirfex?
Dirfex is a wolf that was frozen in time thanks to an event from the past, when it was thawed it found itself in a totally different world than it was and now needs to adapt to modernity.
All his powers are based on pure brute force and ice manipulation, the idea came from some elements that I like all combined to create something unique, his first sketch was made in 2017 and even without knowing the least about pixel art, I continued the project as much as possible.
Thanks in advance to Jon and Xelork, 2 great friends who took their time to program this character and to PRBlaster too (Although all the current code is Jon's, I still thank the other 2 programmers who took the project).

-Ice Stomp


Dirfex is able to throw enemy away with this simple and useful ability, when falling to the ground, ice spikes form around him causing damage to the enemy or player who is nearby. This ability can be accessed using Jump + Spin.


This ability also gives more thrust when being used in springs.
-Ice Rush


Dirfex can combine his strength and his cryosinese to be able to run faster and hit enemies for a limited time, this ability requires a stamina system, in case this stamina ends, the character needs a time to recover, this ability can be accessed using Custom 1.


When using the Ice Rush in the water, Dirfex is able to freeze it so that he can cross quietly over it, if the ability is used from under the water, the shield is not activated because it slows down, but does not expend stamina.
-Ice Shield

When Dirfex gets 10 rings, he receives an ice shield that can be used along with other shields, this makes the character much more resistant, but be very careful not to lose it, because the cost of the shield increases +20 rings.
-Higher Jump
Higher Jump.gif

Dirfex can jump higher than other characters.

Dirfex is an excellent swimmer, he can swim without getting tired.
-Co-op Help

It is possible for other players to be able to use Dirfex as a platform.
-More Resistance

Dirfex can stay longer without breathing underwater, it is also able to withstand a few more seconds in the vacuum of space.
-Does not slip on ice

Thanks to the ice power of the Dirfex, it has more grip when stepping on the ice.

-Use Custom 2 to enable Dirfex Drip.
-Type in the console "iam Dorflex" to replace Drip with a medicine box called Dorflex (It is an inside joke of the Brazilian community).


I hope you enjoy the mod and have fun, it was really hard to work on it.

Special Thanks

My programmer, he gave up his time to work on this mod, thanks to him I was finally able to realize my dream.

Programmed the previous versions of Dirfex, a great friend too.

He tried to program the mod.

The best speedrunner, also helped me shoot the trailer of the mod.

SRB2 Brasil Community
They believed in me, supported me and tested the mod, thank you all so much, I'm very grateful.​
The Angry
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4.33 star(s) 9 ratings

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this is peak fr
Upvote 0
Good Gameplay, its like a better knuckles.
The Angry
The Angry
Thanks dude!!
Upvote 0
A pretty fun and cool character, pun intended. the only problem I have with him is that he can't use his slam when he has a shield. So maybe it should be rebound to the double jump action? Also I hope he can receive a model at some point.
The Angry
The Angry
Thanks for the review, I'll be keeping an eye on the best options to improve the gameplay of the character, but double jump will not be added as it may interfere with the character's swimming action, even so thank you for the warning.
Upvote 0
The gameplay is very good and fun! so for a guy like me who can't play with any character that dies right away lol but otherwise everything is flawless and I'm waiting for the new sprites
The Angry
The Angry
Thanks for the review, I'll make sure the new sprites look pretty good.
Upvote 0
This is a cute little mod, especially for a first attempt. While his abilities do feel a bit derivative of other, pre-existing characters, I feel yours does put a unique spin on his concepts in a way that makes them stand out. All and all it's a decent final product.
The Angry
The Angry
Thanks for the review, I hope you have a lot of fun with the mod, I will make updates in the future.
Upvote 0
This is interesting, I like your mod!

And, I like how Dirfex’s arms up holding Platform, like uh… Super Mario Bros WII, haha-

Anyway, Dirfex is Ready for Adventure!

*i think dirfex dance tf2 support milne LOL*
The Angry
The Angry
Thanks for the review, I intend to put Milne's dance support in the future, stay tuned for the next updates!
Upvote 0
The Sprites aren't amazing but they aren't bad either. The abilities are pretty simple but that's a really good thing. They are fun to use for the most part. Overall a fun mod.
The Angry
The Angry
Thanks for the review, stay tuned for upcoming updates!
Upvote 0
After playing with his moveset for a while, I can confidently say this is a fine enough mod. Nothing too ground-breaking.

Firstly, congrats on the first mod release! You released a pretty good start for your first mod. Bonus points for your first mod not being yet another Sonic recolor. I'm proud.

Now, for the actual review. First off, I love the ice particles and effects! He feels pretty powerful, especially when super. He feels powerful, but...he looks pretty scrawny. The CSS art doesn't exactly help with his noodle-y looks either. Overall, the sprite work isn't exactly the best, but they're good enough for a first mod, at least. Lots of copy-pasted sprite frames here and there and his animations overall looks pretty expressionless and stiff. I'd recommend making him more buff and get a little experimental and dynamic with the animations.

Overall, make him look more buff and make the sprites more expressive, is all I got to say. Pretty solid start, again!
The Angry
The Angry
Thanks for the review, I'm working on improving the artistic part of the mod, I'm still not very good with sprites, maybe it will take a while to come out an update.
Upvote 1
Pretty good! My only real issue is that his high jump is too high, maybe just give him a vanilla jump.
The Angry
The Angry
Thank you so much for the review!
Some complained a bit about it during development, but I particularly like this jump, it's more of a personal choice, I've never been very good at gameplay on SRB2, having that higher jump encouraged me to play and made the plataforming part easier, if it's okay not to like it.
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