group: vectorman

  1. Jeck Jims

    Jeck Jims' SRB2Kart 3D DLC v2.1 Community Contributions and more SEGA!

    v2.1 Community Contributions and more SEGA! Just as with Kart's official download, KDLC is now all in md3 model formatting. With this change, most racers have gotten a 10% size increase As of 06/11/19: we now have a substantial amount of contributions from community members including a large...
  2. M

    [Open Assets] segachars.pk3 - The Extra SEGA Characters Pack

    segachars.pk3 is a package of additional SEGA IP characters to complement the bonuschars.kart file that comes with the game, for those of you who want SRB2 Kart to be a little more like SRB2Kart & SEGA All-Stars Racing. This was a concept I had wanted to realize for a while, however a number of...
  3. M

    [Open Assets] segachars.pk3 - The Extra SEGA Characters Pack

    segachars.pk3 is a package of additional SEGA IP characters to complement the bonuschars.kart file that comes with the game, for those of you who want SRB2 Kart to be a little more like SRB2Kart & SEGA All-Stars Racing. This was a concept I had wanted to realize for a while, however a number of...
  4. Jeck Jims

    [Model] Jeck Jims' SRB2Kart 3D DLC v2.1 Community Contributions and more SEGA!

    v2.1 Community Contributions and more SEGA! Just as with Kart's official download, KDLC is now all in md3 model formatting. With this change, most racers have gotten a 10% size increase As of 06/11/19: we now have a substantial amount of contributions from community members including a large...