Double sided Linedefs and abilities

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Double Sided Linedefs

Sry i couldn't find this in the forums. I tried foloowing the doom builder tutorial but still my knuckles can't grab a sector's walls and sonic also thoks through them. I even created the other outlined sector around my original sector but it still doesn't work.


I saw the tutuorials on how to create abilities but didn't quite understand it.
I want to create really advanced abilities like wall run then jump to other wall for running, wall kick and sth sadx style panel to panel or location to location jump. If u can't teach me these please atleast teach me from where i can edit sonic to do homing and lightdash in 1.9.4 and how to make him go super without any emeralds so i can use a Sonic X dark sonic like a devil trigger when i have 50 rings or guage or whatever.
I know NOTHING about Doombuilder, so I'll skip that part.

Abilities: wall run, not possible, cept maybe if you fake it with stair sectors to act like a wall. Wall kick I did for Senku. The panel thing, I THINK can be zone with sectors and stuff but is very limited and all. Sonic with homing and lightdash, three ways to do this, 1 turn on SAmode (not explaining more about this), 2 "homing 1" "lightdash 1" in the console, and 3 copy sonic.plr rename your new copy to sonic.wad or something, open it in XWE, edit the S_SKIN to have homing = 1 and lightdash = 1. (not explaining more on that either) Super with no emeralds, this CAN be done to an extent and all but to keep this from being abused and crap I'm not saying how to do it.
Ok thanks. I'll learn things myself but about the super abuse. No i wasn't gona do that. I simply wanted to make it like Dante's devil trigger. A guage fills up n u can use the transformation. the guage goes empty n ur back to normal.
ultrapowerlevel said:
Double Sided Linedefs

Sry i couldn't find this in the forums. I tried foloowing the doom builder tutorial but still my knuckles can't grab a sector's walls and sonic also thoks through them. I even created the other outlined sector around my original sector but it still doesn't work.

A double-sided linedef is when there is a sector on either side of the line. Nothing can get past the top or bottom wall on a double-sided linedef, and Knuckles can climb it. By making all the outside linedefs in your level double-sided, you can create an impassable barrier. If the floor and ceiling heights of the outside sector are the same, it's just like there's a wall there. Making the ceiling of the outside sector have the flat F_SKY1, you can create sky all through your level.

This has been a general knowledge share by your local repository, Boinciel.
The sector outlining your actual level needs to have a size of zero. I usually set my thok barrier to 200 floor and 200 ceiling.
Senku Niola said:
Wall kick I did for Senku.
You did for Senku? Fix plz.

As for the tutorials being confusing, that's only natural. I was the one who wrote the Custom Abilities tutorial, it only makes sense it would suck.
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