Post your Desktop

Ultima, are those default Win8 settings? If so, I'm glad they're at least changing that. I never was a fan of the large taskbar icons.

(And hurr, PS3 Media Server.)

Running the new beta of KDE. It comes with an Icons-Only Task Manager (at least, it's packaged in Arch Linux, not sure if it's upstream) so I thought I'd try it on for size.


For those gawking at the huge panel, it's not really a problem for screen estate as windows are allowed to go over it, in which case the panel will act like an auto-hide panel so I can still access it by hitting the bottom edge of the screen.

Dolphin 2.0 (the file manager) is awesome, but buggy. Hopefully they'll get the problems ironed out by the final release.
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Looky here, Scott Pilgrim.


I know it seems girly, what with only two characters being boys and the Sword looking girly, but hey, I like it.
[removed temporarily]

Yep. I am officially a brony :D

P.S. I was on a LONG hiatus. I guess things really changed after MLP: FiM came out 6_9

EDIT: For some reason the image will not resize correctly, so until I can get it sorted out, I cannot post my desktop. :(
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I decided to change my background after I got my laptop back from repairs.


edit: Switched the picture out since I just cleaned my icons a bit.
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