[Open Assets] Crumbling Canyon Zone (scr_crumblingcanyon-v1.4)

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Like Jesus, only not dead.
This is my first map and so, is fairly basic in map development techniques. it's essentially just sectors and objects. A few advanced techniques present but nothing special I imagine.
So, sit back while I tell the tale of this map.

Eggman is, once again, on the hunt for the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic and pals tried to stop him but, for once, Eggman was prepared for Sonic to come and attempt to foil his plans and, while digging the desert on his hunt for the emeralds, trapped Sonic and his companions in a canyon ready to crumble in on itself.

Now Sonic and friends must rush to escape the canyon and stop Eggman from getting up to any more of his devious schemes.

It's fun to be creative.

The map features 5 multiple paths so it's a map you'll want to play more than once. There are also a few secrets present if you want to search for them.

I know one of the rules is not to upload your first creation but...eeeeeeep. I worked weeely hard. :3

UPDATE: I've sorted out the whole "spring up to your death" when there's usually a red crawla waiting for you at the top of the spring at the end of the death pit platforming section with a second platform you jump up to and 2 linedefs that enemies can't pass through. Speaking of that, I made the platforms in the death pit area platformable via jumping and not springing.

UPDATE 2: Added indents to show where falling rocks will...well, fall. This helps the player know the rocks falling pattern and give them a chance to avoid it. Also fixed a few other things such as texture alignment.

UPDATE 3: Added a Special Stage that suits the theme of the level, changed the level intro to be a bit...well...more varied I suppose, added a custom song for the level.

UPDATE 4: Added a second part to the level...with FOFs! Quite a lot of them, actually...Made the level and Special Stage force Sonic as I'm going to have Tails and Knuckles specific levels and Special Stages later. Changed the Special Stage so that if you miss or lose the whirlwind shield, you aren't guaranteed to fail, felt a bit nasty. :3

Act 2 on the way! Tails will get some action this time...


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This is certainly a promising start, but you've still got a lot to learn. While it was nice to play through the map several times and find a new path every time, along with quite a few secrets, there's also a lot wrong with this map.

Many of your pathways are just too small, hopefully you have a better idea of how you need to space out SRB2 levels now to maintain the flow, but here many of the corridors are cramped and can get in the players way. Also, the hazards are crammed together to the point of being cheap, it's too much to expect the player to be able to deal with rocks falling in seemingly random locations all over the map when they have a very small window of opportunity to avoid them. Remember, the falling rocks in ACZ were all placed so it was extremely obvious to the player that they would be in the path of falling rocks before they entered that area.

Although regarding the multiple pathways, you took the idea too far. The map would have been better off if you instead focused on two paths and fully expanded them, instead of 5 paths that could be cleared in a few seconds each.

It's clear here that you put quite a bit of care into the map though, with any luck you'll be able to learn from your mistakes here and make some much better maps in future.

Regardless, this map plays well enough to be accepted. Welcome to releases!
In other words: "The Opposite Of Sonic Colors Zone"

My first reaction upon completing the map was "What? That's IT?"
After playing a second time, I realized that this was a rather dangerous Adventure Field. Just what I like.
The music fit the dangerous, edgy part of the level, but not much else. I recommend Sand Hill from Sonic Adventure.

All in all, this stage had great content, but it's too short.

Oh, and if you use SRB2 Doom Builder, while in 3D mode you can point at a wall, press "A" and it automatically aligns all the sides of the walls' textures.
Alright, thanks for the critique, guys. I've been spamming the walls with "A" in 3D mode now that you've informed me of this handy feature, Tyler. :D

Also, Whackjood, I agree that I should have probably stuck with two, developed paths as opposed to 5, not-so-developed paths. Well, too late now. Also, I tried to keep the falling rocks with the whole "canyon falling in on itself" theme but also not to be too mean to the player, but I suppose it's a hard balance to find. I'll consider your points for my next level.

Finally, I want to compose some of my own music for the level, ultimately. So I'll try to get a mix of Masters of the Desert and Sand Hill in there. If only there was some way of dynamically changing the music depending on what path you took...

(Please don't tell me there is, it'll be too hard for me. XD)
Changing the music is possible. Though as I noticed you said "dynamically change the music" that linedef effect doesn't allow you to contribute it in a specific manner such as crescendos and decrescendos.
You have a big overuse of springs to transport the player, instead of actual platforming. Using springs to transport the player to a particular part of the level is fine, but avoid overuse, otherwise the level starts to feel automated and interaction drops, eventually leading to boredom. This level could have easily been expanded by a good 10 to 20 seconds if you hadn't used a spring on every platform.
Are you mainly referring to the part where you jump to higher platforms over the death pit? Should I make the platforms low enough so you can jump up to them as opposed to spring?
Thanks for the feedback, Knux. I know the ceiling is quite high but it used to be lower, it just didn't give the trapped-in-a-canyon vibe I was looking for. I just tried lowering it again now and it still didn't look right. Although, I do realise this map is pretty demanding and that's partially because I like to decorate a LIIITLE too much. Act 2 is based in the canyon depths though so it'll be fairly...cave-y.
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