Contest Discussion Topic (2.1.X)

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Considering there's only one category now (SP), that's one level per person. Make 'em count, boys!
What if we expanded the contest to have a LUA scripting division? I think the feature is still a little underutilized by the public at large, even if a few individuals are pumping out amazing things with it; a bi-monthly contest for creating LUA scripts would generate more interest in the craft and encourage more people to learn the language and really play around with it.

Contests focusing strictly (or mainly) on level design aren't necessarily bad, but the concept is old as dirt now and I don't think we're taking advantage of what SRB2 is capable of by limiting it to that. That's partly why I think the multiplayer sections have been falling apart (the other reason being necessary online play). But LUA is more accessible, it's easier to produce, and it offers something new to the table. Maybe it could replace the multiplayer division?

Anyway, just a random thought for the day.
It's not the first time a contest based on Lua has been suggested, funnily enough:

That aside, the main problem with such a contest is... how do you compare a bunch of Lua scripts? If they have completely different purposes it's like comparing apples with skyscrapers, let alone oranges. How can you judge which is the best Lua script out of, for instance, one that gives a custom character ability, one that creates a custom boss, or one that creates a custom level gimmick of sorts?

If you limited the contestants to making only certain types of Lua scripts though, the above problem may be prevented of course. One has to watch out this doesn't lead to everyone having virtually the same Lua script, however.

That's just my thoughts on the matter really though, don't mind me.

By the way, "Lua" is not an acronym.
All you have to judge it by is how much it adds to the gameplay. Level creation back in 2003 wasn't an exact science either, and I know that's not exactly the same thing, but I think after a few rounds standards will be formed, i.e. what's expected from a submission.

A lua-focused contest would probably benefit from a different rating system though. Like maybe instead of judging every script from first to last, you'd just nominate the scripts you liked the most. That also circumvents voters having to compare scripts directly to each other.
OLDC submission deadline reminder

Since everyone seems to have forgotten again about the OLDC, I should remind you lot that the submission deadline for the next contest is at 7:00pm GMT-4 on October 31st. That's just over 3 weeks from now.

You should also see this particular announcement which was made last month, in case anyone missed it:
Wah, didn't forget about it, but I seriously have no time for mapping stuff recently.
...hopefully the holidays starting at Oct 17 would leave me a chance to enter this
I'll see to what I can do before the deadline. I missed SRB2 and this lua scripting stuff is too much fun!
I’ve come here from nowhere; across the unforgiving sea

Welp, I completely forgot to work on that gimmicky level I had thought up. And it's too late now considering I start a grueling college session on the 26th..

I sure got a lot out of my well-deserved gold!
It's just over a week until the deadline now ...and nobody's entered anything yet. Seriously? This severe inactivity has gotten to be rather routine now, it's not even funny.

That said... in case you guys forgot, at the end of January 2016 is a runoff contest where winners of the Single Player divisions of contests in 2015 only can enter and potentially get their level in the next major official release of SRB2. That means any levels you enter now could take part in that contest! More details can be found in this thread:
Drifting further and further; it’s all becoming clear to me

Did you expect more activity when multiplayer divisions were removed outright? Even if they were removed because of poor level quality, that still limits people's options quite a bit.
What great outage do you speak of? The one from when the previous SRB2MB crashed like 12 years ago (or rather, October 2003)?

From checking Internet Wayback archives of old pages, I know there was an August 2003 contest, but other than that I know nothing.
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Well, thanks for waiting, I did my best map for the next Official Level Design Contest and there are the results:

The name of the map: ROBOTNIK LABRATORY


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Inu decided to release 2.1.15 on his birthday, and MotorRoach decided to release FSonic on his own terms (and maybe the devs'). 2.2 will take as long as it can. Just be patient, you have the material you need to make an OLDC level, you can end up entering 5 of the contests if you work on the level now.
But then nobody is playing the levels made now for years. Plus there is the factor of having to convert said level and socs and lua (maybe?) every bloody release... What's up with the new palette?
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