Post your pics/art here!

So, do I draw better? Is there actually worse than me in that comunity?! :')

And why did you copypaste this a second time? I like the hands, they're beautiful. (No srsly, you should at least shade, perhaps?)
10/10 looks like the real thing.

Seriously, those are crazy sketches you've got going there! There's a lot of charm in the rough, etchy forms of the characters. Is it a DBZ kinda parody?

As for me, I've been really busy with GED classes and writing an original sci-fi novel, but I've found time to work on a sketch of Nayru, from Oracle of Ages. Because I'm a sucker for blue-haired beauties, and I love her as much as Din; might draw her next.


Aaaand so you can see how I put her together:


Fingers have never been easier to draw thanks to this. I broke her fore-finger at first, although I think I fixed it; might need a second opinion on that.
Thanks man, they're actually based on Garou from One Punch Man and Tsuchiya from Mob Psycho 100, both by the same author (ONE). Also, I share your hatred for drawing fingers, i really do lol. that's why rough sketches help so much, cuz you can kind of bullshit til you get the shape you wanna go with
Guys, watch out... I drew things! Mostly doodles, however.


I forgot her ears until halfway through... woops. Still probably my best Hinote drawing.

Actually drew this one a while ago but never got to scan it until now. Right There Ride On, you pink noseless weenie.

You all saw it coming. Confirmed for Sm4sh!

Lepori needs more attention; he kind of reminds me of 2.0 Jasper. Totally butchered Jasper's shoe and Lepori's eyes but whatever.


This one I should really digitize, because I actually thought up of a neat environment for this to take place in. That's Vivid by the way, and he's in the middle of being overcharged with some sort of aura. Jasper's actually in the foreground shooting at him, but you probably can't see him very well due to terribad scribble art.
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Another one of my wildlife photography subjects. A Eurasian Bullfinch (Male) eating many sunflower seeds.

Some draw that you shouldn't try to figure the sense out.

Is there a way I can make it look worse? :3

Skype said:
<toaster> oh god those sonic memes
<toaster> both of them are cancer, although at least speedwagon can draw

toaster obviously loves mine.
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I'm not so much advertising my lack of time invested in art lately. Krita 2.9.6 was released tonight, so if you guys using it right now haven't updated in a while, you're missing on huge critical updates that address performance, additional features, and stability. Intel GPUs shouldn't have any severe cases of canvas lag now, as I'm not getting any on my end.

All the bugs I've encountered are squished in this release, much to my relief. It was getting kinda annoying remembering to open the Brush dialog each startup to avoid crazy CPU usage. So far, this is as polished as 2.8.3 was for me.

Changelog said:
Full list of features new to 2.9.6:

Add possibility to continue a Crop Tool action
Speed up of color balance, desaturate, dodge, hsv adjustment, index color per-channel and posterize filters.
Activate Cut/Copy Sharp actions in the menu
Implemented continuation of the transform with clicking on canvas
new default workspace
Add new shortcuts (‘\’ opens the tool options, f5 opens the brush editor, f7 opens the preset selector.)
Show the tool options in a popup (toggle this on or off in the general preferences, needs restarting Krita)
Add three new default shortcuts (Create group layer = Ctrl+G, Merge Selected layer = Ctrl+Alt+E, Scale image to new size = Alt+Ctrl+I )
Add an ‘hide pop-up on mouseclick option’ to advanced color selector.
Make brush ‘speed’ sensor work properly
Allow preview for “Image Background Color and Transparency” dialog.
Selection modifier patch is finally in! (shift=add, alt=subtract, shift+alt=intersect, ctrl=replace. Path tool doesn’t work yet, and they can’t be configured yet)

Bugfixes new to 2.9.6

BUG:346932 Fix crash when saving a pattern to a *.kra
Make Group Layer return correct extent and exact bounds when in pass-through mode
Make fixes to pass-through mode.
Added an optional optimization to slider spin box
BUG:348599 Fix node activating on the wrong image
BUG:349792 Fix deleting a color in the palette docker
BUG:349823 Fix scale to image size while adding a file layer
Fixed wrapping issue for all dial widgets in Layer Styles dialog
Fix calculation of y-res when loading .kra files
BUG:349598 Prevent a divide by zero
BUG:347800 Reset cursor when canvas is extended to avoid cursor getting stuck in “pointing hand” mode
BUG:348730 Fix tool options visibility by default
BUG:349446 Fix issue where changing theme doesn’t update user config
BUG:348451 Fix internal brush name of LJF smoke.
BUG:349424 Set documents created from clipboard to modified
BUG:349451 Make more robust: check pointers before use
Use our own code to save the merged image for kra and ora (is faster)
BUG:313296 Fix Hairy brush not to paint black over transparent pixels in Soak Ink mode
Fix PVS warning in hairy brush
(gmic) Try to workaround the problem with busy cursor
BUG:348750 Don’t limit the allowed dock areas
BUG:348795 Fix uninitialized m_maxPresets
BUG:349346 (gmic) If there is selection, do not synchronize image size
BUG:348887 Disable autoscroll for the fill-tool as well.
BUG:348914 Rename the fill layers.

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