Presenting Project Quest, my latest crappy production...

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Well, here it is; The 1st Engine Test of our newest game project to date, Project Quest. Not wanting to explain it all myself, I'll simply post the documentation to it here. You might as well look anyways, because due to a mix-up in the zipping process, it's not included in the main Engine Test zip file.

BTW: It's an Engine Test, and the 1st one mind you. Thus we don't have a story, different characetrs, ect. Those'll be around once we get the groundwork set up.

Project Quest Engine Test 1.0
Created by Supernova Entertainment
Saturday, January 15, 2005

1.) What is Project Quest?
Project Quest is a new RPG game we have been working on for well over a month now. It, although a spinoff of "The Ultimate RPG", is largely influenced and based off of Sonic Team's online masterpiece, "Phantasy Star Online". The copy you are holding on your hands--er... hard drive, is an extremley incomplete version of the PQ engine. We have distributed this engine test so that we may get suggestions, opinions, comments and bug reports, among other things. You can also (WITH MY PERMISSION. WE CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.) use the engine to create your own levels, or even an entirely new game. Although, like said above, the engine is in a very incomplete state, it also still has enough features to create a rather basic RPG, so feel free to use it. ***With our permission.***

Besides that, good luck; I've encrypted the game so that only genuine hackers can penetrate it's defenses.

2.) Controls:

[Note: Fire 1 is 'Shift' by default, and Fire 2 is 'Ctrl'.]
Fire 1 = Fire normal long-range ATTACK
Fire 2 = Fire MAGIC ATTACK
A+Fire 1 = Use normal short-range ATTACK
Z = Use RUN ability

In other words, you can use either a keyboard or a joystick/gamepad, however you will not be able to run or use short-range attacks with the latter.

3.) How to play:

---Run the game (duh)
---When the title screen appears, press 'Z'. You will be warped to the Debug menu.
---Set all the values needed here. They will appear in-game as you set them. Make sure that you put each value high enough, otherwise you may not be able to use that ability if you attempt it. Also, take caution to make sure that you don't set any "CURRENT" values higher then their "MAX" counterparts, for the save game will be erased and the game will crash (It's part of an anti-hack feature.) Finally, don't bother clicking any of the weapon types: We are still weighing my options of implementing them or not. The same goes for the "GRAPHICS" options; They have been removed due to being far too hard to program, as well as completley unnessicary to the game.
---Click "MORE"
---Select the map you want to play on.
---Select "COMBATTEST" to play the old, outdated version of the combat test, offline.
---Select "Online" to be warped to the connection screen. Here you should enter a name and IP you want to connect to, then... play!

----IN LOBBY---
When you first connect, you will appear in the lobby. Attacks are disabled, so don't bother. Walk around, explore the not-big-at-all areas, and basically chill out. Playing on the Supernova servers, if you are caught hacking the game and unblocking the ability to attack, you'll be banned. To exit the lobby and go to the Combat Test, exit via the path on the top right of the level.


*Magic Attack*- This acts like a long range attack, except it does more damage. The drawbacks: It uses TP, and is slow. If you run out of TP, you cannot use this.
*Long Range Attack*- This fires a fast moving projectile in the direction you are facing. The drawbacks: It is small and thus hard to hit enemies with, and it does little damage.
*Close Range Attack*- This makes your character punch. Or whatever. It's powerful, anyway. The drawback: You need to be RIGHT NEXT to the enemy to deal damage, which makes it even harder to hit enemies then the Long Range Attack.

So here's the results:
Speed: (1. Long Range Attack (2. Close Range Attack (3. Magic Attack
Power: (1. Close Range Attack (2. Magic Attack (3. Long Range Attack
Accuracy: (1. Magic attack (2. Long Range Attack (3. Close Range Attack

To initiate battle, head into the green area in front of the enemy (Which shows it's vision; and will be invisible in the final. It's visible on purpose at the moment.) and it'll go into battle mode. Every seconds it will stop to fire a projectile at you. If you are hit, you'll lose 10HP. (If you lose all of it, the game resets.) Avoid this and use the brief moment it is frozen to attack. Repeat enough, and it'll die.

4.) Known Bugs
*The weapon select is disfunctional
*The graphic options are disfunctional
*If the enemy becomes offscreen it will stop attacking until you return, which will make it for a breif second fire more then 1 projectile at a time
*If you are hit, the are around the HP counter becomes translucent
*Sonic has no animation for running either up or down
*If you run too fast and bounce around a lot, you may become stuck in a wall, and you'll have to reset. This happened to me once, but I haven't been able to reproduce it...
*Sometimes the sound effects will become screwed up if more than one is playing at the same time
*Many times the Online mode will crash unexpectedly if you are in the Combat test map. Dunno why, JTE and I are trying to figure it out @_@

If you have any more to report, please feel free to post it on, on the "Project Quest" forum. ( edit: Post it here. Duh XD)

5.) Online Mode
As if Offline wasn't enough to toy with, a partially-complete version of the online mode was created in hopes to make Project Quest even more PSO-esque. It's pretty much the exact same thing as the Combat Test, except with the possibility of tons of other people joining at once. Not much to do right now, but still a good way to burn a few minutes nonetheless.

6.) Tips
---Stay out of the green field in the Combat Test if you don't want to be attacked. Or crashed.
---Wait a little while if your RP is low; It recovers naturally.
---Practice offline so you'll be better online. Duh.
---To have a fair game, don't put your stats too high. It'll ruin the experience if you do.
---The game may seem small now, but we have taken this into account and hidden a few secrets into the game. Try and find them!

7.) Next time...
Look out for these features in the following version:
Bug fixes (Especially the crashes)
Sonic's ruinning animation
More secrets ^_~
More maps
More modes
Character interaction
...and whatever suggestions you give us!

The game (Finally):
Download and play! We *NEED* you guys to send us bug reports, comments, compliments, suggestions, anything. It'll greatley speed up the production process.

The server hoster is located here.
You'll need to run it and keep it open for others to play. You can play online mode offline, too; Run the hoster and connect in-game to

New demo will be out sometime in March. It's taking so long because:
1.) I *already* have life, TURPG Plus+, SPMoves and TNAoStH to work on
2.) Because I want to bug test it REALLY GOOD
3.) Because I want to include a lot more features
4.) I... dunno o_o;

Let me know what you guys want in the next demo.

Lastly, I wasn't kidding about the secrets; They're there, you'll just have to look. HARD. (They're damn tough to find)

Until next time!

(On a side note, please excuse anything that I might have said that doesn't make any sense; This was originally on my message board and I prerttymuch did a cut-paste job :roll:)
Yes. Chao World got close enough to 1.0 to be considered finished (0.98), The Ultimate RPG (Original Version) was finished, Sonic: The Animation was finished, and there are probably more that I cannot think of right now.
Is this a srb2 mod? Also, is this a Sonic RPG?

If it is, I just might take a look.
Yeah... I tried to make the enemy dude have the same health and all on everyone's screen but I'm not sure if I did it right (since I can't test that kind of stuff too easily.)
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