Duke Nukem Forever

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And now for an important message from Gearbox about Duke Nukem Forever.

Eh. Just kiddin'. Definitively sure it was an (early) April's Fools Joke. But darn was that hilarious when they changed the date like that.

That said, we've all looked forward to this. And definitively almost all of us are going to buy it.

But gee, that game took almost forever to finish! (punpunpun)
And that demo was awesome, in fact it was so awesome my PC shut down completely, literally lost power, no power outage at all.*

* I have a dodgy PSU, I have a new one on order.
And that demo was awesome, in fact it was so awesome my PC shut down completely, literally lost power, no power outage at all.*

* I have a dodgy PSU, I have a new one on order.

I have yet to try the demo, but I've heard negative things about it. Mostly about the regenerating health and Halo-style "only carry two weapons at once".
I have yet to try the demo, but I've heard negative things about it. Mostly about the regenerating health and Halo-style "only carry two weapons at once".

Ha ha, same. I have a friend who actually waited a long time to finally get this game and he ended up being disappointed.
I have yet to try the demo, but I've heard negative things about it. Mostly about the regenerating health and Halo-style "only carry two weapons at once".

It's like panel 10 foreshadowed it o_0
Double post

Well after trying it out for myself, I have to say it's nothing like my experience with Duke Nukem 3D but it was still entertaining nevertheless ((was still turned off by the Regenerating health but eh...)) Course after playing it, I wanted to look at the rage reviews regarding the game, especially IGN.

I mean come on, we knew it wasn't going to be some phenomenon NOW in 2011 >_>
Personally, I think anyone who wants to play Duke Nukem 3D (which is a good game, granted) should actually play it. Not just bitch that Forever is getting with the time. Be thankful they're making an FPS, and not the "realistic but not" shamble that is Call of Duty.

And on the whole regenerating "health" thing (fools, Duke is invincibly badass, but a show off - that's why it's called Ego!) there are only two real ways to swing it - either drop a tonne of health powerups and make your character move real quick - the old way - or the new way showcased here.

Obviously, the drawback of the old system is that it's hard to hit stuff sometimes, plus you need to balance a whole level. Whereas the new system only requires you to balance a fight - providing the weapons and cover needed, slinging a bunch of bad guys in, and then saying "go nuts, kid"

But the new system has weaknesses too. You just don't get the feeling of accomplishment of walking into about 500 mooks with 2 HP left, and slaughtering them all.

Personally, I'm a fan of the shield system Halo:CE pioneered, and especially the way Mass Effect 1 did it (at least before I managed to tweak Shep to have Immunity on constantly - increasing defence by 80% and making the strongest attacks on Insanity barely make a mark (for the record, I never found Colossus armour) after shredding the shields of course) - in which you can take small amounts of damage and just shrug it off, but if you take enough, it leaves an impact that can seriously screw you over later (until you find a life pack, or use a healing item anyway)
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Honestly Kooper, they could have been more inventive with the heath if say it were similar to how Oddworld: Stranger's wrath pulled it off ((I believe if you received enough incoming damage, a bar fills up. With that accumulated charge, you can use it to self heal yourself equal to the percentage of what charge was gained)).

OR they could have kept it the same way. 100% health, armor to raise defense, health packs varying in size or the typical small "health stations" we saw in game.
Honestly Kopper *text*

They could have done.
But how many people outside of certain communities know about Stranger's Wrath? Not enough to possibly think of that idea, let alone know if it'll work for Duke.

And I discussed the upshot and drawbacks of the second idea.

I still think what they have now works for the general feel of Duke as an over the top parody of FPS action heroes. True, it changes the gameplay, but what about the heal-to-100% fountains, toilets, sinks and whatnot? I suppose they don't matter as much in later levels, but they're one of the first things you see. They fit the feel - it comes together to create Nukem 3D.

I suppose regenerating health will always have it's detractors. Perhaps they forget that you have less health to begin with, or perhaps they're the same kind of people who only like the first generation of Pokémon.

You know what? Screw it. They ought to let you choose between the ego meter and the old fashioned method. That'll help pleasing a lot more people.
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Alright, pussies. Lemme fuck you up with some truth.

People have been saying the game's boring. How the fuck could that be? You have solid, mindless, classic-style combat, GOOD vehicle sections (better than Half-Life 2), platforming, puzzles, and interactive stuff (that boost your ego, giving an incentive to screw around in levels) out the asshole.

People have been saying the graphics are bad. That may be, but that's because you're playing the PS3/360 because you're an idiot, and also a bad person. The PC version allows you to change your FOV, Depth of Field, AA, all that good shit. Besides, the fuck do you expect from a game with assets from as early as 2006?

People, IGN in particular, have been saying the sound is weak. Dunno how that is; there's like 8 different versions of Grabbag (including a muzak version that plays in elevators), some great original music (particularly the ambient and battle music during the Ghost Town), and some great one-liners. During the said Ghost Town (named Morningwood, with a western theme), Duke referenced Deliverance after killing a pig by saying "Squeal, piggy." After I killed another pig, he said "Squeal harder next time." Tip of the iceberg with that shit, though; plenty of other great one-liners and easter eggs (including ones referencing Shadow Warrior!).

People (moreso the Duke fans than critics) have been saying that the regenerative health and 2-weapon limit don't fit the game. They work just fine. There are weapons everywhere, and you still have to deliver the goods to stay alive (Especially in multiplayer, where the regen health works to the game's advantage really well; it serves only to get you back to 100% after a fight. There's no coming out of battles alive without killing someone, and no having to hunt for health afterward). The only problem is the 2-weapon limit effects the exploration of the game (which is a lot less linear than people make it out to be; while there's only one exit to levels, you're rewarded more often than not for taking a look around or taking a right when you need to take a left). If I find a hidden goodie, I don't want to have to skip it because I want to hold onto my shotgun and Duke's gold M1911, pretty much wasting the secret.

Other than that (and the often-laggy multiplayer which is fun regardless), the game is great. The critics just have their heads too far up their asses to not take it so fucking seriously.

Always bet on Duke.
Critics say this game's bad because of the high expectations it had... But sure, I like it, played it a bit at my cousin. Awsome game, even though I don't like shooter games!
Well considering this is a 6 month bump, I figure those who STILL play Duke Nukem Forver should know about the new DLC that came out. Ohhohohohho no. . .not that map pack DLC, Im talking about a new added story for Duke to participate in.

Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor who cloned me trailer

And from browsing some comments and opinions from a few game forums, players practically say this should have been stand alone DLCO than DLC for the game due to how much better it was from the previous product. Oh and. . .the humor is loads better and some graphical improvements.
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