Brawl Hack Stuff

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Wonder why this topic hasn't been made yet.
Brawl hacking's a pretty popular thing to do at the moment, with texture hacking and music hacking as the easiest and simplest things to do. What you can do may be endless, but limited. Metal Sonic, Shadow, Geno, Megaman, and Roy playable? You bet. A popular site to go to would be Brawlvault. Here's some of my stuff I made for Brawl.

Green Flower Zone for Green Hill Zone

Metroid: Other M's Power Suit Samus
And many more. Anyways, discuss.
Ooh, nice. I've been into Brawl haxx for a while now. IGOTANIDEA!
Port SRB2 textures to more Brawl stages!

Sonic Heroes Crates



Most of the crate hacks in Kitty Corp were pretty lame. Sonic Heroes is pretty lame.


Oh, and my other hacks.

Basically, some music hacks, a hack that puts ledges in Mushroomy Kingdom so Ivysaur dies less, and a metal coat texture from Sonic Heroes.


I just wish I can get DasDonkey Box to work so I can vertex hack stuff. I want Duke Nukem Lucas and Richter Belmont Wario damnit :<
Zero replaces Link.

General Character/Stage texture compilation(s).
Final Destination: Final Jungle
Battlefield: Icy Battlefield
Smashville: Sakura Smashville
Yoshi's Island (Brawl): Bowser's Island
Delfino Plaza: Twilight Hyrule Castle Town
Halberd: Machine Passage
Lylat Cruise: Red Recolor Cruise
Pokemon Stadium 1: Dark Stadium
Frigate Orpheon: Stone Temple
Pokemon Stadium 2: Blackout Stadium
Castle Siege: Creepy Castle
Pictochat: Blue Line
Brinstar: Fair Norfair
Jungle Japes: Luigi's Cabin
Green Greens: Twewy Twewy Greens
Temple: Forest Temple
Luigi's Mansion: Princess Peach's Castle
Pirate Ship: Realistic Pirate Ship
Norfair: Great Might Poo's Lair
Skyworld: Spirit Temple
Distant Planet: Wistful Wild
Onett: South Park City
Corneria: Rapture
Captain Falcon
00-Original - Bobobo (Bobobobobobobo)
01-Blood Hawk - Feakazoid (Freakazoid)
02-Green - Green Lantern (Green Lantern)
03-Blue - Captain Blue (Viewtiful Joe)
04-Black - Jack (Madworld)
05-Pink - Captain Rainbow (JPN Capt. Rainbow)

00-Original - Santa Dedede (Recolor)
02-Green - Wart (Super Mario Bros. 2)
03-White - Empoleon (Pokemon)
04-Grayscale - WoodMan (Megaman 2)
05-Purple - Gruntilda (Banjo-Kazooie)
06-Pink - Communist Dedede (Recolor)

Diddy Kong
00-Original - Chimchim (Speed Racer)
02-Green - Green Athletic (Recolor)
03-Blue - Wakko (Animaniacs)
04-Pink - Jackal (Left4Dead2)
05-Yellow - Yetikong (Recolor)
06-Purple - Aipom (Pokemon)

Donkey Kong
00-Original - Suit DK (Recolor)
01-Red - Zangeif (Street Fighter)
02-Green - Hulk (Incredible Hilk)
03-Blue - Cosmic DK (Recolor)
04-Black - Gutsman (Megaman)
05-White - Yeti (Recolor)

Falco *Sparkle Fire*
00-Original - Clockwerk (Sly Cooper)
01-Red - Dynablade (Kirby Super Star)
02-Green - Jet The Hawk (Sonic Riders)
03-Blue - Adventures costume (Recolor)
04-Black - Purple (Recolor)
05-Yellow - Ho-oh (Pokemon)

Fox *Blue Fire*
00-Original - James (Starfox)
01-Red - Red XIII (Final Fantasy VII)
02-Green - Assault costume (Recolor)
03-Blue - Razor (SWAT Cats)
04-Black - Panther (Starfox 64)
05-White - Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)

00-Original - Gears of Ganon (Gears of War)
01-Red - Magneto (X-Men)
02-Green - CDi Ganon (CDi BS)
03-Blue - Hector (Fire Emblem)
04-Grandpa Ganon - Pinkadorf (Recolor)
05-Brown - Billy Mays (BILLY MAYS HERE)

Ike *Tabuu Slash Effects*
00-Original - Cloud (Final Fantasy VII)
01-Red - Ragna (BlazBlue)
02-Green - Pokemon Trainer Brendan (Pokemon R&S)
03-Blue - Crystal Cloud (Dissidia: FF)
04-Another Kind Of Green - Gambit (X-Men)
05-Yellow - Kingdom Hearts Cloud (Kingdom Hearts)

Kirby *Dark Star Entry*
00-Original - Bombette (Paper Mario)
01-Red - Voltorb (Pokemon) *Look*
02-Green - Plasma kirby (Kirby Super Star)
03-Blue - Maskless MK (Kirby)
04-Yellow - Don Patch (Bobobobobobobo)
05-White - Smash Ball (SSBB)

00-Original - NES Bowser (Retro Recolor)
01-Red - Fyrus (Recolor)
03-Blue - Dark Bowser (M&L: Inside Story)
04-Black - Brumak (Gears of War)
05-Pimp Gold - Dry Bowser (New Super Mario Bros.)
06-Brown - Zombie (Recolor)

Link *X-Saber Slash Effects*
00-Original - Zelda II Link (Retro Recolor)
01-Red - Zero (Megaman X)
03-Blue - Zora Armor (LoZ: Ocarina of Time)
04-Dark - Vaati (LoZ: Four Swords/ Minish Cap)
05-White/Light Blue- Fierce Diety (LoZ: Majora's Mask)
06-Yellow - Magic Armor (LoZ: Twilight Princess)

00-Original - Team Aqua (Recolor)
01-Red - Blaziken (Pokemon R&S)
02-Green - Green (Recolor for Teams)
04-Light Blue - Arceus (Pokemon D&P)
05-White - Darkrai (Pokemon D&P)


00-Original - Emerl (Sonic Battle)
01-Red - Ronald McLucas (RANRANRUUU)
02-Green - Kill Lucas (Recolor)
03-Blue - Black Mage (Final Fantasy)
04-Claus - Joker (Batman)
05-Pink/Purple - Travis (No More Heroes)

00-Original - Mr. L (Super Paper Mario)
01-Red - Mario Luigi (Character Recolor)
03-Blue - Blu Soldier (Team Fortress 2)
04-Fire Luigi - Pickle Luigi (SSBM)
05-Orange - Dry Luigi (Recolor)
06-Waluigi - Ice Luigi (New Super Mario Bros. Wii)

Mario *Sentry Cape*
00-Original - Real Plumber (Recolor)
02-Green - Luigi (Character Recolor)
03-Jumpman - Billy Mays (BILLY MAYS HERE)
04-Wario - Ice Mario (New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
05-Black - Metal Mario (SSB64)
06-Fire Mario - Blaine (Pokemon R&B)

Marth *Glowing Slash Effects*
00-Original - Roy (Fire Emblem 6)
01-Red - Kefka (Final Fantasy VI)
02-Green - Ivan (Golden Sun)
03-Blue - Roy Mustang (FMA)
04-Black - Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
05-White - Snake Suit (Character Recolor)

Meta-Knight *Tabuu Slash Effects*
00-Original - Metavader (Star Wars)
01-Red - Spawn (Spawn)
02-Green - Dr. Doom (Fantastic 4)
03-Blue - TwinBee (Konami Game Twinbee)
04-White - Nightmare (Soul Calibur II)
05-Pink - Galactic Knight (Kirby Super Star: Ultra)

00-Original - Protoman (Megaman 3)
02-Green - 1up Ness (Recolor)
03-Blue - Megaman (Megaman)
04-Bumble-Bee - Bob The Builder (Bob The Builder)
05-Fuel - Playable Trainer (Pokemon Series)
06-Mr.Saturn - Sackboy (Little Big Planet)

Peach *Luma Toad*
00-Original - Maria Renard (Castlevania)
01-Red - Mai (King of Fighters)
02-Green - Queen Merelda (Wario Land: Shake It!)
03-Blue - Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy)
04-White - Biker Rosalina (Wario Kart Wii)
05-Daisy/Yellow - Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)


00-Original - Chesire Cat (American McGee's Alice)
01-Cap - Prisoner (Recolor)
02-Bandana - Brendenchu (Recolor)
03-Googles - Melee Pichu (Character Swap)

00-Original - Orange Bulborb (Recolor)
01-Red - Mario (Character Recolor)
02-Green - Tingle (Legend of Zelda Series)
03-Blue - Waluigi (Characters Color)
04-White - The Fury (MGS3)
05-Dirty Helmet (Yellow and Black) - Wario (Character Reclor)

Pit *Electric Slash Effects*
00-Original - Toshiro Hitsugaya (Bleach)
01-Red - Faceless Demon (BRUTAL)
02-Green - The Green Arrow (Green Arrow)
03-Blue - Zidane (Final Fantasy IX)
04-Gold - Dry Pit (Recolor)
05-Black - The Traveller (Recolor)

Pokemon Trainer

00-Original - Metroid Trainer (Metroid Series)
01-Red - Rocket Trainer (Pokemon R&B)
02-Green - Galactic Trainer (Pokemon D&P)
03-Blue - Aqua Trainer (Pokemon R&S)
04-Light - Legendary Trainer (Featuring Sho)

Ice Climbers *Purple Ice Blocks*
00-Original - Hello Kitty (Recolor)
01-Red - Kenny (South Park)
02-Green - Watermelon & Melon (Recolor)
03-Blue - Ice Mages (Final Fantasy)
04-Dark - Kiba & Akamaru (Naruto)
05-Light - Frozen Ice Climbers (Recolor)

Jigglypuff *Cyan Colored Sing*
00-Normal - Lady Bow (Paper Mario)
01-Flower - Sharingan (Naruto or Somethin)
02-Sleep Hat - Shiny (Pokemon R&B)
03-Japan Hat - Azure Hat (Recolor)
04-Trainer Cap - Rocket Jiggy (Pokemon R&B)

ROB *Violet Lasers*
00-Original - Omega (Sonic Adventure)
02-Green - Xbox 360 (Recolor)
03-Blue - Wii (Recolor)
04-Pink/Purple - Ion (Recolor)
05-Yellow - Wall-E (Wall-E)
06-NES - Falcon ROB (Character Recolor)

Samus *Light Missles and Bombs*
00-Original - PED suit (Metroid Prime 3)
01-Pink - Ironman (Ironman)
02-Green - Master Cheif (Halo)
03-Fusion/Blue - True Fusion Suit (Metroid Fusion)
04-Gravity Suit/Purple - Light Suit (Metroid Prime 2)
05-Dark Suit/Black - Phazon Suit (Metroid Prime)

00-Light Blue - Dominatrix Suit (Recolor)
01-Red - Litchi Faye-Ling (BlazBlue)
02-Green - Cammy (Street Fighter II)
03-Blue - Mistique (X-Men)
04-Purple - Nova (Starcraft: Ghost)
05-Black - Bayonetta (Bayonetta)

00-Original - Angewoman (Digimon)
01-Red - Din (LoZ: Ocarina of Time)
02-Green - Farore (LoZ: Ocarina of Time)
03-Blue - Nayru (LoZ: Ocarina of Time)
04-Black - Midna (LoZ: Twilight Princess)
05-Ocarina of Time colors - Terra (Final Fantasy VI)

00-Original - Fierce Diety (LoZ: Majora's Mask)
01-Red - Spiderman (Spiderman)
02-Green - Green Swimsuit (Recolor)
03-Blue - Cotton Candy (Recolor)
04-Black - Midna (LoZ: Twilight Princess)
05-Ocarina of Time colors - Esper Form (Final Fantasy VI)

00-Original - Ryu (Street Fighter)
01-Red/Black - Mario (Character Recolor)
02-Green - Master Cheif (Halo)
03-Blue - Zero Suit Snake (Character Recolor)
04-"IDK WTF this is" camo - Frank West (Dead Rising)
05-Wild Feline camo - Wario (Character Recolor)

00-Original - Neo Metal Sonic (Sonic Series)
01-Red - Nazo (idfk)
02-Green - Scourge (Sonic Comics)
04-Gold - Sonichu (Sonichu)
05-Black - Shadow (Sonic Adventure)

Toon Link
*Phazon Weapons and Slash*
00-Original - Oracles Link (LoZ: Oracles of Ages & Seasons)
01-Red - Jedi (Star Wars)
03-Blue - Outset Pajama (LoZ: Wind Waker)
04-Purple - Spirit Tracks Outfit (LoZ: Spirit Tracks)
05-NES Link - SSJ Toon Link (DBZ)
06-Dark - Skull Kid (LoZ: Majora's Mask)

00-Original (WarioWare) - Fancy I guess (Recolor)
01-Red (WarioWare) - Smaaaash Red (Smaaaash Comics)
02-Green (WarioWare) - Smaaaash Green (Smaaaash Comics)
03-Blue (WarioWare) - Captain Crunch (Captain Crunch Cereal)
04-Black & Red (WarioWare) - Samurai Goroh (F-Zero)
05-Orange & Blue (WarioWare) - Magma Wario (Recolor)
06-Original (Overall) - Striker Wario (Striker)
07-Red (Overall) - Dr. Eggman (Sonic)
08-Green (Overall) - Minty Green (Recolor)
09-Blue (Overall) - Blue Re-Done (Recolor)
10-WarioLand 2 color (Overall) - Foreman Spike (Wrecking Crew)
11-WarioLand 3 color (Overall) - Flying Wario (Super Mario Galaxy)

00-Original - Pirate Wolf (Recolor)
01-Red - Amateratsu (Okami)
02-Green - TP Wolf (LoZ: Twilight Princess)
03-Blue - Jon Talbain (Darkstalkers)
04-Black - Idk what this was (Recolor)
05-Red & White - Rockwolf (Recolor)

00-Original - Moss Camo (Recolor)
01-Red - Darshi (Recolor)
03-Blue - Bagon (Pokemon R&S)
04-Yellow - Dry bones (Super Mario Bros. 3)
05-Pink - Dino (The Flinstones)
06-Light Blue - White (Recolor)
GFZ doesn't have loops D:

Anyways, I've been trying to get into making Brawl hacks, but I'm still working on it.
Exactly what I said in the Brawlvault entry. :P Well, sorta.
"What? Real slopes in GFZ?"

Also, here's some pictures of some characters that have been vertexed/ported that I listed above.

(Large images)




I just finished playing this one. It's great to have an actual model swap. I think this one comes from the Winter games. It's still clearly unfinished, though. 1/3 of the animations are smooth and look promising (looks ripped), 1/3 of other animations are a complete joke, and the rest are unfinished T-poses. Plus the special moves come from ROB, or are probably custom overpowered moves.

I also played Shadow 2.0 ages ago. His custom special moves were all overpowered as well. His up B was basically just Sonic's spring jump, just using a faster teleport. His down aerial was like a ground pound, inside a big fireball. You were able to jump high and slam down way faster than Sonic can. His side B was similar to Mewtwo's confusion, except Shadow used Zero Suit Samus's paralyzing ability. It's overpowered because you can run at the same speed of Sonic, and paralyze instantly. His down B needed to be charged up 4 or 5 times. Once charged, it's a 4-second Chaos Control.

Well, authors are more interested in fully porting a character into brawl, that they don't care about overpowered-ness. It's ok, since that's what we want anyway. These kind of characters don't seem to be ready for tournaments, but still fun to mess around with for a few minutes.
This looks really interesting. I should mod my Wii, seeing as it won't really get used otherwise. However the character hacks are nice but most of the above posted levels just look ugly, mostly. Like something I'll play with for a few minutes and forget about.
Wow, I have a hacked Wii but I tought Brawl Hacking was just character texture replacements. I'm so getting these! (Time to google to figure how to put 'em in and how they work)
Heh, you should make the next hack Wizard Sonic for GFZ. XD

Anyway, how would I be able to insert these hacks?
Well first, SIlver isn't a model swap, secondly, they aren't much. They're just model swaps that aren't that impressive.
If I could do these Brawl Hacks, I would sooo do a model swap for Waluigi. That way instead of... Umm... I dunno.

I think I've lost interest in trying to work on this for multiple reasons. D: (Outdated pic, buckle is gone)

1. Pink eyelids.
2. Stomach refuses to go away.
3. Need some way to vertex edit the quills on the back of his body, shoes to change what they look like, arm and leg, etc etc.
4. Clothing.
5. Super Sonic cannot be changed right.
6. I do not know how to modify the moves/animation.
7. Custom sword into some animations.
Heh, you should make the next hack Wizard Sonic for GFZ. XD

Anyway, how would I be able to insert these hacks?
For characters, put them in the character's respective folder that the hack replaces, and the costume.
This is pretty useful for naming and stuff:

And yeah, Senku, hacking Sonic to remove stuff is a pain, usually you can't remove his stomach with textures, you're going to have to depend on a lot of painful vertexing.
for an Amy rose one, instead of making her creepy looking by using peach, you could try porting an Amy model over King Dedede, then make his hammer look like her piko piko mallet. its big enough. I'm thinking of doing that. I just need the stuff to make it....
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