virus trouble with myself

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Hello all, big problem for me. I play srb2 when ever I can because of my dial-up connection at home (at relatives, at school, ect.). But I noticed ever since I got the game about a month ago all the computers I've used have been severely slow and seem to have a virus. Ironically enough my computer is unharmed (I think?), but I' not sure if it's SRB2 or something else (I have a handful of ideas what it might be), any advice/similar experiences?

EDIT: Forgot to mention I use a flash drive for going places with SRB2
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I've already been corrected about this by Rob, the moderator, and that he said something along the lines of this
Rob said:
It's impossible to put viruses in WAD files or get them through online play
So it shouldn't/can't be SRB2. It could possibly be from another program or your computers have bad gaming performance.
Source of info:
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"I got the game about a month ago all the computers I've used have been severely slow and seem to have a virus. Ironically enough my computer is unharmed (I think?)"

Maybe it is your flash drive.
As dark metal said it could be your flash drive, yesterday when i plugged a flash drive into my netbook it went really slow, are the PC's you used elsewhere laptops/netbooks? If so that could be the problem.
As dark metal said it could be your flash drive, yesterday when i plugged a flash drive into my netbook it went really slow, are the PC's you used elsewhere laptops/netbooks? If so that could be the problem.

Laptops can still have good performance, I have one and it runs flawlessly. When I put srb2 at a CD it was really slow booting up, so I moved it to the pc itself and it run much better. Perhaps you could temporarily move srb2 to the computers to play it, and then put it back on your flash drive when you're finished.
Also, I don't mean to be an ass but if someone says "thank you" isn't the issue supposed to be solved already?
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