SRB2 Unleashed (Final version download)

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Where can I get SRB2CB?

Type it into a search engine. I found it that way.

So... I tried this game on my Mystic Realm file, and I have to concure with nearly everyone here that this mod is lackiluster. Going through the town stages was more of a chore than anything, and while I did appreciate your spritework, I think a better option would be to make sprites of specific characters, and have slightly less populated towns. Maybe you could even have them post a message in the HUD as you pass by. I don't know. But I hated having to find that Chip monitor, and if you take damage and lose Chip (it's possible), the player if forced to start over again. I won't mind hanging around the town stages for a little while, maybe getting a couple of out-of-the-way 1ups in the process, but I want to be able to get into the action stages as soon as I desire.

The action stages are a bit of a mess, too... Aside from Apatos, your stages were either bland or had awful textures (Spagonia was pretty much like one nightmare acid trip). Your twisting, winding level design makes it hard to determine where the player is supposed to go (I lost more lives thanks to this than anything else, and the plethora of visual glitches only made things worse). The levels hardly differ from day to night. It honestly seems as if you copy-pasted most of your areas. Not only is that lazy, but it doesn't reflect the spirit of Unleashed. For instance, the day stage of the real Dragon Road (heh) takes place mostly a big oriental city and along the Great Wall, while Dragon Road's night stage took the player through the countryside and up a massive waterfall. SRB2 1.09.4 is totally capable of duplicating each stage's distinctive locales. Also, there were no gimmicks aside from springs and stupid gargoyle hunting puzzles. Each level pretty much progress like so: Jump on spring, attack enemies on platform, look to see where you're supposed to go, find spring, ect, ect. The boss stages you can take or leave.

As I said before, your spritework was admirable (in fact, why don't you quit this level pack-making business and start making sprites for other projects?), but your custom Egg Fighter and Nightmare enemies were infuriating without the homing attack, due to their small hit-box. As with your SRB2Battle mod, I think you've bitten off more than you can chew, and your lack of effort/talent/passion in many areas only exuberates this level pack's mediocrity.

The Good -
Appealing spritework

The Bad -
Annoying level progression
Confusing level design
Uninspired level design
Lack of gimmicks
Bad textures
Confusing hitboxes
Glitches galore
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At least this isn't a straight port like your SA2B mod...

Each level didn't contain any gimmiks and challenge at all, But did have nice scenery, visuals, few aesthetics, and creativity like the windmills, buildings in the background, and a chip moniter thing. I'll give you that. All this mod was were FOFs and sectors. What are ivisible walls doing in there? I noticed that each day and night level are reversed knowing that you was lazy on your mapping. Collecting an emerald in each town were totally pointless, when knowing there's only 6 towns and at the end you collect them all. Btw speaking the end, the sensibiilty was eh. "final boss, collect the emeralds eggman left here for some reason and find 50 rings in corners, and then knowing that eggman is flying above safe land and then kill him without even having to get the emerlads." Your sprites were too flat. Like those monster and robot enemies. There movement was eee. Though the people sprites looked okay they need to be a little more round.

I really don't know what else to say about this mod. Overall this was boring, a little pretty, but meh.

Actually, the 7th emerald is found in the Eggmanland stage itself.
Urgh. Chisuun's looked much better than this. Speaking of which, is he still working on that at all?

Remember a long time ago he quit it? Due to Omega doing this mod and getting lots more popularity. Omega finished it and Chisuun wasn't half way done. He then felt like having no inspiration to finish the mod.

Then he got back up and started a completely new mod. It was just based on the SRB2U levels. He was progressing slowly and then we haven't heard from him about the project in months.

I'm going to safely assume that he doesn't feel like modding.
He didn't quit the mod. I remember he just doesn't have the motivation to mod SRB2Unleashed at the a month ago? Maybe? He asked me if I could help him with the mod if he helped me. Due to social life he barely comes on, but still comes on now and then...but it's been a while, I'm not sure if he changed his mind about the mod.
As an SRB2 mod, it was a little fun. People here have already given their thoughts on how the mod is, except for one thing. The boost is kinda pointless here. Sonic Unleashed was a game where it balanced the speed and platforming, but this mod is mostly platforming with short and tiny sections where you can boost for a second or two. You might as well stick with platforming only then.

The levels were also short, as you're able to finish most of them in about a minute and thirty seconds. And that's only because you had to stop to jump on platforms on one small enclosed area. The visuals are fine, it's great to see a good city level with some variety. It just needs to be expanded.

The final boss level wasn't such a good idea. With epic music in the background, your job is to find rings on a small maze, and not realize that the last two rings that make it 50 are outside. But before fixing this, you need to add a custom exit on Adabat that will take you to Eggmanland. Move the last Emeralds somewhere besides Eggmanland, and when you collected them all, the custom exit can then be triggered at the end. Once all of that happens, then you can remove the silly little maze on the Final Boss map.
How am I supposed to play this if I can't find a download link for the 1.09.4 installer...

And I guess the fact that I lost SRB2U in a hard drive wipe doesn't help its progress.
Well, now that I've gotten 1.09.4, I can try this out.

Currently I've gotten to Rooptop Run Act 1. I'll try going further as soon as I can get some air in a can to clean out my laptop's fans so that it doesn't freaking overheat within 10 minutes of starting up SRB2.
He didn't quit the mod. I remember he just doesn't have the motivation to mod SRB2Unleashed at the a month ago? Maybe? He asked me if I could help him with the mod if he helped me. Due to social life he barely comes on, but still comes on now and then...but it's been a while, I'm not sure if he changed his mind about the mod.

The other one Thompson.
Chisuun, you might have to use CB to play this. He said there is boost... IDK
Since I don't want to make a giant, lengthy review, I'll try to keep it short.

The mod, as a game, was terrible. There were no fun gimmicks in the levels, the levels entirely consisted of run, boost, homing attack and springs. Rinse and repeat. It felt like I played the same level a bunch of times.

Aesthetically, the game isn't terrible. The custom textures are rather awful, as are the sprites, but the sector aesthetics are actually quite decent, and even though it took some above-the-SRB2-norm processing to make everything run at a decent framerate, levels like Rooptop Run were somewhat impressive.

Unfortunately, I'd overall have to give this a 2/10. This is not fun to play, and if it's not fun to play in my book, it deserves a low score. Since you probably won't update this, judging from your track record, I won't bother suggesting how to fix it.

Honestly, seeing how low effort this mod is makes me want to work on my SRB2U all over again.
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