Post your Weirdest SRB2 Netgame Logs here!

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Well, this had to be done.
Here's mine. ( A little NSFW, and spoiled for length )
GetArgcArgv() ...
lpCmdLine is '"C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\srb2win.exe" '
Myargc: 1
myargv[0] : 'C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\srb2win.exe'
I_StartupSystem() ...
D_SRB2Main() ...
SRB2 v2.0.6
Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon.
system memory 3834MB free 2329MB
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
Added file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\srb2.srb (5421 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\zones.dta (907 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\sonic.plr (185 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\tails.plr (175 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\knux.plr (171 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\rings.wpn (212 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\drill.dta (182 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\soar.dta (92 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\music.dta (166 lumps)
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
mode 640 x 480 x 8 bpp
mode 640 x 480 x 16 bpp
mode 640 x 480 x 32 bpp
mode 720 x 480 x 8 bpp
mode 720 x 480 x 16 bpp
mode 720 x 480 x 32 bpp
mode 800 x 480 x 8 bpp
mode 800 x 480 x 16 bpp
mode 800 x 480 x 32 bpp
mode 800 x 600 x 8 bpp
mode 800 x 600 x 16 bpp
mode 800 x 600 x 32 bpp
mode 1024 x 600 x 8 bpp
mode 1024 x 600 x 16 bpp
mode 1024 x 600 x 32 bpp
mode 1024 x 768 x 8 bpp
mode 1024 x 768 x 16 bpp
mode 1024 x 768 x 32 bpp
mode 1280 x 600 x 8 bpp
mode 1280 x 600 x 16 bpp
mode 1280 x 600 x 32 bpp
mode 1280 x 720 x 8 bpp
mode 1280 x 720 x 16 bpp
mode 1280 x 720 x 32 bpp
mode 1280 x 768 x 8 bpp
mode 1280 x 768 x 16 bpp
mode 1280 x 768 x 32 bpp
mode 1366 x 768 x 8 bpp
mode 1366 x 768 x 16 bpp
mode 1366 x 768 x 32 bpp
Mode changed to 0 (320x200W)
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5

executing config.cfg
Player 1 renamed to Lil' Wolf
Default resolution: 640 x 480 (8 bits)
M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init: Init SRB2 refresh daemon -
220 sprites added from file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\srb2.srb
221 sprites added from file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\sonic.plr
227 sprites added from file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\rings.wpn
228 sprites added from file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\drill.dta
229 sprites added from file C:\Users\Amy\Desktop\(Eddie)\SRB2 (Eddie)\soar.dta
added skin 'tails'
added skin 'knuckles'

Number of Extra Colormaps: 9
S_Init: Setting up sound.
I_StartupSound: Compacting onboard sound-memory... done
sound initialised.
MIDI product name: Microsoft MIDI Mapper
MIDI technology: Microsoft MIDI Mapper
MIDI caps:
-Direct support for midiStreamOut()
-Volume control
ST_Init: Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.
WinSock description: WinSock 2.0
WinSock System Status: Running
Entering main app loop...
Mode changed to 1 (640x480)
WARNING: Resolution is not aspect-correct!
Use a multiple of 320x200
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Press ESC to abort
Contacting the server...
Connecting to: Spectrum's Longmatch Day 1
Gametype: Match
Version: 2.00.6
Checking files...
Sending join request...
Join accepted, waiting for next level change...
Chat is no longer muted.
Time limit disabled
Point limit disabled
.\$$$.sav 1K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 6K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 12K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 18K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 23K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 29K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 34K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 40K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 46K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 51K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 57K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 62K/4194303K 1.2K/s
.\$$$.sav 68K/4194303K 1.2K/s
Downloading .\$$$.sav...(done)
Loading savegame length 72603
Chat is no longer muted.
Time limit disabled
Point limit disabled
Map is now "MAP90: JADE VALLEY ZONE"
Player 6 has joined the game (node 5)
Player 1 renamed to Spectrum (Other PC)
*~Spectrum (Other PC)* Welcome to day 1 of my longmatch server. No WADs will be added and the map will not be changed.
Player 3 renamed to Rocky
Player 5 renamed to Daniel Of Mayfair
Player 4 renamed to Static(Machine)
Player 2 renamed to Gemini Spark
Player 1 renamed to Lil' Wolf
<Rocky> hi
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Hey Rocky
<Rocky> yo
<Lil' Wolf> Hey Gemini Spark
<Gemini Spark> hi
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
Player 7 has joined the game (node 6)
Player 7 renamed to *Jade*
<Lil' Wolf> How's it going, rocky and spark?
<*Jade*> Hey?
<Rocky> honestly?
Gemini Spark got nuked by Static(Machine)!
<Rocky> hi jade
Daniel Of Mayfair left the game
<Lil' Wolf> Also, Rocky, are you going to help with Ors Kand?
<*Jade*> Um, Hey Rockey, you remember me?
<Lil' Wolf> *Land
<Lil' Wolf> Hey Jade
<Rocky> yes jade
<*Jade*> Uh, Wolf you remember me too? Or was that just a hi?
<Rocky> wolf i could but i have very limited time
<Lil' Wolf> Just a hi
<*Jade*> Oh.
Gemini Spark was hit by Static(Machine)'s automatic ring.
Lil' Wolf switched to the red team
Lil' Wolf was killed by Rocky.
<Rocky> xrap
Lil' Wolf was hit by Rocky.
Lil' Wolf was hit by Rocky.
<*Jade*> Soo, eh.
<Lil' Wolf> Hey!
<Rocky> lol XDF
<*Jade*> I ran into a person I never though I'd ever see again in my life.
<Gemini Spark> it's okay
<Rocky> who? if i can ask?
Player 5 has joined the game (node 4)
Player 5 renamed to MrNintendoMan
<*Jade*> Geronimo Stilton.
<Lil' Wolf> You nailed me
<Gemini Spark> he's playing super so is probably a terrible person :P
<Rocky> rly?
<*Jade*> Yeah
<Rocky> im not spark XD
MrNintendoMan switched to the red team
<Rocky> i was alone so i turned super awhile ago
<Gemini Spark> hey, i only said 'probably'
<Rocky> XD
<Gemini Spark> :P
<Rocky> jade is he really that famous?
Lil' Wolf was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<*Jade*> No xD
Player 8 has joined the game (node 7)
Player 8 renamed to Scaryre24
<Lil' Wolf> YOW!
<*Jade*> Dude everyone hates him
Scaryre24 switched to the blue team
<*Jade*> He also goes by Red Ryder.
<Lil' Wolf> Who, to be exact?
<Rocky> i saw a video of hater in youtube
<*Jade*> Geronimo Stilton
<Lil' Wolf> Oh
Gemini Spark was hit by Static(Machine)'s ring.
<*Jade*> He said:
Static(Machine) was hit by Gemini Spark's explosion ring.
Lil' Wolf was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
Lil' Wolf became a spectator.
<Lil' Wolf> I'm better off spectating.
<*Jade*> I Don't want anything to do with my past life or remember it including you! This ends NOW.
<*Jade*> I was loling so hard..
<Rocky> OMG XD
Scaryre24 was hit by MrNintendoMan's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> That isn't like the Geronimo I know!
<Rocky> maybe
<*Jade*> As I remember him he was a petty ass.....
<Lil' Wolf> Quick, get him to write a newspaper
<Rocky> he tried to change?
Scaryre24 was hit by MrNintendoMan's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Maybe.
<*Jade*> Who, Geronimo?
<Rocky> yes
Scaryre24 was hit by MrNintendoMan's explosion ring.
<*Jade*> Yeah he plays TF2 now.
>chasecam on
<Rocky> i dont know XD
Scaryre24 was hit by Gemini Spark's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> I bet he's trolled for being called that.
<*Jade*> This is like the most amusing match ever
<Rocky> ikr
<Lil' Wolf> I play Minecraft
MrNintendoMan was hit by Rocky's rail ring.
Rocky is no longer super.
<*Jade*> Me Tu.
Static(Machine) left the game
<Lil' Wolf> I'm called BenjaminStilton
<Rocky> thank god i was tired
MrNintendoMan was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<*Jade*> lol
Viewpoint: Scaryre24
Viewpoint: Gemini Spark
Viewpoint: Rocky
Viewpoint: MrNintendoMan
Viewpoint: Lil' Wolf
Viewpoint: Scaryre24
MrNintendoMan was killed by Rocky's explosion ring.
<*Jade*> It's been so long since I've played
<*Jade*> SRb2
<Gemini Spark> me too
<*Jade*> I couldn't hit a ring box, litteraly
<Rocky> and still no 2.1 can you believe it?
<*Jade*> ikr
<Lil' Wolf> Are you kidding me?
<Gemini Spark> ikr?
Rocky was hit by MrNintendoMan's ring.
<*Jade*> If it's not a huge update
<Lil' Wolf> I played since late 1.09.4
<*Jade*> I'll be so mad.
<*Jade*> I played since SRB1 :3.
<Rocky> it sucks to wait this long
<Rocky> me too jade
<Lil' Wolf> I'll rage
<*Jade*> lol what if it ends up to be just like a bug fix
Scaryre24 was hit by Gemini Spark's explosion ring.
<Rocky> ill summon dark gaia to throw srb2 to the outer space
Rocky was hit by Gemini Spark's explosion ring.
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's reflected explosion ring.
<*Jade*> lol
Scaryre24 was hit by MrNintendoMan's ring.
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Hey, they're putting efort into 2.1
<*Jade*> can STJR Count to three?
<Rocky> XD
<*Jade*> Do we know that yet?
<Rocky> netcode IS NOT FIXED i think that sucks
<*Jade*> lawl.
<*Jade*> D'you know what I missed from 1094?
Scaryre24 was hit by Gemini Spark's rail ring.
<Lil' Wolf> What if they remove lag on the servers
<*Jade*> Clag?!
<Rocky> the old servers
<*Jade*> That'd be amazing
<Rocky> XD
<*Jade*> but I miss mixing weapons
Player 4 has joined the game (node 3)
Player 4 renamed to Daniel Of Mayfair
<Rocky> me too
<*Jade*> Like, auto + rail + bomb + bounce
Player 9 has joined the game (node 8)
<Rocky> but we cant have it all
Player 9 renamed to *Shade*the*icehog*
<MrNintendoMan> Automatic + Infinity
<*Jade*> Complelte carnage.
<Rocky> epic
<MrNintendoMan> + rail
<Lil' Wolf> Then everything goes so smooth like Butterflies gliding on a tail-wind
*Shade*the*icehog* left the game
<*Jade*> Yup
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Oh hi
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Rocky> hi XD
<*Jade*> Hey buddy.
<Daniel Of Mayfair> ...
<Lil' Wolf> What if we had Homing Rails
<Gemini Spark> hi!
<Gemini Spark> op
<*Jade*> That'd be badass.
<Rocky> thats long gone
<Lil' Wolf> Yeah
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> We used to have homing rails
<*Jade*> I loved the homing rings
Rocky was hit by MrNintendoMan's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> in V1.09.4
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<*Jade*> Like, the standard ones too
<*Jade*> They worked in close combat.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I think I read that bomb rings were better than homing rings
<Rocky> hmmm
<*Jade*> I'd rather have homing rings that bomb rings
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and that bomb-rails were better than homing-rails
MrNintendoMan was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
Daniel Of Mayfair left the game
<*Jade*> No
<*Jade*> Let me give you a formula
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<*Jade*> For OP Carnage
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> something to do with homing rings having a low homing range
Player 4 has joined the game (node 3)
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Player 4 renamed to William0918
<*Jade*> Rail+Auto+Infitiy+bomb+bounce+rail
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> If they bring back homing rings, then they need to have a larger homing range
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
William0918 left the game
<*Jade*> And a bit faster speed.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and maybe they should be slower
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Idk
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> or faster
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<*Jade*> No
>tunes 0
<*Jade*> Slower firing speed
<Rocky> yeah
<*Jade*> Less ammo on drops
<*Jade*> Much faster in air speed
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and a larger homing range
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> xD
<Gemini Spark> homing rings either sucked
<*Jade*> Yeah
<*Jade*> Homing rings were great with rails
<Gemini Spark> or they were the most annoying things in existence
Scaryre24 was hit by Gemini Spark's ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I think bounce rings are supposed to replace homing rings
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<*Jade*> Bounce rings suck
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Nah
<Rocky> ikr
<*Jade*> When have you seen ANYONE use them as main?
Rocky was hit by MrNintendoMan's explosion ring.
<*Jade*> Everyone uses scatter rail or bomb
Player 4 has joined the game (node 3)
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Well, not often
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> but they're good for small areas
Player 4 renamed to Nu`Est
<Nu`Est> Hey y`all
<Rocky> hi
Nu`Est switched to the red team
<*Jade*> That's a kind of 'omg I'm out of all ammo ill spam these in a small space' thing
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> if you suck at aiming
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Gemini Spark was hit by Scaryre24's bounce ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Still
<*Jade*> Imagine Sentrys in SRB2.
Nu`Est was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Heh
MrNintendoMan was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<*Jade*> That shoot rail auto's
<*Jade*> And bombs
<*Jade*> ylike TF2.
<*Jade*> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> rail auto?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Why rail?
<*Jade*> Mhm
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<*Jade*> Fastah speed.
<Lil' Wolf> I use bounce rings to get a freebie kill
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Why not auto and bomb?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<*Jade*> Yeah wolf me too
<*Jade*> Cuz bomb would be the slow reload thing
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Ah
Player 9 has joined the game (node 8)
<*Jade*> Like, two miniguns that shoot rail auto's and shoots bombs but much slower
Player 9 renamed to Static(Machine)
<Rocky> XD
Static(Machine) switched to the blue team
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> sounds OP
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<*Jade*> Yeah
Player 10 has joined the game (node 9)
Player 10 renamed to *Shade*the*icehog*
<*Jade*> But imagine that replpacing super
<*Jade*> and it takes up rings
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Even if it takes time to start firing
<Lil' Wolf> What if we combined Homing Rings + Infinity Rings + Rail Rings + Auto RIngs
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> ow
<*Jade*> Jeez wolf
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
MrNintendoMan became a spectator.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Why not just combine everything?
<*Jade*> Are you trying to blow up Jupiter?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<*Jade*> Yeah
<MrNintendoMan> What about 1.09.4's levels
<*Jade*> That'd be insane
Nu`Est was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<*Jade*> Those were GREAT levels
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Maybe SRB2 should have a laser weapon
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
*Shade*the*icehog* left the game
<*Jade*> I personally hate these compared to the old ones.
<Lil' Wolf> No, i don't wanna blow up Jupiter
>tunes 2
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<*Jade*> Uranus? xD
<Rocky> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> You want to blow up the sun
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Nu`Est was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<MrNintendoMan> No, uranus!
Rocky was hit by Nu`Est's ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> My anus?
<*Jade*> No, Uranium!
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> *shot*
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Lil' Wolf> Then that'd hurt
<*Jade*> Actually My ranium..
<*Jade*> Not yours.
<*Jade*> My ranium, uranus.
<Rocky> wtf
<Nu`Est> That match sucks
<Rocky> XD
Nu`Est left the game
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> So
<*Jade*> xD
Gemini Spark was hit by Static(Machine)'s rail ring.
<*Jade*> Awkward silence.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Yep
<Rocky> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Those happen
<*Jade*> XD
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<*Jade*> :P
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
<Lil' Wolf> I remember a soc that changed the weapon rings
<Lil' Wolf> Like Scatter would make a barrier
Scaryre24 was hit by Gemini Spark's ring.
*Jade* renamed to Free Pointz!(Jade)
Free Pointz!(Jade) switched to the blue team
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Free points
Scaryre24 was hit by Gemini Spark's grenade ring.
Free Pointz!(Jade) switched to the red team
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> xD
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> And I'm going to play like the biggest noob
<Rocky> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> spectum., how jump
<Rocky> well i suck
<Rocky> so yeah
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> how jump
Free Pointz!(Jade) was hit by Static(Machine)'s rail ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lolspectum
Scaryre24 was hit by Gemini Spark's automatic ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Jump with jump button
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> OW WHAT HIT ME?!
MrNintendoMan switched to the blue team
Scaryre24 was killed by Gemini Spark's automatic ring.
<Static(Machine)> XP
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> i cant jimp!
<Rocky> XD
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> halp!!!
<Lil' Wolf> What if we had a weapon ring that made you invisible
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> What button did you set to jump?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Free Pointz!(Jade) was killed by Static(Machine)'s rail ring.
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> i donknow!!!!
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> /?
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> OW U NOOB!!!
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> try .
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> /
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> try /
<Rocky> hehe
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> U SUCH NUB!!!
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> OMG WHAT SCRUB
Free Pointz!(Jade) was killed by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Try ALT + F4
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> U NOOB!!!!!!
<Rocky> LOOOL XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> ohhh, okay.
Free Pointz!(Jade) left the game
<MrNintendoMan> I was the best player in SRB2 a long time ago
<MrNintendoMan> Now I just suck
<Static(Machine)> Jesus.... ._.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> She was just pretending to be stupid
Player 4 has joined the game (node 3)
Player 4 renamed to Free Pointz!(Jade)
<Rocky> nintendo man its fine XD you dont suck trust me
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Wb
<Gemini Spark> wait, so did you go by sb?
<Gemini Spark> lol
<Lil' Wolf> Bad lick brian, anyone?
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> ALT f4 NO MAKE JUMP LIAR!!!!!!
Free Pointz!(Jade) switched to the red team
<Lil' Wolf> *luck
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> AH D:
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Free Pointz!(Jade) became a spectator.
<Free Pointz!(Jade)> I MAD
Free Pointz!(Jade) left the game
Spectrum (Other PC) switched to the red team
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<MrNintendoMan> I am better in Match
Spectrum (Other PC) became a spectator.
<MrNintendoMan> but not in CTF
Player 4 has joined the game (node 3)
<Lil' Wolf> I MAD!
Player 4 renamed to Jade
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Wb
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> That was fun.
Jade switched to the red team
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Indeed
Gemini Spark was hit by Static(Machine)'s rail ring.
<Rocky> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and funny
<Lil' Wolf> You fell for it!
<Jade> I know, right?!
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> She didn't fall for it
<MrNintendoMan> SANIIIC
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> She knew what it would do
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Player 7 has joined the game (node 6)
Player 7 renamed to *SF*DEUS#Rus
<Rocky> hi
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Hi
<Lil' Wolf> I remembered that i trolled someone with ALT + F4
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> Yo guys )
<Lil' Wolf> Hi deus
<Rocky> hi deus
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> Hai Wolf
<Jade> So how's everyone doing?
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> hai Rocky )
<Lil' Wolf> Good
<MrNintendoMan> Nice
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> how do jump?
Spectrum (Other PC) switched to the red team
Jade was hit by MrNintendoMan's ring.
<Rocky> sorta nice
*SF*DEUS#Rus switched to the red team
Jade renamed to OMGCOD360NUSCOPE
<Lil' Wolf> how do i dsl
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> how jump?
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's ring.
Spectrum (Other PC) renamed to Idiot
Idiot was killed by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> ...Oh god....
<~Idiot> hey who kill me
Gemini Spark was hit by Static(Machine)'s rail ring.
OMGCOD360NUSCOPE was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<~Idiot> ERR
Lil' Wolf switched to the blue team
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Scaryre24's explosion ring.
Idiot renamed to Spectrum
Spectrum renamed to Spectrum (Other PC)
Spectrum (Other PC) was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
Spectrum (Other PC) became a spectator.
Scaryre24 was hit by Gemini Spark's ring.
OMGCOD360NUSCOPE was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
MrNintendoMan renamed to Tails
Tails renamed to MrNintendoMan
Lil' Wolf was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
>chasecam off
OMGCOD360NUSCOPE became a spectator.
OMGCOD360NUSCOPE renamed to Jade
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lolCod
<Jade> K I'm officially done.
Gemini Spark was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Static(Machine)> Yay, mo rails.
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> :(
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Why is CoD so pooular?
<Jade> Cuz 'Murica
<Gemini Spark> well, gtg
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> THey like that war son
<Lil' Wolf> IDK, but it sucks
<Rocky> XD joking
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Well, I kinda tried CoD4
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
Gemini Spark left the game
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> It was ok
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> or err
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> good
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Idk
<Jade> They make money off of slapping a different title on the same game over and over again
<MrNintendoMan> Yay
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> xD
<Rocky> ...
<Lil' Wolf> HOYAY
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> err
<Static(Machine)> Can we doweas hide and seek nao?
<MrNintendoMan> no
<Jade> Oh boy I can't wait for one more new SMG in COD5UGETNOSCOPE PLATINUM EDITION.
Lil' Wolf was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> xD
<Jade> Who remembers 25 ring boxes?
<Rocky> keep calm and kill someone
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
<Jade> Should I noscope them with my Awp?
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I remember 25 ring boxes I think
<Jade> Who remembers..
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Were they in V1.09.4?
<Jade> yDun dun dunnn
<Jade> Yes
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> or V1.09.2?
<Jade> 50 ring boxes!
Lil' Wolf was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
<Jade> 1094
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I don't
Lil' Wolf became a spectator.
<Jade> those were great.
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Lil' Wolf> Have you heard Navy Seal Copypasta - The Musical
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Nope
<Jade> No
<Jade> .avi
<Lil' Wolf> It's mad funny
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> So, hmm
<Static(Machine)> I supplies people with rings. :3
Viewpoint: *SF*DEUS#Rus
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Is there any way of finding me on Steam easily?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
>chasecam on
<MrNintendoMan> umm
<MrNintendoMan> no
<Jade> No there's not
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Darn
<Static(Machine)> Spectrum has steam? :3
<Jade> You litterally have to search
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Yep
<Jade> Sextrum
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I'm Spectrum703
<Jade> To get any results whatsoever
<Lil' Wolf> I have a steam
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lolsextrum
<Jade> Remember that fangirl
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Who?
<Jade> Sextrum's something?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I don't remember
<Lil' Wolf> ALYSSA?
<Jade> Her name was like 'sextrums lover'
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Err
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> wut
<Lil' Wolf> sextrums
<Jade> lol it was creepy
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> LOL
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> yeah
<Lil' Wolf> Oh lordy
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I guess it was
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
<Jade> Because I had the thoughg she was a 50 year old truck driver in 'Murica
<MrNintendoMan> Fail
<Lil' Wolf> SEXtrum
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I don't remember who that was
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
<Jade> It was creepy man..
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
<Jade> You were all she/he(or both) talked about.
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I wish I had a fangirl now
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> After what happened with Alyssa
<Jade> I do too..
MrNintendoMan was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
<MrNintendoMan> wat
<Jade> What? Why'd you say that? Crazy person.
<Static(Machine)> :3
<Lil' Wolf> I'm just a 11-year old in Muriaca'
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Idk
<Lil' Wolf> Gorilla warfare is bananas.
<Lil' Wolf> Seriously.
<Jade> lol
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Meh, everywhere on Earth sucks
<Jade> Hillbillehs
<Rocky> XD
Player 2 has joined the game (node 1)
Player 2 renamed to Selena The Vixen
<Lil' Wolf> I hate Austrailia
<Jade> Open up a colt 45 have your wife get you a pot pie
<Selena The Vixen> Hi!!!
<Jade> And watch the game.
Selena The Vixen switched to the red team
<Selena The Vixen> wolf!
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> So, hm
<Lil' Wolf> Full of Psychos, and large-ass spiders
<Lil' Wolf> Hey Selena
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I forget which way around the types of pies are
<Jade> Juicy.
<Jade> What?
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Are American pies the ones made from fruit?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I think so
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> Yeah
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Ah
<Lil' Wolf> I made Apple pie once.
<Jade> American pies are actually surprisingly good..
<Jade> wolf is a smart man
<Lil' Wolf> I didn't eat it.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Maybe I should try them
<Jade> He made APPLE, not cherry.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Idk
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I like the pies that I have
<Jade> I've only ever had cherry and apple.
<Lil' Wolf> With some help from the teachers, and lunch ladies
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> the vegan alternative
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> lol
Rocky is now super.
<MrNintendoMan> welp
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> So, vegetables
<Jade> Lunch ladies can be nice
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
*SF*DEUS#Rus got nuked by Scaryre24!
<Lil' Wolf> The Lunch Ladies cooked the pie
<Selena The Vixen> guess what!
<Jade> When was this wolf?
Selena The Vixen was hit by Scaryre24's bounce ring.
<Selena The Vixen> I am now in a relationship!
<Lil' Wolf> November, i think
Player 10 has joined the game (node 9)
Player 10 renamed to Matt
Scaryre24 was hit by Selena The Vixen's grenade ring.
<Jade> Awh selena
<Jade> Adorable.
Matt switched to the red team
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's automatic ring.
Player 11 has joined the game (node 10)
Matt left the game
Player 11 renamed to Daniel Of Mayfair
Scaryre24 was killed by Selena The Vixen's ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Did it start before Valentine's Day?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> X
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Lil' Wolf> I'm in 5th grade ( held back a year ) and i'm in BOCES2
Daniel Of Mayfair switched to the blue team
<Selena The Vixen> yes.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Ah good
<Jade> I got a love letter and a box of chocolates from another gurl..
<Rocky> XD
Selena The Vixen was hit by Scaryre24's ring.
<Selena The Vixen> a popular girl.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> oh
Selena The Vixen was killed by MrNintendoMan's rail ring.
<Rocky> for me NOTHING!!! XD
<MrNintendoMan> BAM
<MrNintendoMan> HEADSHOT
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
<Selena The Vixen> And and unpopular boy....
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
<Jade> Someone send rockey a lovel etter! Quick!
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
<Rocky> yeah plz
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
<Selena The Vixen> come together and make love.
<Lil' Wolf> I got some Winterfresh Gum, and some other things
<Rocky> ...
<Jade> What if rockey just get's a ministripper in the mail..
<Lil' Wolf> For V-Day
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lolcome
<Jade> With a letter in her purse?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> *shot*
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I'm immature
Daniel Of Mayfair was killed by Selena The Vixen's ring.
<Jade> Ikr
<Rocky> XD
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky.
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's automatic ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Wait
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> You said 'come together and make love'?
<Lil' Wolf> What if i suddenly get a membership to hooters for V-Day
<Jade> EWWW
<Rocky> yes
<Selena The Vixen> yes.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> That...
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> come
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and making love
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Did you intend to mean sex?
<Jade> LAWL!!! HAHAHA!!
<Selena The Vixen> An unpopular boy.
<Rocky> pervert mind hehehe MY MIND
Selena The Vixen was hit by MrNintendoMan's rail ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I'm such a pervert
<MrNintendoMan> BOOM
<Selena The Vixen> is now poulart.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and I'm immature
<Rocky> ik me too
Selena The Vixen was hit by Static(Machine)'s rail ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
<Lil' Wolf> Valentines day is a waste, and it's just a useless day to throw sex toys at people. >:\
<Jade> Wolf
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> sex toys?
<Selena The Vixen> it's not.
<Jade> You don't throw them
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> wut
<Lil' Wolf> Okay
<Jade> They go in, and out
<Jade> In and out
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by Selena The Vixen's ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Don't you buy stuff like chocolates?
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's scatter ring.
<Jade> Out and in.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Selena The Vixen was hit by Scaryre24's rail ring.
Daniel Of Mayfair was killed by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
<Lil' Wolf> I get a bunch of candy, though
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> tIdk
Lil' Wolf switched to the red team
<Jade> In and up.
<Lil' Wolf> DELICIOUS.
Lil' Wolf became a spectator.
* Daniel Of Mayfair sighs
<Rocky> an ^oral^ work at school thats what my tacher said
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Hmm
<Jade> Should make love to a snickers
Selena The Vixen was hit by Scaryre24's automatic ring.
<Selena The Vixen> I got lingerie for valentines day!
Selena The Vixen was killed by Scaryre24's automatic ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Are sex toys better than fingers? XD
Player 10 has joined the game (node 9)
<Static(Machine)> Supply rocky with rings. ._.
Player 10 renamed to sonic el mas velos
<Lil' Wolf> Did you know, that spectators can get crushed
<MrNintendoMan> Pls do
<Jade> Yeah
<Daniel Of Mayfair> ?
<Rocky> girsl prefer with toys
MrNintendoMan was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by MrNintendoMan's reflected automatic ring.
<MrNintendoMan> Nope
<Jade> toys are great
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
sonic el mas velos left the game
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky's automatic ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I wonder
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Meh
<Jade> Even the vibrator
Selena The Vixen was hit by Scaryre24's ring.
Scaryre24 was hit by Selena The Vixen's reflected ring.
Player 10 has joined the game (node 9)
Player 10 renamed to ronnye
<Selena The Vixen> i wish I had one.
<Jade> what?
ronnye switched to the red team
<Jade> a vibrator?
<Selena The Vixen> ES VIBRATORRR
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I'm not familiar with how females masturbate exactly, because my main thought is about the fingernails being sharp or something
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Rocky> wtf
<Selena The Vixen> yes.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> ouch
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> err
Player 12 has joined the game (node 11)
Player 12 renamed to Emerl
MrNintendoMan was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
<Jade> spectrum..
Player 13 has joined the game (node 12)
<Lil' Wolf> Do women get Boners, or something similar to that?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> err
Player 13 renamed to *Shade*the*icehog*
<Rocky> finger is not what girsl love but they do it
Selena The Vixen was hit by Static(Machine)'s rail ring.
Daniel Of Mayfair got nuked by Selena The Vixen!
Emerl switched to the red team
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Scaryre24's scatter ring.
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
<Jade> You're a sick man
>chasecam off
Selena The Vixen was hit by Static(Machine)'s rail ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Yes I am
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<*Shade*the*icehog*> y not stay in meadow
<Selena The Vixen> Something like that.
<Jade> I think about how men do sometimes though
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Lil' Wolf> Boners are mad annoying.
Emerl was killed by Static(Machine)'s rail ring.
<Rocky> XD
<Jade> um..
Jade switched to the red team
*Shade*the*icehog* left the game
<Lil' Wolf> Especially in school
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Well, girls don't have...
<Selena The Vixen> tell that to sonic.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> a penis
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> So err
<Jade> II wouldn't know..
MrNintendoMan was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
Scaryre24 was hit by Emerl's scatter ring.
Emerl was burnt by Scaryre24's fire trail.
ronnye was hit by Rocky's scatter ring.
<MrNintendoMan> You are one giant son of a bitch
<Selena The Vixen> He had a boner at a pta meeting.
<Jade> lolgiant
Player 13 has joined the game (node 12)
Player 13 renamed to Jett123
<Jade> Uhh
Selena The Vixen was hit by MrNintendoMan's ring.
<Jett123> .-.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I've heard something about nipples getting hard, but that sometimes happens to me so err
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> Rocky have medic?
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> :D
Jett123 left the game
<Rocky> medic?
<Jade> Ehhh
<Rocky> XD
Selena The Vixen was hit by Scaryre24's automatic ring.
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> xD
<Selena The Vixen> I has no insurance.
<Lil' Wolf> Cats are cuter than dogs.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I've heard that it's caused by the cold for men...
<Jade> Spectrum we dont wanna know bout ur nipples..
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Buuut
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Ok ok
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
Emerl was burnt by Scaryre24's fire trail.
<Lil' Wolf> That's just IMO
<Selena The Vixen> i have a dog.
Jade was killed by Scaryre24's explosion ring.
Viewpoint: *SF*DEUS#Rus
<Selena The Vixen> Do you know Lucky?
Selena The Vixen was hit by MrNintendoMan's ring.
Jade became a spectator.
<Rocky> cold is not a friend of the penis
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Well, I'm talking about nipples in general
Static(Machine) was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Static(Machine)'s explosion ring.
<Jade> Spectrum
Viewpoint: *SF*DEUS#Rus
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Scaryre24 was hit by Selena The Vixen's ring.
Selena The Vixen was hit by MrNintendoMan's ring.
<Jade> We all know you think yours are small
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> wut
<Jade> But that's okay.
<Rocky> mine?
ronnye was hit by Scaryre24's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> That isn't what I'm saying
ronnye was killed by Scaryre24's automatic ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I'm saying that I think men lie
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> We all know..
<Rocky> trust me......i wish mine wasnt that,..........welll.....big sized
<Lil' Wolf> I wanna take a vacation on a terraformed mars
MrNintendoMan was hit by Selena The Vixen's grenade ring.
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
MrNintendoMan was hit by Emerl's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Heh
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Jade> Are you jealous of rockey's?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Selena The Vixen was hit by MrNintendoMan's ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> wut
<Lil' Wolf> Call me a nerd.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> So, why are we talking about nipple size?
<Lil' Wolf> Internet, man.
<Rocky> akward moment
<Jade> you brought it up
Selena The Vixen was hit by Scaryre24's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Oh yeah, because I was talking about why nipples get hard
<Selena The Vixen> Sonic: let's talk about boobies!
<Jade> OMG
<Rocky> and then it ended in penises
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and so nipple size is kinda similar
<Lil' Wolf> BOOBS
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Selena The Vixen was hit by Scaryre24's automatic ring.
<Jade> I though you said wet
<Selena The Vixen> ....
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
Selena The Vixen was hit by Scaryre24's scatter ring.
<Jade> Um
<Lil' Wolf> Sonadow is gross.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lolSonadow
<Jade> 'Murica: Penis! Nipples!
<Static(Machine)> FUCK.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> It isn't as gross as SonTails
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Rocky> geez
<Lil' Wolf> Seriously, it is
ronnye was hit by Static(Machine)'s ring.
Scaryre24 was hit by Emerl's explosion ring.
ronnye was hit by Static(Machine)'s explosion ring.
Scaryre24 was hit by Emerl's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Sonails is gross, too
<Rocky> that just made me gag XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
ronnye was killed by Static(Machine)'s explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> I prefer Sonamy
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> or SonBlaze
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> ?
<Lil' Wolf> I like the straight pairings
Static(Machine) was hit by Emerl's explosion ring.
Scaryre24 was hit by Emerl's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<MrNintendoMan> Fun fact: Tails an 8 year old
<Rocky> sonblaze is amazing sometimes
<Jade> Sonic and blaze would work
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Tails and Cream?
<Jade> Blaze is sonic's size
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Tails and Marine?
<Rocky> sonic is a pedofile sometimes
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> So it makes the.. You know..
<Jade> Easy.
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> How is Sonic a pedofile?
<Jade> How now?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Oh yeah, Amy's 12
<Jade> Not*
Scaryre24 was hit by Selena The Vixen's ring.
<Lil' Wolf> I Like - Sonamy, Tailseam and knuxouge
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Except wait
<Rocky> he kinda *rapes* wisps XD
<Selena The Vixen> sonic is married.
<Rocky> see what i mean?
<Selena The Vixen> To Amy.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> wut
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> wisps are
Player 13 has joined the game (node 12)
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> How old?
Player 13 renamed to Chuckie
<Jade> Well Rouge is a slut
<Selena The Vixen> He has children.
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's rail ring.
<Static(Machine)> YUS!
MrNintendoMan was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's rail ring.
Static(Machine) was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's rail ring.
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Scaryre24's ring.
Chuckie switched to the red team
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Heh
<Rocky> rouge is a bitch but damn those...
ronnye was hit by Static(Machine)'s explosion ring.
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's rail ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Wouldn't it be funny if Rouge was a desperate virgin?
<MrNintendoMan> rouge is a hooker
ronnye was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
>chasecam on
<Jade> SEE?
<Jade> Sh'es a slut
Scaryre24 was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's rail ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Nah
<Selena The Vixen> you wanna know what Yacker did after his planet was saveed?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> What?
Scaryre24 left the game
Static(Machine) left the game
Chuckie left the game (Connection timeout)
<Rocky> ?
<Jade> ''Let me just LEAN over and pick up my ring''
<MrNintendoMan> I think I know already
<ronnye> lag
ronnye was killed by Rocky's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> tentacles
<Selena The Vixen> He became a pimp.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> ew..
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Jade> Spectrum if you had to pick..
<Lil' Wolf> I used to be a pimp
<Jade> I'm loling irl
<Selena The Vixen> Yacker is now a pimp.
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky.
<Lil' Wolf> Until i took a barrel to the knee.
<Jade> Would you rather have A tentical or penize?
<MrNintendoMan> Every time this guy is super (If on your team):
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Hmm
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Well Idk
<Lil' Wolf> A Tentacle, growing out of my back
<Jade> Eh
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Can the tentacle wrap around my... *murdered*
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
MrNintendoMan was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's automatic ring.
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by ronnye's rail ring.
*SF*DEUS#Rus got nuked by Rocky!
ronnye got nuked by Rocky!
<Jade> ually yes.
<Rocky> XDD
Rocky is no longer super.
<Jade> Actually*
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Well, Idk
<MrNintendoMan> Every time a guy is super (on opposite team):
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Meh
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Why not both?
ronnye was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> *shot*
<Lil' Wolf> So i can do Pull-ups with my tentacle
<Jade> xD
<MrNintendoMan> Also
ronnye was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
Player 8 has joined the game (node 7)
Selena The Vixen was hit by Daniel Of Mayfair's automatic ring.
Player 8 renamed to Static(Machine)
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Hi
<Selena The Vixen> Pull up with a tenticale?
<MrNintendoMan> Anyone that has *SF* on their name is a dick
Static(Machine) switched to the blue team
<MrNintendoMan> inb4renames
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> They are?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Why?
Jade renamed to *SF*Jade*
<*SF*Jade*> Muahahaha!
<Lil' Wolf> Yeah, why
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by Emerl's bounce ring.
Static(Machine) has been kicked (Consistency failure)
Player 8 has been kicked (Consistency failure)
Player 8 has been kicked (Consistency failure)
<*SF*Jade*> I can't be a dick either!
<MrNintendoMan> Recently renamed do not count btw
<*SF*Jade*> I haven't got one!
*SF*Jade* renamed to Jade
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
MrNintendoMan renamed to Tails
Tails renamed to MrNintendoMan
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> The question is
<Jade> Rouge: Let me just BEND of and pick up my ring
<Rocky> ....
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Can you be a dick without having SF in your name?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> Yes
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
<Rocky> sonic and rouge
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> lol
<Jade> But if you have a Tentacle (Spectrurm) no.
<MrNintendoMan> Unless you use automatics
<Jade> Wait
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I don't have tentacles
Player 8 has joined the game (node 7)
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lolSonRouge
<Jade> Spectrum has a tentacle and a penis
Player 8 renamed to KirbyisReal
<Jade> SO,
<Jade> What would he be?
MrNintendoMan was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<*SF*DEUS#Rus> xD
<KirbyisReal> Hello.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> So...
<MrNintendoMan> See
<MrNintendoMan> That's what I mean
KirbyisReal switched to the blue team
<MrNintendoMan> That guy is just like
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by Selena The Vixen's rail ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> You know how in one episode of Sonic X, Rouge kissed Tails on the cheek?
<KirbyisReal> ...
<Jade> That Bitch!
MrNintendoMan was hit by Selena The Vixen's rail ring.
<MrNintendoMan> Out of nowhere
<KirbyisReal> Lol XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> to surprise him
<Rocky> tails was soooo....
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and throw him
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> to win the battle
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> Ohh, ''Surprise'' him..
<KirbyisReal> Spectrum,teh heck chu doing?
<Lil' Wolf> I watch Sonic X
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Yep
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Surprise
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Lil' Wolf> I don't mind the Censors
<Jade> What will she do next?
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
MrNintendoMan was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<Selena The Vixen> SKDOOSH.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> In Sonic Battle, she also kissed Tails
<Jade> ''accidently'' drop her pants in front of knuckles?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Where she kissed him isn't specified
<KirbyisReal> O_o
>chasecam off
<Jade> ''Oh dear! My belt broke!''
KirbyisReal was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Tailsouge
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> She does it if Tails loses the battle
ronnye was hit by Rocky's ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I think
<Selena The Vixen> Kame.....
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> or was it if Tails wins?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I forget
<MrNintendoMan> Try again
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Selena The Vixen> HAME.....
<Lil' Wolf> IT'S LEGIT
<Selena The Vixen> HA!!!!!!
<Jade> LEGIT!!!
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Heh
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Yeah, if Tails loses the battle then Rouge kisses him in Sonic Battle
Rocky was hit by Selena The Vixen's explosion ring.
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Jade> People say if you don't end up fucking someone
<Daniel Of Mayfair> nintendo turn around
<Jade> You are a slut.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> It isn't specified where she kisses him
MrNintendoMan was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
Viewpoint: *SF*DEUS#Rus
Viewpoint: KirbyisReal
Viewpoint: ronnye
Viewpoint: Daniel Of Mayfair
<Jade> Woah.. spectrum..
MrNintendoMan was killed by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<MrNintendoMan> I knew it, anyway
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> aanyway
<Jade> I know where.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I think that was the origin of the ship
<KirbyisReal> I am error.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Tails and Rouge
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
MrNintendoMan was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<KirbyisReal> Hi,
KirbyisReal was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<Jade> She kissed him on the *shot*
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Even though Rouge is 17 or 18
<KirbyisReal> ...
ronnye was hit by Rocky's scatter ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and Tails is 8
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
<KirbyisReal> Do something!
<MrNintendoMan> TAILS IS A LIE
<MrNintendoMan> I think knux is 16
<KirbyisReal> *slaps mrnitendo*
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> He is
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's scatter ring.
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Rouge is 16
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> No
<Selena The Vixen> Knux is a nigger.
<Jade> And then she sucked the *shot*
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I meant to type Knuckles is 16
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Oops
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Isn't Sonic 15-16?
<Jade> Fucklez..
<MrNintendoMan> how old is sanic
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Rouge is 17 or 18
<Jade> Sonic is 17 now
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Sonic is 15
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Sonic used to be 16
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Selena The Vixen was hit by KirbyisReal's ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Sonic's 20
<MrNintendoMan> ehwtf
<Jade> ..XD
<MrNintendoMan> yep
<MrNintendoMan> sonic is 20
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> What makes people think Sonic's 20?
MrNintendoMan was hit by Selena The Vixen's ring.
KirbyisReal was hit by Selena The Vixen's ring.
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky's scatter ring.
<MrNintendoMan> Man
MrNintendoMan was killed by Selena The Vixen's ring.
<MrNintendoMan> This gsuy
<Lil' Wolf> Sonic Generaations is awesom
<Lil' Wolf> e
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> In video games, characters don't age
MrNintendoMan became a spectator.
>tunes 19
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Sonic has been 15 for years
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Jade> Sonic colours sucked ass..
<KirbyisReal> Yea...
<Lil' Wolf> I beat Sonic Colors on the DS
<KirbyisReal> Lol
<Selena The Vixen> Sonic CD......
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Meh
<Lil' Wolf> That final boss was hard, and pissed me off
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I don't like Unleashed
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I prefer Colours
<Jade> Sonic 1 Beta..
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's scatter ring.
<Jade> Spectrurm!
<MrNintendoMan> Best sonic game ever gogogogogogo
<KirbyisReal> Is awesome
<Jade> You bitch!
<Selena The Vixen> Sonic CD is Gay.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
Player 9 has joined the game (node 8)
Emerl was hit by Rocky's scatter ring.
Rocky was hit by Emerl's reflected scatter ring.
<KirbyisReal> I love sonic 1 beta SD
<KirbyisReal> XD*
Player 9 renamed to julian
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Sonic 3& Knuckles
Daniel Of Mayfair became a spectator.
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky's scatter ring.
<MrNintendoMan> I played the Sonic 2 Nick Arcade proto
<Jade> People saya colours was an improvment on unleashed
<Selena The Vixen> Sonic 3D blast was even worse.
Emerl was hit by Rocky's scatter ring.
<KirbyisReal> ?
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's scatter ring.
<julian> help
<KirbyisReal> I know that
KirbyisReal was hit by ronnye's rail ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Sonic Colors DS
<Jade> It was a complete downgrade
<KirbyisReal> IT's buggy
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Well, part of it
Daniel Of Mayfair switched to the red team
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Err
KirbyisReal was hit by ronnye's rail ring.
Rocky was hit by Emerl's explosion ring.
<Lil' Wolf> How was it?
<MrNintendoMan> So
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<MrNintendoMan> 1.09.6 anyone
<Jade> Sonic 2 Nick arcade OH MY GOD
>>julian<< (team) tuyuwqgtqtwrrrresdcxcxcxczzxzx
<Selena The Vixen> brb.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Are you the kind of Sonic fan who just likes to have Sonic run fast?
<KirbyisReal> It's so buggy
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
julian left the game
<Jade> Someone plays Amnesia!!!
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Actually...
<KirbyisReal> And the zones have poor collsion detection
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Hmm
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Jade> Daniel of mayfair!!
Daniel Of Mayfair switched to the blue team
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
MrNintendoMan left the game
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> While I prefer Sonic Colours to Unleashed, I'd say that they both are just ok
ronnye was hit by KirbyisReal's ring.
KirbyisReal was hit by ronnye's rail ring.
<Daniel Of Mayfair> ?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Generations on the other hand
<Lil' Wolf> It's a prototype, what would you expect?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Sonic Generations is awesome
ronnye was hit by KirbyisReal's ring.
<Lil' Wolf> Yeah
<Jade> Ew colours
<Jade> Sonic's new voice is so gay..
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
<KirbyisReal> Yea.
<Rocky> XD
<Daniel Of Mayfair> ...
KirbyisReal was hit by ronnye's rail ring.
<Selena The Vixen> He sound like Seth Green.
<Jade> XD
<Jade> His new voice doesn't fit him
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> I like his new voice
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Why doesn't it?
<Lil' Wolf> Sonic 4 - Episode 1 sucked
<Jade> Sonic is like, a badass blue hedgehog
<Selena The Vixen> and even he can do his voice better.
<KirbyisReal> Episode 2 is better
<Jade> Not the teenager at burgerking
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Sonic is a teenager
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by KirbyisReal's ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
Player 5 has joined the game (node 4)
Player 5 renamed to Elliott
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by KirbyisReal's ring.
Elliott switched to the blue team
<Selena The Vixen> I wish Tails was voiced by Nathan Kress....
<Jade> But he doesn't work at burgerking, now doeos he?
<Jade> Why..
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<Selena The Vixen> That would be awsome....
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> true
Elliott became a spectator.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Heh
<Jade> I always hated tails
<KirbyisReal> Not me
Elliott switched to the blue team
<KirbyisReal> What was that for?!
KirbyisReal was hit by ronnye's ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> What kind of education does Sonic have?
Elliott became a spectator.
<Selena The Vixen> Spectrum you agree with me?
<Jade> Meeehhh
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Err
<KirbyisReal> I'm in your team
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Idk
<Jade> I can count!
<Jade> 3
<Jade> 4
<Jade> 6
<Jade> 2
Selena The Vixen got nuked by KirbyisReal!
Emerl got nuked by KirbyisReal!
<Jade> !
KirbyisReal was hit by Emerl's automatic ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<KirbyisReal> :3
Selena The Vixen was hit by KirbyisReal's ring.
Selena The Vixen was killed by KirbyisReal's ring.
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's rail ring.
<Selena The Vixen> Sonic graduated from Andrew Jackson high school.
Jade renamed to STAR_
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's rail ring.
<STAR_> Really?
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by KirbyisReal's ring.
<Selena The Vixen> yeah.
STAR_ renamed to Jade
Viewpoint: *SF*DEUS#Rus
<KirbyisReal> :D
<Jade> That's my bro's new name in SRB2.
<KirbyisReal> I got emeralds
<Rocky> HURRY
<Jade> STAR_.
<KirbyisReal> Haha!
<KirbyisReal> I got free stuff. :D
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<Selena The Vixen> He went to Kirby Smith for middle school, Andrew Jackson for high school.
<Jade> Kirby is adorable..
<Lil' Wolf> Yeah
Elliott switched to the blue team
<Selena The Vixen> kirby is rich.
Elliott became a spectator.
<KirbyisReal> Hi.
<Lil' Wolf> but his games are NOT
<Jade> Kirby is sexy
<Jade> What?
<KirbyisReal> ...
<Jade> Why'sd you say that. Crazy person'
<Selena The Vixen> he has lots a money.
<Elliott> hirby is kinda you know stupied
<Elliott> kirby
<Jade> Who's hirby?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lolKirby
<KirbyisReal> What?
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<Jade> Does he grow illegal drugs?!
Elliott left the game
<Selena The Vixen> Kirby.
<KirbyisReal> :3
<Jade> Does he get high with the lunchladies on break?!
<Selena The Vixen> is,
<KirbyisReal> What?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Kirby eats stuff
*SF*DEUS#Rus was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and transforms into the stuff he eats
<Lil' Wolf> Do you know what sonic game sucks more than Sonic 06'?
ronnye was hit by Rocky's explosion ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> No wait
<KirbyisReal> D:
* Lil' Wolf shudders
<Jade> OH MY GOD!!!
Rocky was hit by ronnye's ring.
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> He just steals their powers
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Player 5 has joined the game (node 4)
<Daniel Of Mayfair> -_-
<KirbyisReal> It sucks
<Selena The Vixen> A boss of a global buissnesss.
Player 5 renamed to baconman
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
baconman switched to the blue team
KirbyisReal was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<Jade> This is like DBZ
<Daniel Of Mayfair> what is happening..
ronnye was hit by Rocky's ring.
baconman was killed by Emerl's explosion ring.
<Jade> Let's scream in battle!
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Kirby is a pink alien
<Selena The Vixen> Kirby is rich.
Rocky was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<Jade> I CAN SCREAM LOUDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> who eats his enemies
<Selena The Vixen> lot's of maoney,
<KirbyisReal> *eats Selena*
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> and then uses their powers
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
<KirbyisReal> NOM'
<Jade> Noo selena!
<Jade> You were my ride home..
<Lil' Wolf> What if i posted this log on the SRB2mb?
<baconman> and he's still hungry
<KirbyisReal> :3
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> lol
Selena The Vixen was hit by Rocky's ring.
* Selena The Vixen Uses 'booby buster Cannons'
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Idk
<Jade> Roflmfao
* Selena The Vixen breaks free
<Jade> Booby buster..
<KirbyisReal> *Selena explodes*
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Why would you post this on the SRB2MB?
KirbyisReal was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's bounce ring.
*SF*DEUS#Rus got nuked by KirbyisReal!
<Lil' Wolf> IDK
<Jade> Guys I have an idea
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> ?
baconman was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
* Selena The Vixen regenerates
<Lil' Wolf> Just for random people to look at
<KirbyisReal> :3
Player 9 has joined the game (node 8)
<Jade> Spectrum, make me admin real quick?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> oh
Player 9 renamed to Usuario
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> Why?
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> XD
Usuario switched to the red team
<Jade> I need to do something with CASY
<@Jade> CSAY*
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> ok
Daniel Of Mayfair was hit by *SF*DEUS#Rus's explosion ring.
<KirbyisReal> WHAT?!?!
<Lil' Wolf> I gotta leave.
<Lil' Wolf> See ya
<~Spectrum (Other PC)> k
I_ShutdownTcpDriver: shut down
I_Quit(): end of logstream.
Iceman pretty much has it.

The SRB2 logs are long and nobody wants to read the entirety of them.

If something funny happened that you can condense in a 10-line excerpt, feel free to use the IRC Quotes topic. It's more appropriate.

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