Your Setup

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Doing this from memory...

Forward = Up Arrow/W
Backpedal = Down Arrow/S
Turn Left = Left Arrow/Q
Turn Right = Right Arrow/E
Strafe Left = A
Strafe Right = D
Throw Ring = Left Click
Toss Flag = Right Click
Spindash = Right Ctrl
Jump = Spacebar
Switch Weapon = Mouse Wheel
Have my full config:
cpuaffinity "1"
surround "Off"
precachesound "Off"
stereoreverse "Off"
gr_fogcolor "AAAAAA"
gr_fog "Off"
gr_fovchange "Off"
gr_gammared "127"
gr_gammagreen "127"
gr_gammablue "127"
gr_translucenthud "255"
limitdraw "Off"
precipdensity "Heavy"
offsetshadows "Off"
shadow "Off"
precipdist "1024"
homremoval "Off"
translucency "On"
scr_height "600"
scr_width "1280"
scr_depth "32 bits"
fullscreen "Yes"
cd_update "1"
cd_volume "31"
snd_channels "32"
midimusicvolume "31"
digmusicvolume "31"
soundvolume "31"
useranalog2 "Off"
useranalog "Off"
use_joystick2 "0"
use_joystick "0"
use_mouse "On"
controlperkey "One"
mlooksens "31"
mousesens "35"
mouse2port "COM2"
joyaxis2_firenormal "None"
joyaxis2_fire "None"
joyaxis2_look "None"
joyaxis2_move "Y-Axis"
joyaxis2_turn "X-Axis"
joyaxis2_side "Z-Axis"
joyaxis_firenormal "None"
joyaxis_fire "None"
joyaxis_look "None"
joyaxis_move "Y-Axis"
joyaxis_turn "X-Axis"
joyaxis_side "Z-Axis"
mlooksens2 "10"
mousesens2 "10"
mousemove2 "On"
alwaysmlook2 "Off"
invertmouse2 "Off"
use_mouse2 "Off"
crosshair2 "Cross"
mousemove "On"
alwaysmlook "On"
invertmouse "Off"
crosshair "Cross"
gamma "0"
name2 "Tails"
resetmusic "No"
seenames "Ally/Foe"
name "Knux576"
splats "Off"
apng_disable "Off"
apng_z_window_bits "Default"
apng_z_strategy "RLE"
apng_z_memory_level "Level 7"
apng_z_compression_level "Default"
png_z_window_bits "Default"
png_z_strategy "Default"
png_z_memory_level "Level 7"
png_z_compression_level "Default"
screenshot_folder ""
screenshot_option "Default"
maxping "0"
cpusleep "-1"
skipmapcheck "Off"
nettimeout "525"
maxsend "51200"
maxplayers "8"
servername ""
masterserver ""
con_backcolor "Green"
con_backpic "translucent"
con_height "50"
con_speed "8"
con_hudlines "5"
con_hudtime "5"
stretch "On"
vid_wait "Off"
setcontrol "forward" "UP ARROW" "w"
setcontrol "backward" "DOWN ARROW" "s"
setcontrol "strafe" "RALT"
setcontrol "straferight" "d"
setcontrol "strafeleft" "a"
setcontrol "turnleft" "LEFT ARROW"
setcontrol "turnright" "RIGHT ARROW"
setcontrol "weaponnext" "KEY0" "Wheel 1 UP"
setcontrol "weaponprev" "KEY0" "Wheel 1 Down"
setcontrol "normalring" "1"
setcontrol "autoring" "2"
setcontrol "bouncering" "3"
setcontrol "scatterring" "4"
setcontrol "grenadering" "5"
setcontrol "explosionring" "6"
setcontrol "railring" "7"
setcontrol "fire" "MOUSE2" "c"
setcontrol "firenormal" "KEY0"
setcontrol "tossflag" "'" "e"
setcontrol "use" "MOUSE3" "x"
setcontrol "taunt" "v"
setcontrol "camleft" "["
setcontrol "camright" "]"
setcontrol "camreset" "KEY0"
setcontrol "lookup" "PGUP"
setcontrol "lookdown" "PGDN"
setcontrol "centerview" "END" "q"
setcontrol "mouseaiming" "KEY0"
setcontrol "talkkey" "y"
setcontrol "teamtalkkey" "u"
setcontrol "scores" "TAB"
setcontrol "jump" "MOUSE1" "z"
setcontrol "console" "KEY96"
setcontrol "pause" "KEY255"
setcontrol2 "forward" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "backward" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "strafe" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "straferight" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "strafeleft" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "turnleft" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "turnright" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "weaponnext" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "weaponprev" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "normalring" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "autoring" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "bouncering" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "scatterring" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "grenadering" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "explosionring" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "railring" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "fire" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "firenormal" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "tossflag" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "use" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "taunt" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "camleft" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "camright" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "camreset" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "lookup" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "lookdown" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "centerview" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "mouseaiming" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "talkkey" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "teamtalkkey" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "scores" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "jump" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "console" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "pause" "KEY0"
Well, mine would be...

Up Arrow/W: Move forward
Down Arrow/S: Backpedal
Left Arrow/A: Turn Left
Right Arrow/D: Turn Right
C: Strafe On
X/Mouse2: Jump
Z: Spindash
Mouse1: Shoot Ring
Q: Switch weapon left
E: Switch weapon right
O: ''Autoaim off''
P: ''Skin Knuckles; color lavender''
What I have is:

WASD = forwards, backwards, and strafing
Arrow Keys = forwards, backwards, left, right
Space = Jump
Mouse 1/ LCtrl = Ring Toss
Mouse 2/RShift = Spindash
Mousewheel = Weapon Switch
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Keyboard everything.

Z = Jump
X = Spin
C = Ring Toss
A = Strafe Left
D = Strafe Right
Arrow Keys = Left turn, Right Turn, Forward acceleration, Backward acceleration
Enter = Pause

Not going into detail on anything else because it's not really important to me.
My setup would be impossible to explain but short story is I use my Hacked DS3 controller that my mom bought online. (A PS3 Controller that was hacked into to make it wired)
What an interesting thread. I'll share my current set up, but I do change it a lot from time to time. It depends all on which computer I am using.

WASD = Forward, down, strafe left/right.
Q = Previous Weapon
E = Next Weapon
R = Chasecam 0
C = Chasecam 1
F = Throw Flag
2,3,4 = Skin "Sonic"/"Tails"/"Knuckles"
Left Shift = Spin
Mouse (right click) = Jump
Mouse 1 (left click) = Ring shot
Mouse wheel down = Grenade
Mouse wheel up = Bomb
G = Rail
Z = Bounce
X = Scatter
TAB = Scores
T = Talk
Spacebar = Center Camera.. Or something like that.

I believe that's my current set up for SRB2. Again, it varies from time to time.
W = Forward
A = Strafe Left
S= Backwards
D = Strafe Right
Spacebar = Jump
Ctrl = Spindash
Q = Autoaim
E = Wallhack
Mouse1 = Shoot
MouseWheel = Swap weapons
W - Forward
A - Strafe Left
S - Backpedal
D - Strafe Right
Mouselook on
Mouse1 (LMB) - Jump
Mouse2 (RMB) - Shoot
Mouse3 (mousewheel click) - Spindash
Mousewheel / 1 to 7 - Change weapons
Spacebar - Talk
Oh god, I remember having that controller. Played the hell out of PSOBB with that. Was good. Made my 70 level climb satisfying and easy.

As for me.
WSAD - Walking, strafing
Mouse1 - Jump
Mouse2 - Spin
Mouse3 - Normal Ring Toss
Mouse4 - Ring Toss
Q E - Ring Scroll

Basically your average setup, though the ring stuff is nigh useless since I never play those modes.
Same configuration I've had since I started playing.

MOUSE1 = jump
MOUSE2 = shoot
SPACE = spin
W A S D = move
Mouse = camera
C = reset camera position
E = alt. fire
MWHEEL = cycle through weapons
left and right = turn left and right (for when I'm playing on a laptop)

But what's really special is my autoexec commands:

V = toggle chasecam
B = toggle analog
F = toggle mouselook
L = set intermission time to 10 seconds instead of 15
H = cycle between characters in multiplayer mode

END = end level?
(anyone who has played in a netgame opped by me would probably remember that I used to accidentally hit it, so I added a confirmation, though I should probably swap the yes and no buttons)
END = yes
PGUP = no

1 = screenshot
2 = clear console

0 = reset camera settings
9 = alternate "SA-SRB2" camera
8 = lock camera position and turn analog movement on (for screenshots)
7 = toggle HUD

- = reload autoexec.cfg

I also had a bunch of OpenGL setting toggles for filters, fog and models, but they stopped working in 2.0.x with the changes to the toggle command to make it only affect boolean values. I had to change my character cycle button to a custom script to suit it too.

I can post the entire autoexec.cfg if anyone's curious, but I'll have to add some comments to it (if SRB2 allows that)
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I can post the entire autoexec.cfg if anyone's curious, but I'll have to add some comments to it (if SRB2 allows that)
I'm curious, and I'm sure some other people are. I don't think SRB2 allows comments in scripts, but you can post it with the comments and we can remove it if we want to use it.
I don't think SRB2 allows comments in scripts
SRB2 allows comments, but not in-line ones.

For example, this is valid:

command argument argument
This is not:
command argument argument //comment
As to the topic:
My setup is kind of motorcycle-based. Left-hand for commands, right-hand for speed/break.

"forward" mouse middle-button
"strafe" mouse right-button
"weaponnext" "s"
"weaponprev" "a"
"fire" "SPACE", mouse left-button
"firenormal" "x"
"tossflag" "LSHIFT"
"spin" "z"
"taunt" "KEY128" (that key between shift and z)
"camreset" "d"
"lookup" "PGUP"
"centerview" "END"
"mouseaiming" "LCTRL"
"scores" "TAB"
"jump" "c"
"console" "~"
chasecam "v" (scripted)
default cam values "k" (scripted)
I use minecraft keys.

WASD: forward, back, strafe
shift: spin
space: jump
mouse wheel and numbers to select weapon
t: talk
q:toss flag
mouse1: fire
mouse to turn around (arrow keys on coop, race and time-attack)
I'm curious, and I'm sure some other people are. I don't think SRB2 allows comments in scripts, but you can post it with the comments and we can remove it if we want to use it.

A'ight, here it is. I went and cleaned it up a bit, added comments and changed a couple of bindings.

bind - "exec autoexec.cfg -silent; echo Autoexec reloaded"

// default multiplayer settings
name "I'll Begin"
color red
servername "I'll Begin's Public Netgame"

// character toggle script
// 2.x breaks toggling non-boolean values so it must be done this way
alias skin_sonic "skin sonic; bind h skin_tails; echo Character changed to Sonic The Hedgehog"
alias skin_tails "skin tails; bind h skin_knuckles; echo Character changed to Miles 'Tails' Prower"
alias skin_knuckles "skin knuckles; bind h skin_sonic; echo Character changed to Knuckles The Echidna"
bind h skin_tails

alias aaa "say Add SMS; say Add SMS; say Add SMS; say Add SMS; say Add SMS; say Add SMS; say Add SMS; say Add SMS; say Add SMS; say Add SMS"

// self-explanitory
bind 1 "screenshot"
screenshot_folder "D:\Program Files\Sonic Team Jr\SRB2 2.0\screenshots"
screenshot_option 3

bind 2 "cls"

// camera setting toggles
bind v "toggle chasecam"
bind b "toggle analog"
bind f "toggle alwaysmlook"

// exitlevel script with confirmation
alias exitlevel_confirm "echo Exit level? Press PAGE UP to confirm, press END to cancel; bind PgUp exitlevel_yes; bind end exitlevel_no"
alias exitlevel_yes "exitlevel; exitlevel_reset"
alias exitlevel_no "echo Level exit cancelled; exitlevel_reset"
alias exitlevel_reset "bind PgUp exitlevel_confirm; bind end nothing"
bind end "exitlevel_confirm"
alias exitlevel_off "bind PgUp nothing; bind end nothing"

// pause bindings
bind scrolllock "pause"
bind joy10 "pause"
alias joypause_on "bind joy10 pause; bind pgdn joypause_off; echo Pause with gamepad Start button - on"
alias joypause_off "bind joy10 nothing; bind pgdn joypause_on; echo Pause with gamepad Start button - off"
bind pgdn joypause_off

// Toggles inttime between 0 and 10, contrary to the default 15
alias inttime_0 "inttime 0; bind l inttime_10; echo inttime 0"
alias inttime_10 "inttime 10; bind l inttime_0; echo inttime 10"
bind l inttime_0

// OpenGL settings
// These don't work anymore but I can't bring myself to remove them
gr_filtermode "Nearest"
bind 3 "toggle gr_filtermode"
bind 4 "toggle gr_fog"
alias minifog "gr_fogdensity 800"
bind m "toggle gr_md2"

// camera scripts
alias cam_reset "viewsize 11; chasecam on; analog off; crosshair cross; cam_rotate 0; cam_dist 128; cam_height 20; cam_speed 0.25; cam_rotspeed 10; cam_still off; echo camera reset"
bind 0 "cam_reset"

alias cam_SA "viewsize 11; chasecam on; analog off; crosshair cross; cam_rotate 0; cam_dist 192; cam_height 64; cam_speed 0.25; cam_rotspeed 10; cam_still off; echo SA Mode camera (w/o Analog) activated"
bind 9 "cam_SA"

alias cam_paused "chasecam on; cam_speed 0; cam_still on; analog on; echo camera movement paused"
bind 8 cam_paused

bind 7 "toggle showhud"

Will , Here are my configs
W: Move Forward
S : Move Backward
A : Strafe Left
D : Strafe Right

Left Mouse Button :Fire
Right Mouse Button :Jump

G : Flag Toss

Q: Previous Weapon
E: Next Weapon

Left Arrow : Camera Rotate Left
Right Arrow : Camera Rotate Right

LSHIFT :Spindash

Match/Ctf/Basically anything shooter:
WASD: movement *strafe n such.*
spacebar: jump
v= spindash
b= toss flag
Right (left, I'm stupid*) click = shoot
Weapon cycle = default (1,2,3,4,5,6.)
O=Autoaim off.
,=toggle chasecam
Shift = regular red (blue) ring.

Coop/Race/Anything that isn't shooter.
Arrowkeys+WASD: movement
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// SRB2 configuration file.
cpuaffinity "1"
surround "Off"
precachesound "Off"
stereoreverse "Off"
gr_fogcolor "AAAAAA"
gr_fog "On"
gr_fovchange "Off"
gr_gammared "127"
gr_gammagreen "127"
gr_gammablue "127"
gr_translucenthud "255"
limitdraw "Off"
precipdensity "Heavy"
offsetshadows "Off"
shadow "On"
precipdist "1024"
homremoval "Off"
translucency "On"
scr_height "200"
scr_width "320"
scr_depth "16 bits"
fullscreen "No"
cd_update "1"
cd_volume "31"
snd_channels "32"
midimusicvolume "31"
digmusicvolume "31"
soundvolume "21"
useranalog2 "Off"
useranalog "On"
use_joystick2 "0"
use_joystick "0"
use_mouse "On"
controlperkey "One"
mlooksens "15"
mousesens "18"
mouse2port "COM2"
joyaxis2_firenormal "None"
joyaxis2_fire "None"
joyaxis2_look "None"
joyaxis2_move "Y-Axis"
joyaxis2_turn "X-Axis"
joyaxis2_side "Z-Axis"
joyaxis_firenormal "None"
joyaxis_fire "None"
joyaxis_look "None"
joyaxis_move "Y-Axis"
joyaxis_turn "X-Axis"
joyaxis_side "Z-Axis"
mlooksens2 "10"
mousesens2 "10"
mousemove2 "On"
alwaysmlook2 "Off"
invertmouse2 "Off"
use_mouse2 "Off"
crosshair2 "Cross"
mousemove "On"
alwaysmlook "On"
invertmouse "Off"
crosshair "Cross"
gamma "4"
name2 "Tails"
resetmusic "No"
seenames "Ally/Foe"
name "Banco"
splats "On"
apng_disable "Off"
apng_z_window_bits "Default"
apng_z_strategy "RLE"
apng_z_memory_level "Level 7"
apng_z_compression_level "Default"
png_z_window_bits "Default"
png_z_strategy "Default"
png_z_memory_level "Level 7"
png_z_compression_level "Default"
screenshot_folder ""
screenshot_option "Default"
maxping "800"
cpusleep "-1"
skipmapcheck "Off"
nettimeout "525"
maxsend "51200"
maxplayers "8"
servername "Sonikku"
masterserver ""
con_backcolor "Blue"
con_backpic "translucent"
con_height "100"
con_speed "20"
con_hudlines "4"
con_hudtime "20"
stretch "On"
vid_wait "On"
setcontrol "forward" "UP ARROW" "MOUSE1"
setcontrol "backward" "DOWN ARROW" "RSHIFT"
setcontrol "strafe" "KEY0"
setcontrol "straferight" "."
setcontrol "strafeleft" ","
setcontrol "turnleft" "LEFT ARROW"
setcontrol "turnright" "RIGHT ARROW"
setcontrol "weaponnext" "Wheel 1 UP" "'"
setcontrol "weaponprev" "Wheel 1 Down" ";"
setcontrol "normalring" "1"
setcontrol "autoring" "2"
setcontrol "bouncering" "3"
setcontrol "scatterring" "4"
setcontrol "grenadering" "5"
setcontrol "explosionring" "6"
setcontrol "railring" "7"
setcontrol "fire" "MOUSE2"
setcontrol "firenormal" "ENTER"
setcontrol "tossflag" "MENU"
setcontrol "use" "l"
setcontrol "taunt" "KEY0"
setcontrol "camleft" "KEY0"
setcontrol "camright" "KEY0"
setcontrol "camreset" "r"
setcontrol "lookup" "]"
setcontrol "lookdown" "["
setcontrol "centerview" "k" "MOUSE3"
setcontrol "mouseaiming" "KEY0"
setcontrol "talkkey" "t"
setcontrol "teamtalkkey" "y"
setcontrol "scores" "TAB"
setcontrol "jump" "RCTRL"
setcontrol "console" "KEY96"
setcontrol "pause" "KEY255"
setcontrol2 "forward" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "backward" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "strafe" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "straferight" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "strafeleft" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "turnleft" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "turnright" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "weaponnext" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "weaponprev" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "normalring" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "autoring" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "bouncering" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "scatterring" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "grenadering" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "explosionring" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "railring" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "fire" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "firenormal" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "tossflag" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "use" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "taunt" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "camleft" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "camright" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "camreset" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "lookup" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "lookdown" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "centerview" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "mouseaiming" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "talkkey" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "teamtalkkey" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "scores" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "jump" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "console" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "pause" "KEY0"
bind e "chasecam 0" 
bind r "chasecam 1"
bind 1 "cam_height 50"
bind 2 "cam_height 100"
bind 3 "cam_height -50"
bind 4 "cam_speed 0"
bind 5 "cam_speed 0.01"
bind 6 "cam_speed 1"
Still trying new things though, like practical use of analog mode.
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