Path of Exile (A Free to play "Action RPG")

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If you guys have heard of the "Diablo" series of games made by Blizzard Entertainment, then you might want to take a look at this gem of a game. It isn't made by Blizzard, but it is made by people who know what they are doing.

There are tons of item mods, end game MAPS, a passive skill tree, gems that grant you skills, frequent patching and the biggest difference ever... NO GOLD!

Instead, you have different types of Orbs that can improve your equipment as well as being useful to barter.

The graphics, sound, music, and atmosphere of the game is great. This game has been in "Open Beta" for about a month or so now.

Check it out at:

You should read everything on the home page as it explains all of the things in detail.

I play this everyday and there are a few other folks on the MB that play it too. :D
I can vouch that this is a great little game. Granted, I don't touch on it much, what with Linux now kind of taking over for me, but when I do play it, I get enveloped in the game's mechanics, looting, and overall atmosphere. It's everything Diablo 2 got right with a mix of Diablo 3's microtransactions and always-on functionality. It's also great to play when you've got people to play it with.

Highly suggest you get up and on this, everyone. Torchlight 2 and Diablo 2 are great for the isometric action RPG genre, and this one fits right at home.
I didn't like it for the whole 20 minutes I played the game. Maybe it's because I was told before playing that the game was miles better than Torchlight II(another game of the genre) from the controls to the graphics, and it wasn't what I was expecting. The graphics are certainly better than Torchlight II's, but the controls felt delayed. The skill system is very, very daunting and I get the impression that you're not supposed to care about the first 5 or so characters you make until you get the hang of things, but due to the actual size of the tree it seems silly. Also, and the minimap seemed to be basically useless.

Of course, like I said I only played it for 20 minutes, but those were my thoughts when I played it. I showed it to two friends of mine; one has been playing nonstop since the day I told him, whereas the other actually played the game in closed beta and had similar thoughts as I. So it's mostly personal preference as to whether or not you'll like it.
I'm interested in checking it out, but my main problem is how well they have it set up.

I'm fine with FtP games since I'm a cheap bastard and maybe I'll throw some cash at it for some bonuses, but if it's pay to win, then I won't be too happy with it.

I have yet to play it but from what I can tell, it appears to mostly just be pointless things that help you stand out or look awesome, not any powerful weapons and such. Those of you who have played it, would you say this is true?
Exile Yourself to the Unforgiving Continent of Wraeclast!

Path of Exile is an online Action RPG set in the dark fantasy world of Wraeclast. We're a small independent team of hardcore gamers based in New Zealand and have created Path of Exile as the game that we'd want to play ourselves. It is designed around a strong barter-based online item economy, deep character customisation, competitive PvP and ladder races. The game is completely free and will never be "pay to win". Path of Exile is currently in Open Beta! If you'd like to play, just create an account.

These guys are very smart and know what works and what doesn't. :)

All of the microtransations are just extras that won't have any real effect on the main gameplay.
Time to bump this year old thread again as tons of changes to the game have been made such as random side areas where upon completion, you can get a skill gem (among other things) that is similar to the ones that you use, but it instead gets powered from the kills that you make and when you set it off, it is like a big BANG.

There are also other things that are new, but I would be writing a freaking huge essay on the number of changes between open beta and release mode.

Act 3 is now fully finished with a proper final boss... The person who exiled you in the first place! :D

I am currently playing the 4-month Hard Core league (Invasion) and I have died many times already. It is fun! :D
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