Some usefull script for your possibly non-existant autoexec

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... AKA Resonious
Well, it has some useful things and some fun things.

Press E too turn chasecam on/off.
Press B/R to change CTF teams to blue or red.
press [ too change your character to sonic, ] for tails, \ for knuckles and p for shadow if you really want to...
press g to turn MD2 models on/off.
press 1 too set your name/character/color for netgames(you will need to edit that section in order for you not to be me when you press 1 lol.)
press 2 to change back to your preferred character/color without changing your name etc.

Also there are some fun console commands in here, here is a list.


Yes, I know mysticrealmstart/acidmissilstart may be a little pointless. They just add the wad and warp to the first level.

netgod is not EXACTALY like got mode but it works in netgames... maxrings is pretty much startrings 999 and norings is pretty much startrings 0... quit quits the game real quick and drown... well just type it in and see what it does... hehehe.

Here is the script:

//|                                                   |//
\\|AutoExec by HeavenlyTails. You may edit if you like|\\

//Quick character change (you can change the part inbetween bind and "skin sonic; color blue" etc.)
//  |
//  V

bind [ "skin sonic; color blue"
bind ] "skin tails; color orange"
bind \ "skin knuckles; color red"
bind p "skin shadow; color red"

//Netgame start (edit the name hevtails part, the skin sonic part and the color gold parts to change your character, name and color to whatever you want)
//  |
//  V

bind 1 "cecho stand still; echo changing name...; wait 15; name hevtails; echo changing character...; wait 15; skin sonic; color gold; echo Saying Hi...; wait 15; say Hi!; echo All done now."
bind 2 "cecho stand still\\ I'm changing your character/color; wait 70; skin sonic; color gold; echo Character change finished."

//Quick chasecam toggle. (you can edit all the bind e parts to make it whatever you want.)
//  |
//  V

bind e "choff" (you can edit all the bind e parts to make it whatever you want.)
alias choff "chasecam off; bind e chon"
alias chon "chasecam on; bind e choff"

//Toggle MD2 models. (You can edit the binds like in the chasecam toggle.)
//  |
//  V

bind g "md2on"
alias md2on "gr_md2 on; bind g md2off"
alias md2off "gr_md2 off; cecho Make up your mind!; bind g md2on"

//Random console commands...
//  |
//  V

alias maxrings "mxr1"
alias mxr1 "startrings 999; alias maxrings mxr2"
alias mxr2 "startrings 9999; alias maxrings mxr1"

alias norings "nor1"
alias nor1 "startrings 0; alias maxrings nor2"
alias nor2 "startrings 00; alias maxrings no1"

alias quit "startrings 1; startrings 2; startrings 1"

alias acidmissilstart "addfile scr_acidmissil.wad; map mapf0"
alias mysticrealmstart "addfile scr_mysticrealm.wad; map mapa1"

alias drown "tunes 1042; say /me is drowning, someone help!; cecho AHH! I R DROWNING!; wait 200; cecho NOES HALP!; wait 175; tunes 1; say /me has sucessfully drowned."

//Quick team changes (change the binds if you must.)
//  |
//  V

bind b "changeteam blue"
bind r "chanceteam red"
OK... If you don't know how to work this, just copy the code, past it into notepad or something and save it as autoexec.cfg. then when you start up it will already start working. OR you can save it as instertnamehere.cfg and type exec insertnamehere.cfg in the console.

Known bugs: You can't turn netgod off... And the acidmissilstart/mysticrealmstart don't work right.
Wouldn't this... give the player the ability to become a NetGOD? And wouldn't the n00bs abuse it to no end? Seriously. Kill. The. God. Ability.
And, uh, wouldn't people get irritated with all the echos popping up?

Other than the echoes and NetGOD, it's cool!

I guess I can always edit out the echoes and netgod *shrug*
I killed the god and also I changed some of the cechoes to normal echoes. So they aren't in your face all the time.
But I always thought that the echoes were like, say, the message that RedXIV (or is it RedXVI? I can't remember the actual number) says in GFZ1 before you end up in Red Volcano Zone (REAL PAIN IN THE BUTT AS SONIC, BTW).

Ah, well. When I get home, I'll check it out

(Made in School)
The echoes come up on the top of the screen in small letters (like chatting). The cechoes are the ones that go all in your face like RED XVI (I'm pretty darn shure; it's XVI.).
Oh, ok.

I don't really have an autexec cfg, I just ended up adding something to my config.cfg (My netgame name...doesn't work, I've still gotta set up player and type in my name)
Wait, you're saying you've tried the netgame name script and it didn't work? I can help with that.
Ohhhhh! Never mind then lol. Well to change the subject alittle, I tried putting a "supersonic" command in it but it caused it to sigsev... Probably from too much startrings. (It did startrings 50; wait 35; startrings 49; etc.)
This topic is better off in SRB2 Discussion.

Anywho I've already got most of those useful commands in my Autoexec. Here's mine

bind - "exec autoexec.cfg -silent; echo Autoexec reloaded"

name "I'll Begin"
color red
servername "I'll Begin's Public Netgame"

bind n "exec script_myname.txt -silent"
bind g "toggle color"

alias skin_sonic "skin sonic; bind h skin_tails; echo Character changed to Sonic The Hedgehog"
alias skin_tails "skin tails; bind h skin_knuckles; echo Character changed to Miles 'Tails' Prower"
alias skin_knuckles "skin knuckles; bind h skin_sonic; echo Character changed to Knuckles The Echidna"
bind h skin_tails

bind 1 "screenshot"
screenshot_folder "D:\Program Files\Sonic Team Jr\SRB2 1.09.4\screenshots"
screenshot_option 3

bind 2 "cls"

bind v "toggle chasecam"
bind b "toggle analog"
bind joy9 "toggle analog"
bind f "toggle alwaysmlook"

alias exitlevel_confirm "echo Exit level? Press U to confirm, press I to cancel; bind u exitlevel_yes; bind i exitlevel_no"
alias exitlevel_yes "exitlevel; exitlevel_reset"
alias exitlevel_no "echo Level exit cancelled; exitlevel_reset"
alias exitlevel_reset "bind u exitlevel_confirm; bind i nothing"
bind u "exitlevel_confirm"

bind scrolllock "pause"
bind joy10 "pause"
alias joypause_on "bind joy10 pause; bind end joypause_off; echo Joy10 (start button) Pause on"
alias joypause_off "bind joy10 nothing; bind end joypause_on; echo Joy10 (start button) Pause off"
bind end joypause_off

alias inttime_0 "inttime 0; bind l inttime_10; echo inttime 0"
alias inttime_10 "inttime 10; bind l inttime_0; echo inttime 10"
bind l inttime_0

gr_filtermode "Trilinear"
bind 3 "toggle gr_filtermode"
// bind 4 "toggle gr_fog"
bind m "toggle gr_md2"

alias gr_help "gr_stats; gr_gamma; gr_beta; gr_alpha; gr_solvetjoin; gr_correcttricks; gr_anisotropicmode; gr_filtermode; gr_fogdensity; gr_fov; gr_rounddown; gr_transwall; gr_md2; gr_coronasize; gr_coronas; gr_dynamiclighting; gr_staticlighting; gr_fogcolor; gr_voodoocompatibility; gr_mlook; gr_fog; gr_fovchange; gr_gammared; gr_gammagreen; gr_gammablue; gr_translucenthud"
alias vid_help "vid_mode; vid_modelist; vid_modeinfo; vid_nummodes; vid_ticrate; vid_wait"
alias cam_help "cam_rotspeed; cam_rotate; cam_speed; cam_height; cam_still; cam_dist; chasecam"
alias cam2_help "cam2_rotspeed; cam2_rotate; cam2_speed; cam2_height; cam2_still; cam2_dist; chasecam2"
alias con_help "con_backcolor; con_backpic; con_height; con_speed; con_hudtime"
alias bind_help "bind"

alias cam_reset "viewsize 11; chasecam on; analog off; crosshair cross; cam_rotate 0; cam_dist 128; cam_height 20; cam_speed 0.25; cam_rotspeed 10; cam_still off; echo camera reset"
bind 0 "cam_reset"

alias cam_SA "viewsize 11; chasecam on; analog off; crosshair cross; cam_rotate 0; cam_dist 192; cam_height 64; cam_speed 0.25; cam_rotspeed 10; cam_still off; echo SA Mode camera (w/o Analog) activated"
bind 9 "cam_SA"

alias cam_paused "chasecam on; cam_speed 0; cam_still on; analog on; echo camera movement paused"
bind 8 cam_paused

alias cam_hidehud "viewsize 10; crosshair off; echo HUD hidden"
bind 7 cam_hidehud

I don't need lots of stuff in my autoexec. Mine is simple:
servername "kaysakado's server"
bind f "login [lolz no peeking]"
bind e "name kaysakado; color blue; wait 10; say hi"
bind r "name kaysakado; color blue; wait 10; say hi; say stupid cfails!"
bind 1 "tunes 52"
bind 2 "tunes 53"
bind 3 "tunes 54"
bind 5 "changeteam blue"
bind 6 "changeteam red"
bind 7 "skin sonic"
bind 8 "skin tails"
bind 9 "skin knuckles"
alias camoff "chasecam 0; crosshair 1"
alias camon "chasecam 1; crosshair 0"
bind z "camoff"
bind x "camon"
bind = "teleporters 0; password [lolz no peeking]; maxplayers 14; countdowntime 100; race_itemboxes 0; addfile k-serv.wad"
offsetshadows off
gr_filtermode 2
I'll Begin said:
This topic is better off in SRB2 Discussion.

Anywho I've already got most of those useful commands in my Autoexec. Here's mine

Blah Blah Blah Blah
Wow, you got alot of stuff lol. BTW: Cool idea for the character switch.
5 lines for the simple commands, 7 lines for aliases (3 aliases for certain gametypes, 3 aliases for the final round setup, and 1 alias for getting ready for the final round), 2 lines for some tunes that were binded, 2 lines for chasecam and alwaysmlook switches, 3 lines for skin switches, 7 lines for the say command, 1 line just in case, and 1 line for credit to someone). O_o Click here to skip the entire section. (Lol, crappy table of contents ftw. =P)

My autoexec said:
<a name="Simple"></a>//The simple parts

chasecam on
skin sonic
name Vash
cam_rotate 0
viewsize 11

<a name="Alias"></a>//Aliases
<a name="Setup"></a>//Setups for certain gametypes

alias matchsetup "map map90 -gametype match;pointlimit 2000;timelimit 7;wait 10"
alias ctfsetup "map map80 -gametype ctf;pointlimit 10;timelimit 30;wait 10"
alias racesetup "map map70 -gametype race;racetype 1;numlaps 50;wait 10"

<a name="Final"></a>//Final round setups

alias finalroundmatch "timelimit 60;pointlimit 10000;bind - matchsetup;bind / ctfsetup;bind . racesetup;cecho Final round match\has been activated\\\Binds have been reset to\standard setup"
alias finalroundctf "timelimit 120;pointlimit 100;bind - matchsetup;bind / ctfsetup;bind . racesetup;cecho Final round CTF\has been activated\\\Binds have been reset to\standard setup"
alias finalroundrace "numlaps 100;bind - matchsetup;bind / ctfsetup;bind . racesetup;cecho Final round race\has been activated\\\Binds have been reset to\standard setup"

<a name="Ready"></a>//Getting ready for the final round (Before the current round gets to an end, this will be activated (Only used if server is about to shut down or about to change gametypes))

alias finalroundcoming "inttime 60;bind - finalroundmatch;bind / finalroundctf;bind . finalroundrace;cecho Which gametype is currently\being played?\\\ Press - for Match\Press / for CTF\Press . for race"

<a name="Binds"></a>//Binds
<a name="Bindedalias"></a>//Binded aliased commands

bind - "matchsetup"
bind / "ctfsetup"
bind . "racesetup"
bind [ finalroundcoming

<a name="Screenshot"></a>//Binded screenshot

bind x screenshot

<a name="Tunes"></a>//Binded tunes(Old, might remove)

bind z "tunes 145"
bind v "tunes 29"

<a name="Chasecamlook"></a>//Binded chasecam and alwaysmlook switches

bind y "chasecam on;alwaysmlook off"
bind h "chasecam off;alwaysmlook on"

<a name="Skin"></a>//Binded skin switches

bind 1 "skin sonic"
bind 2 "skin tails"
bind 3 "skin knuckles"

<a name="Say"></a>//The binded say commands (Note: This is not used to spam servers with, this is only used once per press.)

bind 4 "say Since when were you able to hurt me like that?"
bind 5 "say Ugh, I could have sworn you ran out of rings... T_T"
bind 6 "say That took centuries to finish!"
bind 7 "say Since when did I run out of rings?"
bind 8 "say WHAT THE CRAP?!?!?"
bind 9 "say Who said you could beat me?"
bind 0 "say 1st place and will stay that way;wait 100;say FOREVER!;wait 1000;say *shot*"

<a name="Incase"></a>//Just in case my name turns to Player # or the wrong name

bind c "name Vash"

<a name="Thanks"></a>//Thank you, I'll Begin, for this part

bind b "exec autoexec.txt -silent;cecho Binds have been corrected"

<a name="Skip"></a>Yeah, I have a lot of aliases and binds. No, I do not use a controller, I use the keyboard and the mouse. Yes, it might seem a lot of space, but my game controls aren't spread out (Except for my mouse... but I use two hands, not one, and I also use a laptop).

(Code replaced with quote to allow HTML to work properly.)
I use both WASD/Mouse and the Controller, depending on whether I'm playing normally, or playing in analog/SSBSS
Vash said:
bind 4 "say Since when were you able to hurt me like that?"
bind 5 "say Ugh, I could have sworn you ran out of rings... T_T"
bind 6 "say That took centuries to finish!"
bind 7 "say Since when did I run out of rings?"
bind 8 "say WHAT THE CRAP?!?!?"
bind 9 "say Who said you could beat me?"
bind 0 "say 1st place and will stay that way;wait 100;say FOREVER!;wait 1000;say *shot*"
LOL! Nice match/CTF things.

I'll Begin said:
I use both WASD/Mouse and the Controller, depending on whether I'm playing normally, or playing in analog/SSBSS
Same here. Also could a mod or someone move this to SRB2 Discussion?
kunucklees said:
Vash said:
bind 4 "say Since when were you able to hurt me like that?"
bind 5 "say Ugh, I could have sworn you ran out of rings... T_T"
bind 6 "say That took centuries to finish!"
bind 7 "say Since when did I run out of rings?"
bind 8 "say WHAT THE CRAP?!?!?"
bind 9 "say Who said you could beat me?"
bind 0 "say 1st place and will stay that way;wait 100;say FOREVER!;wait 1000;say *shot*"
LOL! Nice match/CTF things.
Heh... lines 3, 5, 6, and 7 aren't just used in match/CTF, though.

kunucklees said:
I'll Begin said:
I use both WASD/Mouse and the Controller, depending on whether I'm playing normally, or playing in analog/SSBSS
Same here.
I do use the WSAD and mouse combination... since it is one of the simple combinations...
Vash said:
kunucklees said:
Vash said:
bind 4 "say Since when were you able to hurt me like that?"
bind 5 "say Ugh, I could have sworn you ran out of rings... T_T"
bind 6 "say That took centuries to finish!"
bind 7 "say Since when did I run out of rings?"
bind 8 "say WHAT THE CRAP?!?!?"
bind 9 "say Who said you could beat me?"
bind 0 "say 1st place and will stay that way;wait 100;say FOREVER!;wait 1000;say *shot*"
LOL! Nice match/CTF things.
Heh... lines 3, 5, 6, and 7 aren't just used in match/CTF, though.

kunucklees said:
I'll Begin said:
I use both WASD/Mouse and the Controller, depending on whether I'm playing normally, or playing in analog/SSBSS
Same here.
I do use the WSAD and mouse combination... since it is one of the simple combinations...

I use WASD/WADS... but not the mouse. Try this:

Z/Strafe Left
X/Strafe Right
R/Look Up
F/Look Down
C/Center View
E/Throw Ring
T/Rotate Camera Left
Y/Rotate Camera Right
G/Reset Camera
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