Official Level Design Contest: May/June

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avast! Antivirus (mine) does not say LOLOMG SRB2 IS A VIRUS. By the way, are we going to have an empty CTF division this contest? I hope not...

I know I've said this before in this topic, but really, do be ready to play Blade's level. ^_^ Very pathy, but highly non-segmented; it flows well; difficulty evel is fair; and it's just quite solid. The gimmicks mostly serve the level well. I predict its score will be in the 7.00 - 8.25 range once the flaws are ironed out...
SRB2WikiSonicMaster said:
I know I've said this before in this topic, but really, do be ready to play Blade's level. ^_^ Very pathy, but highly non-segmented; it flows well; difficulty evel is fair; and it's just quite solid. The gimmicks mostly serve the level well. I predict its score will be in the 7.00 - 8.25 range once the flaws are ironed out...

D: Stop giving away my level... You'll ruin the fun. I might need to make a CTF level, too...

If only one map is entered into a division, does it automaticly win? or does it wait for the next contest?
Blade T. Hedgehog said:
SRB2WikiSonicMaster said:
I know I've said this before in this topic, but really, do be ready to play Blade's level. ^_^ Very pathy, but highly non-segmented; it flows well; difficulty evel is fair; and it's just quite solid. The gimmicks mostly serve the level well. I predict its score will be in the 7.00 - 8.25 range once the flaws are ironed out...

D: Stop giving away my level... You'll ruin the fun. I might need to make a CTF level, too...

If only one map is entered into a division, does it automaticly win? or does it wait for the next contest?

Don't worry Blade, I'm making a ctf and a single player stage.
Production's actually going rather well. I may be able to get the level in before the deadline actually.
Perhaps I might be able to send in Lost City Zone in time for the contest...
Anyway, when exactly does the voting begin?
Hmm, I think the level is far from being finished now that I look at it. I'll have to wait until the next contest to enter Lost city...
Mine is. And it's been renamed again to "Cosmic Caves", since it's not reall a road.
No, you can submit one match map and one ctf map. You just can't submit 2 match maps.
I guess so. He's submitted a LOT of levels, but the only good/decent levels he's done that I can think of are the following:

Daimondus Zone (CTF) - This should be obvious. Opinion: 9/10
Daimondus Zone Act 1 - Wasn't that great when I first played it, but then it started getting more fun. The caves actually look quite pretty. Still has areas of bland gameplay, though. Opinion: 6/10
Daimondus Zone Act 2 - Better design than its counterpart, but just too short. New Opinion: 5/10
Medivo CTF - Quite pretty, actually. Kinda fun, but still needs something. Opinion: 6/10
Castletania - Never really played it in a netgame, but it's really quite neat when trying to go through it. Guessed opinion: 7/10
I sent my level in now. I'm actually not really expecting spectacular scores or anything though.
Simsmagic said:
I sent my level in now. I'm actually not really expecting spectacular scores or anything though.

Well, is it better than Freezing Flare Zone? Maybe you'll make a level that gets over a 6.00! I think my 1P zone will get over a 6.00, but I doubt it will get a score higher than 8.00.
SRB2WikiSonicMaster said:
Sounds like we have about at least ten entries here. What is Glaber doing this time for the contest?

I was doing Medivo NiGHTS Circuit untill I lost interest for awhile. Unfortunatly now Doom World's Community Chest 4 currently has my attention and I'm currently working on Glaber Base 6.

You might see Medivo NiGHTS Circuit and Glaber Base 5 in the next contest though if you're wondering.
Hmm...What about Medivo Act 1? Based off how you described the gimmicks, that should work fine for an SRB2 level.

Unfortunately, unless the one-per-category thing is removed from the rules, Dynamic Temple Zone Act 1 will not be released in the contest, ever. But that doesn't mean it won't be released, period.
Medivo act 1 doesn't have much work done on it at this time and it's possible that the one stage per catagory rule may still be in effect next contest. Weather it will be or not I don't know as I'm not FF.
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