Version 2.1 Release

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To me there are a few things that strike me as rather... off.
Don't get me wrong I'm liking this update though, as it does bring a lot of new stuff in that I find really helpful.
So without further ado...
Oh god, that intro.
I find it extremely disturbing.

Remember how much fun it was to enter through that giant hole that was up here?


Or going underwater to fetch that Armageddon Shield?

I liked it better when you had to go through that small narrow cave to get to the Emerald token. Felt a bit more secretive.
Speaking of Emeralds, I don't really find the Mystic Realms BGM that appropriate for the new Nights Special Stages IMO.
Also an idea: When you're in a Special Stage, if you're not playing as Sonic, whoever you're playing as should stand by the start/goal and watch as Sonic takes off to collect the emerald for them. Though if it's not worth programing in, I wouldn't blame you.

Um, Oops?

This is probably the biggest change that primarily affected me the most. What was once a quick way for someone to gather rings at their enemies' base is now closed off, hidden deep within the base they're invading, a dead end with very little means of escape if someone comes to ambush you:

Sure there's still the corner with the Rail Ring, but the path to it is also an easy area to get ambushed since there's very few options of escaping available.

To close, I still have to use the launcher in order to play in Windowed, as I wasn't able to find any settings within the menus to change the game to Windowed.
Netgames don't work for me, unless the online features are intentionally shut down for any particular reasons.

And thanks of adding in all the new colors. Sucks there isn't any Dark Blue though. Guess I'll have to stick with plain old Blue.
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So I finished with Techno hill 1 and 2.

Wow. Great improvement! :D I love the new slime. It's fun.

Not to mention I'm now actively looking for special stage tokens. I spent 15 minutes with knuckles combing TH1 for the token, and finally had to give up. Got all the others so far, though!

The "basic" shield you get when spawning in match seems like a double edged sword, though. Sure, it's free and I'll protect you, but MAN does it make you easy to spot! Was this intentional? Because it's a neat idea. :P
I can't believe how long it's been since the earlier releases of SRB2. I remember when I was a lot younger the joys of playing and messing around with SRB2 multiplayer. This game really does bring back a lot of memories.

So far I'm loving the revamped maps. It's nice to replay these maps after a long time with new areas and secrets.
I'm sad now.

I made it all the way to Arid Canyon Zone, and then I got a Blue Screen Of Death when I started gliding.

My save data corrupted. :(
Version 2.1.1 Patch

Posted by Mystic on 03-15-2014 11:05 PM.

Like every other release day, things never go off without a hitch. Head on over to the download page to download the patch. This patch fixes the following:

  • Fixed an issue that was causing people with non-English locales to have the following issues (among others):
    • Knuckles was unable to jump.
    • The camera was not properly following the player.
  • Nimbus Ruins should now properly work.
  • Touching a mine in Deep Sea Zone should no longer crash the game.
If you find any more bugs this patch doesn’t fix, please head to the Bug Reports forum to see if it’s already been reported, and if it hasn’t, report it. Hopefully we can all nail down these issues and get 2.1.X stable in the near future.

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I love the new version! New graphics, paths, and textures look nice. I beat it with emeralds, and alredy have like 40 emblems!

Nights levels were nice. ERZ act 3 was a big (and great) surprise.
Am I the only one here that's having problems accessing net games? It constantly says "Offline Mode".

Also when I go into OpenGL mode (the ONLY place I can access Windowed mode), on the title screen it shows a big blank space below the main game window, and it screws up the positioning of the text boxes. When in an actual game, the lives counter is positioned incorrectly, placed higher than it's standard height.

I think it's trying to play in 640x400 even though the window size is 640x480.
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That was incredible. Really, awesome work you guys. The "special surprise" especially...I was not expecting that! =D

Though I'm confused why the broken PolyObjects in ACZ are still there. Why weren't they removed from the level years ago?

(Time to go emblem hunting!)
Been out of town for most of the day and I finally managed to get internet access at the place I'm staying at. First thing I did was download 2.1.1 and...

I think I'm in love. I've only played up to the end of Techno Hill so far, and I gotta say I really love the changes ya'll have done. I really like the fact that ya'll actually made the first Eggmobile boss better than it was.

I will play through the rest of this later.
So I have to ask, What happened to that Marine/Aqua Base map that was in the 2.1 CTF Mappack?
This is also purely a design nitpick, but you know the main entryway into each team's base in Icicle Falls? With the lack of candles it feels very... empty and unappealing.
The game's out already? O: Jeez that was fast. Downloaded the Windows installer and patch encase it works on WINE, but I can hold out for a Linux release too if that doesn't pan out.

Looks like I'm going to have to update my characters to work with this game all over again, fuuuuu- Only going to bother with three of them, the rest are garbage nobody will miss.
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