Chile - Another Earthquake?

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The day is shorter. I think Akira posted by how much in this thread.

Oh, got a post about the sun thing. Hm... maybe?
Let me settle this once and for all (sorry, kind of arrogant to assume I can do that, but I'm well-informed on this news):

When they say "the day is shorter because of the earthquake", what they mean is that the force of the earthquake was strong enough to upset the Earth's spin an infinitesimal amount, and now the planet rotates about one and a half milliseconds faster.

I think this is technically good news for the planet. The longer the day, the more segregated heat becomes (which is to say, one side of the Earth becomes much warmer and one becomes much cooler). And given that the Earth is naturally slowing down anyway, it's nice to see something counteract that slightly.

Of course, it doesn't matter. Humans will be long extinct before one side of the Earth always faces the Sun. In fact, the Sun might even die before that happens.
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Of course, it doesn't matter. Humans will be long extinct before one side of the Earth always faces the Sun. In fact, the Sun might even die before that happens.

Humans will be extinct after million's of years, Faw. And also, the planet Earth will never stop orbiting around the Sun, and one part of the planet will never face the sun for years and such forth. It's been said, from a Scientist studying the Sun, that it will burn out way before our population does. If this actually happens, I can safely say that the human population, assuming, go extinct from no warmth.
Greetings scientists. I just did a report for CNN... from London(!). The large earthquake in Chile will speed the Earth's spin by about 1.26 microseconds/year. That's wild; that's science.
Quote from Bill Nye the Science Guy last night.
Holy cannoli. I had no idea that guy was still active. Source of the quote would be appreciated.

And about that Earth-slowly-coming-to-a-standstill thing, would it be theoretically possible to artifically create localized earthquakes to counteract/slow the gradual cessation of Earth's rotation (using hydrogen bombs or something)...

...Or is my half-assed idea incredibly stupid / impractical / foolish / psudeo-scientific (please see: The Core)?
I'm in Brazil, the earthquake in Chile was so strong, that some districts in Sao Paulo capital, felt the tremor.(I'm glad by living in Rio de Janeiro in the city of Volta Redonda ;D).
Holy cannoli. I had no idea that guy was still active. Source of the quote would be appreciated.

And about that Earth-slowly-coming-to-a-standstill thing, would it be theoretically possible to artifically create localized earthquakes to counteract/slow the gradual cessation of Earth's rotation (using hydrogen bombs or something)...

...Or is my half-assed idea incredibly stupid / impractical / foolish / psudeo-scientific (please see: The Core)?

Personally, I think that's impossible to do. Maybe it could be done, but then we'd have to damage Earth. And after all the catastrophes that have taken place, this would not be a very good idea.
Holy cannoli. I had no idea that guy was still active. Source of the quote would be appreciated.

And about that Earth-slowly-coming-to-a-standstill thing, would it be theoretically possible to artifically create localized earthquakes to counteract/slow the gradual cessation of Earth's rotation (using hydrogen bombs or something)...

...Or is my half-assed idea incredibly stupid / impractical / foolish / psudeo-scientific (please see: The Core)?

He posted it on his Facebook fan page.
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