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Kart Krew™'s exe mods

Anything cool planned for the bosses in TopDown?



CoatRack's boss in progress.
Something to note is that this arena and boss itself are somewhat remnants of Chaos Domain, and that the arena itself may be due for a big visual revamp to suit where it is planned to go.

Emblem HUD still uncoded.
This is the only boss Kart Krew has shown so far. But by the looks of it, it looks really cool.
I've cheated you all.
This is the only boss Kart Krew has shown so far. But by the looks of it, it looks really cool.

I've already known about that boss since they first showed it off but if they want to keep the bosses a secret until the demo comes out, that's fine by me.
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There is a reason top down only supports 4 Player Mode, and recommends 1-3...

Also Sryder coded improved bubbling today, as you might notice.
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Looking better and better each freaking picture. I love you guys. Keep up the AWESOME work!

I think that the Emblems should change sprites, like in the HUD. But that's my opinion, and also a not significant change. So... Yeah.

Also, you mentioned (earlier pages) that the stats were different. What changes are you talking about?
Wow, Someone is sure enthusiastic about this. Although you have every right to be. This mod looks so amazing, and i cant wait to play it. I also look forward to SRB2 Kart. I do however miss SRB2 riders considering that sonic riders was one of my favorite racing games. Keep up the great work.
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Man these mods are turning out to be better than I had originally imagined. I've been anticipating these updates (and in Top Down's case: public release) since 2.1 came out to the world.

Top Down might even be my favorite mod now. If it comes out during the summer I may not see the sun for awhile.

Keep up the good work Kart Krew™!
alright, i'll give it to you straight and simple, I'm impressed. It wasn't until that video of Checkered Mountain that I was sold. Great visuals, music's nice to listen to, and the level design looks really fun, especially with friends. And that's only the damn prototype!! Can't wait to play the demo to give my full thoughts on the gameplay and such. I'm also very interested in that Sonic Kart thing going on too. When will you post a video of that? Oh my god, people may have repeated this phrase quite a bit, but keep it up! Add another fan to the god damn list, because I am sold.
I don't like people downloading the older version because it doesn't really represent what we have now and planned for the future. Buuuuuuut I guess it'd be dumb to tell people to just wait for it instead. :V
I'm think the second one is the 2.1 version.

Even if it isn't, the 2.1 version will look and play similarly to those videos (minus a couple of things, like new physics).
Replacing that really old Peach's Castle map nobody liked, meet Megablock Castle by Blitz-T.



Two words.
Holy. SHIT.

That looks awesome. It looks like a lego mansion though. It looks really fitting; somehow.

And also, what do the Note Blocks do there? Do they make you jump higher? Or is it decoration?

Or just a difficult shortcut?
I looked at this and immediately thought of Toy Kingdom in Sonic Advance 3. You know, the level where you'd try to get your partner to ride in the little panda thing but they'd always fall off and never actually get in.

Anyway, the track looks great and I like the card motif. Makes everything feel huge.
This looks like Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic Xtreme together but anyway this is going into a good job! Now, do you have any idea on when it will be released? It's just i wanna test it. This looks cool from what i see. This must release a demo at least...

Sonic xtreme has fisheye camera...

Anyway I want to say that both top down and srb2 kart look pretty good,megablox castle looks amazing!
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