September/October 2010 Voting

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I'm tired of all the moaning over how bad the contest maps are. If you care so much, then why didn't you make one yourself?
I'm tired of all the moaning over how bad the contest maps are. If you care so much, then why didn't you make one yourself?
Well, I can't speak for everyone, but my excuse is that I'm both busy with college work and absorbed in another side project.

And I really don't think it's that unreasonable to complain about it. It is the worst contest we've had since the OLDC became well-established. Partly what we are complaining about is the turnout itself...the very fact that too few people took initiative to make contest maps. This complaint extends to the entire community, and as such we complainers must also bear some shame ourselves...after all, we clearly are among the individuals too apathetic to have pitched in. But I don't view this as hypocrisy, because I don't spare myself from this anger.
And I really don't think it's that unreasonable to complain about it. It is the worst contest we've had since the OLDC became well-established. Partly what we are complaining about is the turnout itself...the very fact that too few people took initiative to make contest maps. This complaint extends to the entire community, and as such we complainers must also bear some shame ourselves...after all, we clearly are among the individuals too apathetic to have pitched in. But I don't view this as hypocrisy, because I don't spare myself from this anger.
What kind of attitude is this? You're acting as if it's the duty of this community to make maps for the OLDC, and if it's somehow a shame if somebody doesn't make one. We're part of the community in our free time, and if nobody is willing or able to make a map in their free time, then that's just how it is. You can't expect anyone to do anything, and you shouldn't. I personally don't care much if there are any contest maps or a contest at all, I sure have enough other stuff to occupy me with.
I'm not saying that it is somehow the "duty" of people to submit maps. But I am saying that when the community as a whole produces this sorry a crop of maps, the community as a whole must bear some responsibility for not having that kind of spirit.

Maybe this is a little ridiculous, how I'm wording is always a choice to submit to the OLDC, and I guess hardly anyone chose to do so this time. I don't know why I chose the words "anger" and "shame", as they are ridiculous exaggerations of what I actually feel, which is really just mild disappointment. It's just sort of an expectation thing...since all contests before had much more creativity on a regular basis, there can be an illusion that some right has been taken away or some duty has been ignored. But...yeah, you're right about it.
Digital Forest zone - 3/10 It´s stupid boring and ugly map.
Nothern Desert zone -4/10 There is almost nothing WHY?
Stupid circuit zone -0/10 As you wish.
Frosted meadows zone- 2/10 I gained flag in 6 seconds.
Dead canyon zone 1-2/10 How to complete this level with Sonic???
Heinious hideout - 1/10 ITS COMPLETLY RANDOM!
Medivo zone -1/10 There are only red walls! That´s REALLY everything in this level.
Frosty floe zone -0/10 Boring zone with three enemies.
Rainy jungle - 2/10 How to lose here?

This contest started to be boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring!
I am saying that when the community as a whole produces this sorry a crop of maps, the community as a whole must bear some responsibility for not having that kind of spirit.

Uh no, the community as a whole didn't produce a sorry set of maps. This is the result of a few bad mappers.

However I do agree with you that we have every right to voice our dissatisfaction with the contest. If we see a shitty movie the viewers aren't expected to produce something better.
And I really don't think it's that unreasonable to complain about it. It is the worst contest we've had since the OLDC became well-established. Partly what we are complaining about is the turnout itself...the very fact that too few people took initiative to make contest maps.
But you didn't make a map either!

If we see a shitty movie the viewers aren't expected to produce something better.
This is however, not the case. A more logical analogy would be a group of friends agreeing on making a bunch of movies and then revealing them to eachother at the same time, and decide upon which is the best. Except the date comes and there's only about 3 guys who actually made movies, with a good 10 or so emptyhanded people feeling "dissappointed" at how low the turnout was. "How come you guys didn't make more movies?"
Oh, when SpiritCrusher said that there was one good joke map before the votings where open, I tought it meant something like... Wait a minute... I've just got an idea for a joke map for the next OLDC~! TO DOWNLOAD TEH DOOM BUILDER (wherever that is. Err, I mean wiki!).
@SpiritCrusher: Erm, yeah forgot to change that. Played that before the others. *Quickly goes to change*
Single Player:
Rainy Jungle Zone by A Cat 5/10 I like the map, but there's anything that I hate, maybe is a bored map
Medivo Zone by glaber 2/10 Seriously, do you call this a map?
Frosty Floe Zone by Brawl 10/10 Awesome, the best map in the coop map, nice textures, nice music =)

MAPM1 - Northern Desert Zone by nightmare cenz/123 Runite 9/10 awesome map, it is what we need on a contest.
MAPM2 - Digital Forest Zone by Metal Fighter 7/10 that's a weird map but is an original idea

MAPF1 - Frosted Meadows Zone by Nitrous Bunny 8/10 the best map on the ctf pack
MAPF2 - Dead Canyon Zone by A Cat 4/10 there's an abuse of weapons... or do we need it?

MAPF3 - Heinous Hidehole Zone by RedEchidna 8/10 a simple map, but it has a perfect design to ctf

MAPR1 - Stupid Circuit Zone by Neo Chaotikal 6/10 that's a nice idea but... it has mistakes... I got confused there D:
Again, that post is hardly my finest hour of logic and maturity, but I would have at least expected you to read it.

...the very fact that too few people took initiative to make contest maps.
Well, I can't speak for everyone, but my excuse is that I'm both busy with college work and absorbed in another side project.
You can't call the cops over a bank robbery if you're the one holding a gun. Why do you get to have a valid excuse and everybody else simply didn't submit due to lack of initiative?

You can stop pretending not to be a massive hypocrite now.
I liked of this one: "Those who can,do;those who can't, criticize". And following this concept, I'm the one who criticize, but I'm bad even to make a good and contructive critique. XP
Well, the winners are the winners, yes? Sometimes you're just stuck with the lesser of two evils.

Speaking of which, I need to be evil sometime and actually make a level.
Maybe people didn't make very many maps because they didn't want to make a map?

...except that trope doesn't apply here.

A more logical analogy would be a group of friends agreeing on making a bunch of movies and then revealing them to eachother at the same time, and decide upon which is the best. Except the date comes and there's only about 3 guys who actually made movies, with a good 10 or so emptyhanded people feeling "dissappointed" at how low the turnout was. "How come you guys didn't make more movies?"
A more logical analogy would be a group of friends agreeing on making a bunch of movies and then revealing them to eachother at the same time, and decide upon which is the best. Except the date comes and there's only about 3 guys who actually made movies, with a good 10 or so emptyhanded people feeling "dissappointed" at how low the turnout was. "How come you guys didn't make more movies?"

So you're telling me every single person on this forum agreed to make a map for the contest? Hah, I wish.

I'll bitch about the low turnout all I want; I sure as hell never agreed to enter this contest. I have much more important things to do than build a map, thank you very much.
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