We're Not Dead Yet

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Why would JTE script the character color? That's dumb and a waste of time.
The color is in the game proper. I thought that would have been obvious.
From what I'm seeing, 2.1 has more playercolor options, but did you guys go all out like the unreleased kart build and add 64 or so?

No, we just added a few more, that's all. No need for a rainbow overdose really. As for most of those skin color ideas of mine from years back, which I see you Kart guys threw in for said build, I consider them a bit bleh nowadays anyway. =P
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Whew, so we're getting a release this year.

I would open a bottle of champagne for this, but I think I should keep it for when the single-player is truly over and done with. Besides, the wait time wasn't nearly as long as when we waited for 2.0.

Still, three cheers for Sonic Team Jr. for having faith in its community and keeping up the hard work for us all.
oh it is...? well that's good news, thought I'd still be waiting a few years for this tbh
Do not take anything anyone says as fact unless they are staff. There is absolutely 0 confirmation on the game getting released this year.
2.1 will probably end up coming out in 2 years.

On another note, I am intrigued on the changes that SP is having. I'm really curious how that will all work out.
About time I posted here.
I agree that SP is getting better as the years go by. Unfortunately, this also means that old levels *coughGreenflowerZonecough* look very dated, though they still play well. I think it's about time GFZ got a visual revamp. I saw some interesting new GFZ screenshots but they didn't look like anything too special. Is there anything going on there?
I dunno what you're talking about, this is grade-A quality.

I always thought the use of so many checker pattern GFZRock tiles on every single wall on the inside of GFZ2, unaligned, was meant to simulate some sort of optical illusion!
I dunno what you're talking about, this is grade-A quality.

I always thought the use of so many checker pattern GFZRock tiles on every single wall on the inside of GFZ2, unaligned, was meant to simulate some sort of optical illusion!

It has been said several modifications to GFZ1. Like the whirlpool section. You should check the wiki page.
What you just said was almost incomprehensible to me, sorry. Could you reword that please.
What you just said was almost incomprehensible to me, sorry. Could you reword that please.
I think he said,

"It has been said that serveral (small) modifications have been added to Greenflower Zone Act 1. Like the Whirlwind Shield section. More information is on Wiki if you want to learn more."
And from IRC I'm told that rooms with the same beautifully misaligned tiles and same textures in all four directions are UNCHANGED.
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