Inazuma the Hedgehog [Updated: 10/5/13]

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Go on, I dare you!
Sonic Team Junior
-Fixed Walking Frames. Thanks Blitz-T!
-Separated the skating sound from the chat sound. Thanks CoatRack!
-Fixed balance issues relating to the character's stats.

-Fixed the flashing white screen glitch when spinning in water. Thanks Sryder!
-Fixed Life Icon
Hello everyone! This is my fancharacter Inazuma the Hedgehog... Formerly named XSpeedGodX.wad, I decided to rework him into something more, well...Better.
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There are several features in this wad that makes him special.

His spindash is replaced with a charge ability. What it does is when you spin, you not only draw nearby rings towards you, but you also protect yourself against incoming damage. Special thanks to Syrder13 for teaching me the how to on these kinds of socs.
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His primary ability is the swim ability. Utilise this ability to run across large bodies of water or to swim out of it.

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Instead of running, Inazuma skates through levels. Due to 2.1 not being released yet (no lua D:) the animation may be a bit awkward. In order to fix that, just type in your console "runsoc skate". Special thanks to TSDude for making the skating soc!.
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Inazuma is a very fast, yet versatile character. In Coop, use his swim ability to help or save your friends by getting them out of the water. In Match, use the spin ability to block yourself from incoming attacks. You can also use the ability to steal enemy rings the minute they get injured.

I hope you have fun with this!~


  • Inazuma.rar
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  • inazuma_novoice.rar
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Okay honestly, first impressions I get just looking at the screenshots is "oh great, not another hedgehog!". If the character's abilities are actually worth something I have to wonder why they couldn't be on an original character instead?

Then of course those are just my opinions, so eh. Unfortunately I can't test this wad out right now, so I can't properly judge whether this is good to go just yet. =S
'ohohoho another Original the Character' quips aside.

The spindash soc makes the character play differently from the rest of the characters already out there and I most definitely appreciate that. Also a character that actually uses the swim ability is a first, I don't think I've seen a character wad use it before.

The art isn't exactly stellar, but I don't recognise the running animation so as far as I can tell it's original art at least. Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure it should be possible for the skate soc to be activated when you load the character wad just as the spindash soc is loaded.

Either way, some interesting abilities, welcome to releases.
Just gonna mention I'm 99% sure that a good chuck of the sprites were modified from Senku.wad, I know my sprites, a good chuck of outlines and shapes match up perfectly to my sprites, they have been changed up a bit here and there though. Just gonna leave it at that for now, otherwise I have nothing against this wad.
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Just gonna mention I'm 99% sure that a good chuck of the sprites were modified from Senku.wad, I know my sprites, a good chuck of outlines and shapes match up perfectly to my sprites, they have been changed up a bit here and there though. Just gonna leave it at that for now, otherwise I have nothing against this wad.

The sprites I used for this wad was based off of a really old wad that I made years back. Those sprites might have been based off of senku (I have the foggiest idea if this is true.) however now that I look at it, there are some similarities so Im guessing it's true. I'll fix that up soon. Sorry if I got you angry.
Some of the sprites are kinda jumpy mostly due to how they were positioned. This is pretty noticeable when Inazuma walks diagonally. His swimming animation is really poorly done and it honestly looks like his hands are disappearing. I know it's hard to make a good swimming animation with just two frames, but you could've at least tried to change his position instead of editing his fall sprites. Although the sprites fell a bit short, I did like the extra abilities he had gained. The soc abilities do work out for the fact that the swim ability has no use when there's no water to run or swim across though, which does make him an interesting character to play as overall.
This wad seems okay, but Inazuma's swimming animation seems funny. I like how whenever his spin is charged, it magnets rings to him & how he skates like Shadow. Keep up the good work on the Inazuma wad. :I
I saw the name...
Oh jeez, they are STILL making sonic clones?

I saw the pic...
Oh jeez, another Shadow?

I saw the soc.
This kind of looks like the skating animation for shadow in Sonic Generations, I really like the sprite design for that running/skating frame. I'll download it and give a better review.
Also you forgot to mention that if you want to disable the skate.soc then you must type in the console "runsoc run".

EDIT: Review

There are some glitches that I want to talk about first:
-When playing in special stage if you try to use the spindash ability you get hurt (yet you take no damage). While your still flashing from your painstate you can then use the spindash ability to draw the rings in from the special stage.
-If you use the spindash ability underwater the screen flashes white until you stop using the ability.
-Finally the spindash ability doesn't work underwater, meaning that no rings are drawn in.
(Note: I was playing the game with srb2cb so not all of this could be a problem in different versions of srb2.)
Despite these glitches I still like the ideas that you used for this custom character so I'll give you an 8/10.
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Well this wad is good, But I have a few things to say.
Why is his hand's look so huge during the running state and the rest of his hand's look normal for the other states? But beside's that the thing I like is the Soc, but even the Soc has problem's. I noticed when your in the water and you hold the roll button the screen flashes white untill you stop rolling. I just wish this character had a thok... A thok is more fitting for your character. But at least it's differen't then most of the character wads I seen, which is good. Keep up the good work. Your wad is not half bad it just need some more time and work then it will better then it is now.

EDIT: The run sprite does look little better when the command "runsoc skate" is on.
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I noticed when your in the water and you hold the roll button the screen flashes white untill you stop rolling.
I soon as I found out why, I facepalmed so hard since I should have known from the beginning... When using the rolling ability you keep spawning a temporary ringshield. And when a ringshield interacts with water it disappears with a white flash.

I just wish this character had a thok... A thok is more fitting for character like these.
In my opinion thokking just seems so natural yet unnatural in this game. What I mean is that thokking suits the gameplay for Sonic in SRB2 especially when it comes to platforming. However it can also feel unnatural when it's overused, such as thokking like crazy to get through time-attack levels. To me it feels like it makes the gameplay way too easy and quick for Sonic because everything is rushed and levels end up feeling shorter than they should be. I like seeing the player: run, jump and spindash to the goal.
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In my opinion thokking just seems so natural yet unnatural in this game. What I mean is that thokking suits the gameplay for Sonic in SRB2 especially when it comes to platforming. However it can also feel unnatural when it's overused, such as thokking like crazy to get through time-attack levels. To me it feels like it makes the gameplay way too easy and quick for Sonic because everything is rushed and levels end up feeling shorter than they should be. I like seeing the player: run, jump and spindash to the goal.

That's why I sayed for this character. Thoking is overpowered and even more overpowered when racing that's why they call it a thokfest. I don't really like it for racing much though. I don't mind thoking thok it's a source for escape in ctf.
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I don't get it. Are you saying you want me to change the ability to thok or something.

Also, I realized that there is the flashing white screen bug. I'm currently trying to fix it.
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I don't get it. Are it saying you want me to change the ability to think or something.

Also, I realized that there is the flashing white screen bug. I'm currently trying to fix it.
1) Yes he's suggesting that you make your character thok.
2) You need to get rid of the spawning ringshield to do that.
I don't get it. Are it saying you want me to change the ability to think or something.

Also, I realized that there is the flashing white screen bug. I'm currently trying to fix it.

Try something that no one has ever think of into an ability, like your roll soc. But instead of the roll make a soc for the thok. Hinote did it, I think you can also. But if you can't then just use a regular old thok. I'm not trying to say copy the same exact ability as Hinote but make it unique.

Just using Hinote as an example.
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Try something that no one has ever think of into an ability, like your roll soc. But instead of the roll make a soc for the thok. Hinote did it, I think you can also. But if you can't then just use a regular old thok. I'm not trying to say copy the same exact ability as Hinote but make it unique.

Just using Hinote as an example.

No offense, but I do not like that idea. Giving Inazuma a thok or anything similar would make him extremely overpowered. Also, the thok is an overused and boring ability. I'd rather keep Inazuma's primary ability the way it is.
Try something that no one has ever think of into an ability, like your roll soc. But instead of the roll make a soc for the thok. Hinote did it, I think you can also. But if you can't then just use a regular old thok. I'm not trying to say copy the same exact ability as Hinote but make it unique.
Just using Hinote as an example.
No offense, but I do not like that idea. Giving Inazuma a thok or anything similar would make him extremely overpowered. Also, the thok is an overused and boring ability. I'd rather keep Inazuma's primary ability the way it is.
I don't think Deadpool is still trying to get you to use the thok.
Deadpool is now trying to point out to you to not use a thok but to use a custom ability the overrides the thok action. Hinote's primary custom ability is a great example as it makes the player (Hinote) launch herself forward diagonally into the air whilst spawning flames beneath her.
I understand what he is trying to say but keep in mind... Inazuma is already super fast. I don't think it is necessary to have a primary ability like thok or something like hinote's.
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