I making Modern Classic Sonic but,

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Nicholas the Hedgefox

Yeah, maybe I deserve it...
I have trouble here is the list of the wad error
Command line arguments: '"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Do not touch this is nicholas's\srb2\srb2dd.exe" '
I_StartupSystem() ...
Setting up SRB2...
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 1982MB - Free: 914MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Do not touch this is nicholas's\srb2\srb2.srb (6214 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Do not touch this is nicholas's\srb2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Do not touch this is nicholas's\srb2\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Do not touch this is nicholas's\srb2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Do not touch this is nicholas's\srb2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Do not touch this is nicholas's\srb2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Do not touch this is nicholas's\srb2\patch.dta (94 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Do not touch this is nicholas's\srb2\music.dta (171 lumps)
VID_FreeAndAllocVidbuffer done, vidbuffersize: 4e200
Mode changed to 0 (320x200W)
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 1, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Default resolution: 1280 x 800 (16 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2975 frames in 231 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 1 frames in 1 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
VID_FreeAndAllocVidbuffer done, vidbuffersize: 4e2000
Mode changed to 16 (1280x800)
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.15 (May 19 2016 06:09:59 e2a57835)
>addfile ClassicModernSonic.wad
NOTICE: Game must be restarted to record statistics.
Added file ClassicModernSonic.wad (323 lumps)
I_Error(): R_AddSingleSpriteDef: No patches found for PLAYC2C8 frame ^
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