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The Latius' Workshop


Hybrid Kart Mapper/Porter
Seeing as quite a few others have this, I'm going to start a thread to show the works I have been working on, starting with this little gem:



It's a Mania-styled Special Stage, which those of you who have been watching what Lat' has been doing would know about - in fact, I have already made one prior Special Stage which is about 90% or so complete, and works perfectly, which you can see in my signature - but with the ability to jump between the lower path and the upper, reverse gravity, path. There'd be spike balls which can only be avoided on one of the paths in the final version.


This shows something I have included in this map - invisible FOFs which make sure you're going the right way, as the UFO only travels one way. This is instead of the one-way jumps I did in Special Stage 1.


And here's how the UFO gets defeated in this stage, thanks to the reverse gravity.

Next up (and the last one I'll show to start off with) is this:




This is a planned 'sequel' to a map which STHE123O made, The Cube - but unlike what STHE123O did, this will be a maze of interconnected maps with seven different areas of challenges, yet only one true exit to escape the maze... or will it be truly the way out, or just another trap?
Some more of the Hypercube map pack, and this time it's the only boss area.





For now, it contains both of the first two bosses plus Metal Sonic to deal with, although the plan is to make a new boss for this stage.
Some Dream Gate stuff

While I'm putting the Hypercube stuff on hold, I decided to revisit a plan which I had, but I have since lost the only maps I had for it. Right now it's very basic, but...


Welcome to the Dream Gate, which will serve as a tutorial area for how the pack which it's planned to be in will work, as well as a HUB of sorts. But for right now, I'm working on the HUB version of it.


I wonder where this portal used to go? Although it's no longer active, and does nothing if you try to go through it.


Yeah, that's a long way down, and I don't like the looks of what's down there... (It's basically similar to that black stuff which was in Journey of Dreams in the Dream Gate area of that game)


Just a sample of how the portals would work. I intend to potentially have a flash of blue before dropping you in the first Act of the chosen Zone. (Which, as I haven't made any other maps, drops you into THZ1, as that's where the first real Zone would be starting map number wise)
Seeing as quite a few others have this, I'm going to start a thread to show the works I have been working on, starting with this little gem:

View attachment 11340

View attachment 11341

It's a Mania-styled Special Stage, which those of you who have been watching what Lat' has been doing would know about - in fact, I have already made one prior Special Stage which is about 90% or so complete, and works perfectly, which you can see in my signature - but with the ability to jump between the lower path and the upper, reverse gravity, path. There'd be spike balls which can only be avoided on one of the paths in the final version.


This shows something I have included in this map - invisible FOFs which make sure you're going the right way, as the UFO only travels one way. This is instead of the one-way jumps I did in Special Stage 1.


And here's how the UFO gets defeated in this stage, thanks to the reverse gravity.
Wow. That looks good. I honestly thought of doing something like this myself, however my knowledge in SOC and Lua is very poor (Whichever was used for the Mach System).
Hope to see more of it!
Wow. That looks good. I honestly thought of doing something like this myself, however my knowledge in SOC and Lua is very poor (Whichever was used for the Mach System).
Hope to see more of it!

It's actually done in LUA. And, speaking of, I was the one who helped implement the bonus scoring (you know, an extra 1k points each time you increase the Mach, and an extra 10k each time you overcharge the Mach gauge - before, overcharging it just left it completely filled up) and added the functions to alter the starting Ring count and how easy (or hard) it is to increase the Mach gauge through the level header, which has LUA.maniarings, (to determine the starting Ring count) LUA.maniascaleddiff and LUA.maniadiff (both of these relate to how many Blue Spheres you need to Mach Up - the latter is a constant which determines either the number of Blue Spheres needed to Mach Up if the difficulty is not scaled, or the rate at which how many Blue Spheres you need to Mach Up increases (while also setting the base at Mach 1 as double this value) if it is scaled)
Some more work on the Gate of Dreams:



New sprites for the HUD for Emerald... I mean, Ideya Hunt! True, the Act ones are placeholders, and the Ideya Radar and Ideyas themselves could do with a bit of a clean up, but still. (Also, the Rings have been removed in the most recent build, as I don't plan on using Rings normally. Except for Zone 8 and the Boss Acts.)


...And, yeah. Really need to find a way to change how the results screen shows the results.


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A few first person previews of the Gate of Dreams, which is almost done. All that's left is a bit of prettying up and making the NiGHTS Tutorial Act for it.

Speaking of, I really do need to make some better-looking Act place cards, but I'm not exactly artistically inclined.
Some more images of the Gate of Dreams, and the NiGHTS tutorial you'd get there.

Unlike the other NiGHTS stages planned for the pack, this is a single mare affair on a shrunken version of the Gate of Dreams (through the use of the OldBrack level type to make it seem normal sized) to let you practice

You get a very generous 300 seconds (that's 5 minutes) in order to collect 25 Rings (although in the final version, they would be 'replaced' with Blue Spheres) to unlock the Ideya Drone (which would be carrying a single fragment of the Green Chaos Emerald when in the pack)

Because none of the Emerald Fragments is in NiGHTS Super Sonic's possession properly, the Ideya Temple is in an inactive state. But there are Wing Logos inside it for you to collect if you manage to paraloop around it.

Unlike the other levels, you don't need to get an A rank in order to progress with unlocking the secret ninth zone, but the Rainbow A rank would be based on my personal best score, as will it be based on in all the NiGHTS acts in the Zones of the pack. This only serves as a tutorial of sorts.

However, the current Thing placements and the like is only provisional. My intent is to have it where, during the bits where you are by the floating islands, there would be an easy route over the top which would mainly contain Wing Logos and the odd Hoop and Ring, while the lower route, which might be harder to reach or follow, would have more Rings.
Seeing as quite a few others have this, I'm going to start a thread to show the works I have been working on, starting with this little gem:

View attachment 11340

View attachment 11341

It's a Mania-styled Special Stage, which those of you who have been watching what Lat' has been doing would know about - in fact, I have already made one prior Special Stage which is about 90% or so complete, and works perfectly, which you can see in my signature - but with the ability to jump between the lower path and the upper, reverse gravity, path. There'd be spike balls which can only be avoided on one of the paths in the final version.


This shows something I have included in this map - invisible FOFs which make sure you're going the right way, as the UFO only travels one way. This is instead of the one-way jumps I did in Special Stage 1.


And here's how the UFO gets defeated in this stage, thanks to the reverse gravity.
Woah! Gives me Sonic XG vibes!
You guys remember this, right? The awful White Land 3 map I had made some time ago?

Well, that's about to change, with the Remastered White Land 3, which will be a part of the Aura Remaster Kart pack!


Of all the maps I had made, White Land 3 was the one I wanted to fix and make better, and now, with the release of SRB2Kart, I now can do so.

However, this is still in a beta stage, and not yet ready to be released, so that's why I'm only posting it here.

The final version of the Aura Remaster Kart Pack will have about 10 maps in total - five remastered ones, and five (brand) new ones.

The remastered ones are:

  • White Land 3
  • Baby Park -
  • Ringwood GP (with both the old and the new route)
  • Death Turnpike (which may move to the Lati side due to it being newer than the others, and replaced with another F-Zero map I had made) -
  • F-Zero X Rainbow Road


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I'm interested in the Baby Park stage you're making. Though, what I'd suggest is to make the map bigger than it is, since it looks a little too small.

You should also try to look up pictures of Baby Park from the original Mario Kart stages. At a first glance, it doesn't really remind me of Baby Park! :P
I'm interested in the Baby Park stage you're making. Though, what I'd suggest is to make the map bigger than it is, since it looks a little too small.

You should also try to look up pictures of Baby Park from the original Mario Kart stages. At a first glance, it doesn't really remind me of Baby Park! :P

Well, it's more of a SRB2Kart version of Baby Park, which may or may not get a name change in the final release. But I took that advice to heart, and made Baby Park 50% bigger, for 50% more carnage!
While I am waiting on sprites, I might as well show what I've been doing Lua wise for my character. Which I'll make sure to include a Lua-less version depending on how things go.

This is of course regarding my Latius Kart Character stuff, and for it, I created a system which works on time spent and converting items.

No screencaps for now, but the idea is that in the versions with this extra Lua stuff, you'd be able to use one of four or five different moves:

  • ExtremeSpeed - Basically a Sneaker Boost. I've already coded that in.
  • Luster Purge - I'm thinking this could be a homing attack, borrowing elements from the SPB, (in that it ignores walls) the Bomb (in that it has an area of effect once it hits) and the Jaws (where it homes onto a target)
  • Thunder Wave - Like the active effect of using the Thunder Shield, but without the shield. Race Mode only.
  • Fly - Just like the Pogo Springs. Battle Mode only.
  • Double Team - Gives the intangability of the ghost, but without stealing items.
  • Mist Purge - The special move of the Latius. Uses all PP, and can only be used once a race, but gives good offense (in the form of a SPB and a Luster Purge) and defense.

I will need to get some advice as to how to code in all the moves barring ExtremeSpeed (given that I've already done that one)

Update: All moves barring Mist Purge and Luster Purge are coded in now.
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I'm starting work on a HUD replacement mod for Kart after being inspired by Lat's WipeZones mod which I have assisted with. At the moment, I only have the intro made - which I intend to have compatible with other mods of a Wipeout style - but I do intend to have a complete HUD, with custom item images based on the Wipeout Weapon icons. Which I wouldn't mind some help with.

As an aside note, if you would want it compatible, what you would have to do is add in the following line during the mapload stuff after checking if your mode is enabled:

if WipeMode then WipeMode = "{Mode Name}"  end

And if it's disabled, then use the following line instead:

if WipeMode then WipeMode = " "  end


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I have started work on the sequel to DaytonaKart, with my first order of business being making the HUD stuff for it. Which has gone through some twists and turns due to some bugs in V2.1, I have managed to get it working in Races, Egg Prison and...
the Sealed Star stages


It's yet to be tested directly in Battle mode (and is possibly going to be missing the Emeralds from there in the current build) but it's a starting point.
HOT DAMN!! That HUD looks really clean! It honestly looks like an official alternate style one could toggle somehow. I'm eager to see where this goes!
Well, there's already a couple of betas hanging about on the discords, but maybe I'll see about making a version of it that's just HUD stuff.

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