Even More 2.1 Preview Screenshots

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Brown the dog said:
Is the next version gonna support Windows 8?
rjsec4ever (srb2mb member) uses SRB2 on Windows 8 without a problem so I guess you don't have to worry. He only had a temporary problem which was when his save files would be stored in a folder outside of the SRB2folder.
I use windows 8 and my server lags a LOT! Whenever I join, I get cfailed. Before I got a new computer, I never had this problem... I hope they fix it with windows 8 cause I cannot deal with the lag in my server.
I seem to have some issues with SRB2 in Windows 8 as well. However none of them are netplay related.

The first is that minimising the game and then maximising it again gives me this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqOhV2VJ-YQ. This doesn't go away until I change resolution or restart the game and is quite distracting as you can see. Someone did suggest that it could be to do with Windows 8 Metro's app snapping feature but I don't know if there's a way to disable it or check.

The second issue I have is the frame rate in software mode with it being about 25 fps at 640x480 despite my computer being more that capable of running SRB2 and being better than my old one which did run it perfectly.

Because of those 2 issues I've been relying on the OpenGl renderer to get by. Unfortunately with 2.1 there will be many things that will render in Software but not OpenGl which is to be expected. Unfortunately I'll have to hope the 2 issues don't happen in 2.1.
The fact that openGL bugs up a lot saddens me... :(

I've gotten used to looking up and not having all the textures go psychotic on me. Makes sniping knuckles players or sniping as a gliding knuckles a bit annoying.

Ah well...*shrug* I'll cope.
I can add some anecdotal evidence to the pile as well. Two school computers that were updated to Windows 8 run SRB2 noticeably slower than the others which are on XP/7. Granted, I never tried running the game on those computers before they were updated, but it'd be an odd coincidence otherwise.
I can add some anecdotal evidence to the pile as well. Two school computers that were updated to Windows 8 run SRB2 noticeably slower than the others which are on XP/7. Granted, I never tried running the game on those computers before they were updated, but it'd be an odd coincidence otherwise.
Doesn't it depend on the service pack as well?
I know that some computers can't run certain games or it can't have fast speed gaming offline/online.
For example take Sonic Adventure Directors Cut (SADX) it's suppose to only run on programs before Windows XP (like Windows 98). However it actually does run on XP but you can't expect a good performance on each computer especially if they have different service packs.

Also I use XP and 7 for srb2 and it runs faster on my windows 7 but the windows XP isn't laggy.
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I did not install ANY service packs on my new computer. Perhaps you may be right but windows 8 still does not have FULL compatibility with Srb2.
just a question : can this version have a retro-support for the 2.0.6 wads and all the current Srb2 Community Build features?
just asking
just a question : can this version have a retro-support for the 2.0.6 wads and all the current Srb2 Community Build features?
just asking

The only reason that happened was because the updated their engine. Hence, The 1.0 to 2.0. That would only happen if they update their engine again. Then it would be version 3.0. If they don't update, Then it would remain in the 2.0 versions.

To answer your question, yes. It WILL be supported.
can this version have a retro-support for the 2.0.6 wads
No. And not just out of spite, but because it's not technically feasible to do that. Maps will be easy to port though; they just require a small change in the level header. SOCs will have to be remade, but at least this is the last time SOCs will have to be ported, because in future versions SOCs will be backwards-compatible with 2.1.

and all the current Srb2 Community Build features
Most of those features pertain to OpenGL, which is incomplete, so I doubt anyone in the dev team will bother to do that.
No. And not just out of spite, but because it's not technically feasible to do that. Maps will be easy to port though; they just require a small change in the level header. SOCs will have to be remade, but at least this is the last time SOCs will have to be ported, because in future versions SOCs will be backwards-compatible with 2.1.

Most of those features pertain to OpenGL, which is incomplete, so I doubt anyone in the dev team will bother to do that.

Now I am confused. 2.1 will NOT have support for wads in 2.0.6?
For the most part it will, but the values of the TypeOfLevel parameter in the level header were changed around, which means that you'll have to change that value to play the map in the correct gametype (which takes like five seconds, so no biggie).

And as for SOCs, SOCs always break with each update that adds new Objects to SRB2, because they overwrite slots that were previously unoccupied. This happened when 2.0.5 came out, it happened when 2.0 came out, it happened when 1.09.4 came out, and so forth. Sometimes you're lucky and the SOC in question doesn't use any of those newly occupied slots - in that case the SOC will still work. But lots of SOCs use the first free slots that are available, and since those are the first to be overwritten by new Objects, those SOCs will break.

Now there's one silver lining, so to speak: 2.1 will be the last time you have to update your SOCs. That's because 2.1 introduces a new feature where you don't have to specify the slot numbers yourself anymore - you just write down a name for the Object and the game will automatically find the next unoccupied slot and put it there. So when a potential 2.2 comes out and adds new Objects, this will no longer affect SOCs for 2.1, because the game will automatically shift the slots around for you. A great side effect is that this prevents conflicts between SOCs. Right now, if two SOCs use the same slots and you add both, they won't work correctly because one overwrites the other. This is why you weird things happen sometimes when you load two separate level packs, like Tortured Planet and Mystic Realm (although I think those two have no overlaps - just an example off the top of my head). Starting with 2.1, the game will automatically prevent any overlaps, so you can add as many SOCs as you want (at least until all slots are occupied) and there will never be any conflicts. But, as I said, you will have to do this one last update to 2.1.

As for character WADs, I don't know if they changed anything about the OBJCTCFG, but if they did, those will have to be updated too (and since they removed a lot of restrictions, you might as well update them even if no changes are necessary). Unlike the 1.09.4/2.0 transition, you won't need to convert the sprites though.
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All that's really changed is how the sprites for 1-up and exit signs are used; skidding just uses part of the walking animation.
Maps will be easy to port though; they just require a small change in the level header.
And changes to a few linedef executors, some due to using "texture" names as parameters (sounds/music, a couple others), others just for sanity purposes (2d, gravity changing)...
I CANT WAIT!!! UNTIL RELEASE! and good job finding those PICS

Well... He did not FIND them... Judging at his major role in Srb2, I would say he created them...

Those screenshots just look amazing. I can't wait to see what I can do with all this new stuff. Also
I couldn't find all of them but I found some, here they are.





Also. Not to bring back the past, but you forgot the extra life moniter for Sonic. =P
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