UglyKnux - Original SRB2 Knuckles

Hey so finally got around to contacting the moderators about this. I'm the guy who did the original version of this knuckles for an older SRB2 demo. Back then I went by the username DOHlberg. I made a Knuckles model in Truespace3D and contacted SSNTails in the old #srb2 chatroom back in the IRC days to create a wad file so there could be a proper temporary Knuckles in the game. Up until then it was just some sprites of Sonic from Sonic Xtreme thrown in. Originally there wasn't even a climbing feature and I asked if some frames could be set aside so I could animate a proper climbing animation into the sprite. Four frames were set aside just for Knuckles in his WAD file so he could have a believable climbing animation. One thing I didn't do right was I didn't account for the way Doom reassigned colors when I made the sprite, so only his socks and a few random gray spec pixels would change color. Anyways yeah, that was that. Unfortunately I don't have the original model file anymore. I believe it was on an old hard drive that might not exist now. I did some fangame stuff for a while before going to college. Now I do indie game dev and anything I post (currently) is going to be on my twitter, same username as I signed up here with. You can contact or follow me there to see what I'm up to these days. I hope that clears things up for anyone interested. I saw the model pop up from time to time and just kind of dragged my heels on letting people know where it came from. Hope people found this interesting!
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Have you checked out the official Discord server? ordomandalore attempted a recreation of the model and it would be nice if you can get in contact with them to perfect the ugliness.

I'm on the srb2 discord, been posting artwork (Some for a game I'm making) That model actually looks better than the real one did. It was made mostly with primitives because I didn't know what I was doing. The dreads weren't actually even part of the head mesh, they were just cylinders extracted out with a tapered end. It was some real amateur low quality jank. (Easy to pose because I didn't actually have to know how to rig it) I made the eyes with Truspace's cutout tool and then everything else was just skewed spheres, cubes, and cylinders. The mesh wasn't even properly smoothed out so it had Virtua Fighter style hard edges on every polygon. The recreation model is pretty cool though. I love it.
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Just imagine what a resprite of this guy would be. Sure, it'll take down the oldness he has but it'll look cool

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