The Gate of Dreams

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Hybrid Kart Mapper/Porter
In the event I do not log in for a month and cannot be contacted, I give blanket permission for STJr and its appointed staff to coordinate and approve the porting and maintenance of my standard SRB2 releases on the SRB2MB, except where stated otherwise. I reserve the right to ask for those ports to be taken down or replaced if I return. You may not edit my work to create other content (such as Original Characters or Remix Stages) unless specified.

This map can only be updated after EHA is updated to work.

(Technically, this is a pack of two levels, but they are both in the same 'Zone', and the layout is exactly the same - the only changes are that one is a NiGHTS stage, and one is a Hunt Stage)

This level is a testbed of sorts for a possible NiGHTS level pack, and it showcases the Gate of Dreams - at least, the versions which aren't the HUB one, due to this only being the Gate itself. It includes both the NiGHTS Act and the Hunt Act (using Emerald Hunt Advanced - DrEAMS version) as well as four Emblems as bragging rights - one for clearing the pack, one for matching or beating my high score (as of the submission) in the NiGHTS act, one for beating my quickest time in the Hunt Act, and one for mastery over the whole level.


Known bugs:

  • In Record Attack, you don't get the same reduced gravity as you do in SP. This means some of the Ideyas might be unreachable in Record Attack for Sonic or Knuckles, plus the shortcuts can't be used.

Second Night Update:

  • A bug involving the 'Death Pits' in Act 1 is fixed, and now Lives are no longer used. Instead, a Night Over stat is tracked, but as of now, this doesn't do much.
  • Falling out now has a custom animation, although the Black Sea does obscure it, based on the falling out animations in the (as yet not public) Mania Special Stages wad by Lat'.

Third Night Update:

  • Now uses Emerald Hunt Advanced Version 1.2.0, which is more Multiplayer friendly due to syncing of variables.
  • Addition of custom death messages, based on stuff I've worked on with Monster Psychic Cat, which also shows the increase in Night Overs.

Fourth Night Update:

  • Now uses Emerald Hunt Advanced Version 1.3.2


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Third Night Update:

Now uses 1.2.0 of Emerald Hunt Advanced.

New custom death message(s) - although only one can be seen in normal gameplay.
Okay, the first map is a mess with the layout of rings that makes it difficult to really know which way you're supposed to go or even where the path will lead you. Having them stacked ontop of each other doesn't look good either and I'd really suggest trying to fix that. Can't say much on the second map due to it just being a hub area with emerald hunt thrown in.
Well, I would like to ask what you would suggest with regards to helping improve it. Because I don't know what would be better to improve it.
Again, the map just feels cluttered from how the objects are orientated, also the separate paths don't seem to really do or lead to anything. Night maps tend to focus on a solid main path. I'd point to the Special Stages as an example or other custom made Night maps. This just feels cluttered and maybe should be spread out a bit more to avoid confusion of what's on path vs background object
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