• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

KIMOKAWAIII Is My Origin, KIMOKAWAIII Always Waits And Is Intensely Interested


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Magmore updated again, this time to Version Gamma

That was honestly a pretty decent level, loved using the ramps to go accross gaps and all. My only complaints would be the lack of visual detail, especially on more cramped cave areas and the sound the buzzes thingies make, it's honestly really rattling, and it gets much worse when there's more than one somewhat near you. I'd suggest toning it down somehow?
Two days left? I'll better send it now then.

And before you ask why am I using this map as my entry is because this map was originally made for KAWAIII before I've even started making Destructive Illusion.

Download : (Attached)
Title : Desolate Woods
Submitters : Me.
Credits : Custom enemies and decorations' sprites by Strike, Horizontal Springs by DirkTheHusky and Lach.
Music : Mission Acomplished, Treasure Box and Return to lo from the Mod Archive.
Maintainer Notes : Custom sprites might be updated soon. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a solution for the "warning" at the beginning of the level.


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Rush B s.r.o

Updated to 1.01 - Just kidding more like 1.5.

Download : [Attached]
Title : Cosmic Valley
Submitters : Me
Credits : Horizontal springs by DirkTheHusky and Lach(Not Included), Nev3r for GEZ Space sky textures(gonna replace them¯\_(ツ)_/¯, I don't want to use others assets).
Music : Tragic song by Flyer/R-Age/Psycho(ModArchive),
Maintainer Notes : Didn't had either way enough time even in polish phase, oh well.
OpenGL have lot of fps issues at start area


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Hurry Sonic, we gotta stop Ducktah Robuttnick!

Two days left!?! Quick throw out a mostly completed build for my level, so that I can use the extra time!!

But seriously, I'm throwing this out, in case I don't finalize the base layout by the time of the deadline.

Download: (attached)
Title: Robotnik's Fortress 1 (It's named that for a reason given in the notes.)
Submitters: Swift
Music: Dr. Wily Stage 1-2 from Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Credits: Horizontal Springs by DirktheHusky and Lach, clouds in the skybox are ripped and recoloured from Mania's title screen. Also, special thanks to Mill and some other friends of mine for beta-testing and finding bugs/issues in the map.
Maintainer Notes: Only base layout is "done". I will see if I can finish and make the other paths accessible, which means this may not be the final version of the level. This level wasn't originally for KAWAII, hence the "1" in the map's title.


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Alright finally went and whipped this lil' guy up:

Download: MEGA Link
Title: Lilac Acreage Zone
Submitter: RoyKirbs
Credits: To Mrpinci19 for the music that plays for the majority of the map, it's Kirby's Block Ball Stage 1.
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Alright so because Lach hasn't responded, because his spring fix is public, and because not everyone uses Discord, I'm dropping this modified version of Lach's spring script here.
The only real difference between the normal one that comes with horizontal springs and this one is that this one automatically points the player in the direction that the spring is facing regardless of if you're spinning or not, and this one is made for a per-map basis in case you don't want your map to have this feature (just change the number next to "gamemap" to your map number)

Before anyone makes any comments on how terrible it is that I used console commands to do my bidding, keep in mind that:
-The console command only runs if you're in analog mode.
-This was done in like a day or so for my own map's purposes and was whipped up in a day.
-I'm not too great at programming and this is the most I've done with lua since the start of the year.
-I really don't feel like reprogramming the entire camera just for this one map that I'm doing, if someone else would like to rectify the issue (if it even is that big of an issue) then please go ahead.

If any moderators or Lach himself would like me to take this down then I will.


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It's probably worth mentioning that KAWAIII's preview WAD already has Lach's spring fix, enabled for all maps, since it was included in several maps.
Can't believe the deadline is coming up so soon. Unfortunately, exams took time away from working on the level, but the most important thing is turning something in, right?

Download: [Attached]
Title: Decrepit Plant Zone
Submitters: TrustyGun
Credits: Cherry Jam from the Mod Archive


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Remember that yalls're allowed to update your entries for at least the next 8 days, so don't worry about your current submissions not being perfect (as long as something is submitted) ^u^
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Recycling is fun.

Pure Rock Zone

([now outdated] screenshots attached)

Download: (attached too)
Title: Pure Rock Zone
Submitters: Goldenhog
Credits: Took a bunch of textures from both Spherallic's SRB2 Asset Pack and Shadow Hog's FreeDoom texture pack. Sky made out of edited sprites from Sonic 2 and Sonic Mania. Music is "Main Title Part 2" from Alien 3.
Maintainer Notes: -

I guess I'm joining the rush to have something out before the deadline. Uh, I don't use Discord so if anyone wants to give me feedback on my map then it has to be here.

21/05 Update: Final version of the level (most likely)


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Goldenhog, When I got to the saw blades, they were oddly mute. Please consider adding sound effects.
Yeah that's one of the things I sacrificed while kicking the map out the door.
When I update the map, the saws'll have sound effects (alongside all that other stuff that should have them like the waterfalls).
I also got to ask, why are those platforms at the start so fast? I couldn't get on them as my slippery Sonic, let alone normal sonic.

The buzz saws near by the treadmill were Evil., I have no idea how I'm going to get past that

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