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KIMOKAWAIII Is My Origin, KIMOKAWAIII Always Waits And Is Intensely Interested

In a Good state

OK, I think my map is good for now so this version should be the last. Of course leave any bug reports down below or via Discord, Thanks and enjoy

Changes detailed in the spoiler

Updated - 14/5/18
Updatedx2 - 21/5/18


  • Invisble wall issue at the start has been fixed
  • Some shortcuts have been added
  • Water section has been Improved
  • The breakable walls should be.... well breakable and much more Distinguishable
  • Added 3 emblems - 2 global, 1 skin
  • Other minor fixes
Download: ATTACHED!?
Title: Azure Paradise
Submitters: Lazy MK
Credits: Mainly for Lach and Dirk on the Horizontal springs and the Spring Fix, Green springs Soc was made by me.


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where's the music? I got a music lump error and the stage was a lot less interesting to play without a bgm.
Music works fine here, did you download the new version?

---------- Post added at 07:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------

Just noticed a minor design flaw in the Rising Sand Trap Room so I decided to update the level, this should hopefully be the last update (#3)


  • Fixed a design flaw with the Rising Sand Trap Room, the Room should get locked once the sand reaches a certain level.
  • Some Sand falls didn't function properly and the downwards current didn't work on them, this should be fixed now.
  • Added Mine structures to some of the areas to improve the look of the cavern sections.

File updated in the original post.
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MK, the level is still very confusing to navigate. Most of my time was spent wondering whether I'm going the right way or just accidentally backtracking. Also, a lot of the jumps are hard to pull off, which is pretty limiting for Sonic unless you do some slope physics trickery. I actually like that a lot, but it might turn people off if they're not used to slopes yet and can't find any other way to progress.
Updated my wad, mainly fixed the breakable walls being the wrong texture
New services with new D V D

I believe the map's good enough for so here goes Dimension Disaster, a Sonic CD styled Special Stage (although here as a normal level) with an improved version of SRB2DVD. While the theme I had going for this map was more that of space at first, it ended up as a some weird steel blue and lavender refinery instead. Oh well.

Download: (attachement below)
Title: Dimension Disaster
Submitter: Lat'
Ressource Credits: Sonic Mania & Sonic 2 for some textures, others are either custom or edits from vanilla SRB2. MotorRoach for Sonic's start animation (was already in SRB2DVD, but still worth mentionning.) Music is YO-KAI Disco from Mamorukun Curse
Maintainer Notes:
  • Despite the prefix, race is not supported, but competition is. (there's no prefix for competition so I put r_)
  • Record attack is fully supported, time and ring emblems have been put in.
  • The map's not easy either so don't expect to do particurarily well your first time around. (I prefer to specify since a number of people have told me that this was pretty difficult)
  • Not every custom character might work (e.g: Flicky), though Shadow, Silver and CDSonic should have full support.
  • If you play with a bot, it will follow you around. Though Player 2 cannot take control of it.
  • Software high-res might have performance issues on very specific spots. (I tried my best to avoid those)
  • Splitscreen, although supported is absolutely UNPLAYABLE in software, don't even bother.
  • HUD end-of-level fade / title card is broken in Software nongreen. (loops to the other side of the screen)
  • Yes, the music is a 340kb ogg.

UPDATE 21/5/18:
  • Added and changed ever so slightly a few textures.
  • Added a few more silos to block rendering and increase performance for Software in some convenient spots.
  • Time UFO now gives 50 instead of 30 seconds.
  • Hitting a Time UFO will divide your time bonus at the end of the stage.
  • HUD now displays the Rings Multiplier (should make it easier to understand how to get the Rings emblem)
  • HUD now also displays a timer for the Speed Sneakers
  • Fixed the bot not spinning with the player while using a fan
  • Fixed being able to walk on the sides of bumpers: Please do tell me if your overall framerate performance worsens, because that might be it (It does additional checking because someone forgot to push touching_sectorlist to Lua!!!)
  • Improved collision detection with bumpers, you shouldn't be able to hug them anymore, go hug your trash waifu instead.
  • Speed pads no longer iterate through lines when you touch them (ouch), so this should increase performance for whoever had their game doing a microfreeze while their potato CPU was doing god's work.
  • MapLoad no longer resets the variables by itself, this has been moved to a MapChange and should fix conflicts (notably with PF_FORCESTRAFE)
  • All netplay synched local vars are set to nil outside of this map to lighten $$$.sav
  • All Lua lumps have been merged so Sal has no additional work to do!


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  • scr_DimensionDisaster.rar
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Reminder for all participants: there is now about one week remaining! Be sure to make it on time for the criticism phase!

Loving everything done for the project so far, too~!!
Lack of ideas = NOT ENOUGH RINGS...

Title: Sunken Shafts
Music: Aqua Tunnel 1
Download: Attached
Submitter: Inferno Dragon
So this was going fine until I hit a very bad lack of ideas :L

Have the map, I hope it's actually playable.

Things that need feedback:

  • Level geometry
  • The leaps of faith
  • Multiplayer compatibility

Well at least it'll be better than Magma Peaks :L

Couldn't find enough places for emblems, and they'd be really badly hidden... emblem-less map from me I guess.


  • kawaiii_sunkenshafts_v6.rar
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The no more enemies room's a bit too cluttered for my liking, especially with Uniduses all over the place. In fact it's not even clear that you have to bust all the enemies to open the button sector, I only knew because of your post.
It's also not clear what the gargoyles do when you push them on the button since there's a lack of water sound when you press it unlike the other buttons.
That aside, it's a pretty good level!
@Aquatic Hinote: Found a bug in the Main Switches puzzle room, the checkpoints are too close to the gates so if you die and respawn near one of them you'll get crushed by the Door, the Door also won't remain open after you respawn in Singleplayer so you won't be able to Backtrack and press the remaining switches, perhaps you can make the switches unlock the Door again and reconsider the Checkpoints positioning.
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As Lat already mentioned, the main problem with your level is the lack of indication of where to go and what to do. Either you have to step on a piece of floor with a different flat texture, but it's obscured by the brightness, or you have to defeat all the enemies to proceed but it's simply not clear that you have to.

The worst offender would be the No More Enemies room itself - it's way too cramped, it's got a confusing layout, both chosen enemy types are slow and tend to lurk behind crates where it's difficult to see them while the camera object has the awful tendency to get stuck between those spaces, worsening the situation. Lessening the number of enemies, choosing a faster, flying enemy type, or making the enemies hard to reach but not in a way that it tires the player from proceeding would make the room a lot better.

Also Romio already pointed out that if you die after activating the Hot Shelter room Star Post, you respawn inside the door, having no other option than gaming over. Either placing the Star Post a little further or giving the linedef that opens the door a Once trigger should fix that.
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Thanks for your feedback.

@Romio, you can indeed open the door after the checkpoint, but the door kills you indeed.

The NME room is getting an enemy tweak indeed, but is there a clear way to indicate that you have to bust all the enemies? I thought about this one and just... put the thing with the single Spring Shell and a door to showcase it before...

I also think that some of the sounds are broken, namely the one that's supposed to play when you bust all the enemies and when you push all the gargoyles. I can't find anything. Could anyone take a look at the map in an editor and tell me if anything's wrong?

Updated: bugfixes and tweaks everywhere

Things I'm still looking at: NME room (still feels a bit... odd, may remove crates or merge the two corridors halfway in)
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Idea, Add an eggman symbol either in front of, or on the door. once the room is clear, the symbol should go away. (not a problem if directly on the door.)
I've just played the level and died after grabbing the checkpoint through one of the doors. I died and am now forever trapped. Please consider turning level reset off.

EDIT: There's also a lot of areas where a player who doesn't use mouselook to pan the camera up and down would be making blind jumps over pits, that's a biiiiig no-no. A way to fix this would be to playtest your level with mouselook off and see what's visible to the player, or to add rings but the first option is better in general.

The reference room is a fun idea for a singleplayer or co-op only map but KAWAIII is the type of pack that's going to allow race and competition as well which is going to be hell as everyone's working together to beat that section, or someone's just gonna stand at the door while everyone else completes it for them.
The rest of the map is pretty good, I can't think of anything else to change.
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Another update

Seen your feedback, tried to do what you all said (except Race Start doesn't trigger in Competition I don't think >:V)

I don't see many mouselook-hating areas, and the only one I saw I have fixed. Are you sure you saw that many?

If you did, can you list them all?
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just played the map, I like it for what it is. kinda short, but not bad by any means. I'm kinda wondering why the groselha changes function at the very end of the map though. Instead of being goo, it's bouncy. you should probably give an indication that this specific sector is different from the other goo FOFs

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