Vehicles (plus a beta level)

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"Armageddon shield blasts destroy vehicles in one hit."

...I think you can get around that by putting the MF_BOSS flag, they're not insta-killed by nukes, as far as I remember.
Drama? In MY Lua thread?

Thanks for the MF_BOSS suggestion, but unfortunately it won't work -- it messes with the vehicles' thinkers too much to be fixable.

I tried Tag in two-player mode and I think it works, but I didn't get a chance to test it online. If destroying a vehicle still doesn't count as a tag, I'll probably just eject players when they're hit. Saves a lot of trouble.
I noticed two issues, the first is that the bosses don't attack once you enter a vehicle and shoot them, like here:

The second is just me, but it'd be nice if I could shoot and break a monitor to get its contents, like with Eggman's laser, as shown:

And here's the Tank (as an example):
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I put help messages in the vehicles now; hopefully they help clarify the basic stuff like "Use the Custom buttons to exit" and "Fly the jet with turn/look, not move/strafe".

Fixing the boss targeting wasn't too hard. I could do it for all enemies, but that would slow down the game considerably.
Long-range monitor collection isn't gonna happen. Drive that tank a few meters further, you lazy bum. (Actually, it's the same reasoning for which you can't shoot a monitor in vanilla Match: too overpowered.)
I tried to do a motorcycle run through every level in the game. It eventually crashed but it was fun for about two zones. Good wad you've got going here.
The game crashed? Or the bike?

If it was the game, what's your game look like and what other mods did you have?
So, I fought Egg Slimer in the tank. Apparently him tackling you in his second phase crashes the game (though I did fire a ring at him at the same time so that might've caused something).

EDIT: Also it seems the helicopter cannot regenerate fuel when above max health.
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No four-wheeled vehicles yet, but here's a (mostly) stationary turret to camp your ass off with.

Both of the above issues are fixed, sort of. The Egg Slimer's second phase crashes SRB2 if its target isn't a player, and things can't target a player in a vehicle for some reason. So now it simply ignores you unless you jump out.

I'm still playing around with the jet's weapons; machine guns are the obvious choice, but it's hard to balance them out for a vehicle that specializes in evading attacks.
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So something I found out while doing random shenanigans. If you turn Friendly Fire on (Maybe Ringslinger too. I had them both on) and use any of the vehicle's weapons. You will hurt and even kill yourself by firing it.

Hoping this is a bug. Kinda wanted to do Co-Op vehicles with friendly fire on.
If you turn Friendly Fire on (Maybe Ringslinger too. I had them both on) and use any of the vehicle's weapons. You will hurt and even kill yourself by firing it.

Ain't happening on my end; I've tried all combinations of those. In fact, I run friendly fire in my server when I host.

Are you using any other mods alongside this? I know Metal Sonic has a few ways to hurt itself with vehicles.
Wow, okay.

I'd like to say "it's 2016, use OGL", but obviously I'm doing something terribly wrong. Hopefully it's just the map size or a boundary issue that can be fixed easily.


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I know this is pretty old, but is there intent of updating this? Otherwise, I love this, both in singleplayer and in multiplayer.
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