Alternate Match Maps [mt_AltMatchMaps]

Small update!

- Altered Lv. design and more in SGz(mapmc),AFz(mapm1) and WHz(mapme)
- Oh you can actually see in LTz(mapm4)

Just fix this.
Another update.... yay!!

- Cant spell Granite lake apparently. Thats fixed now
- Little fixes
- Something else...
New year, new update

Another update for AltMatchMap here are Version 1.6 Changes!

- Some music changes for these levels ASz[mapma] WHz[mapme] and the super music
- Some small level design tweaks such as sloped quicksand
- oh and Grantie lake is back :)
Another update,

- More music changes
- Major level design changes for CVz(mapmb) and AFz(mapm1)
- Minor level design for other levels too
- Some more things, idk though

- Mostly bug fixes
- APZ[mapmh] is now slightly wider
- More minor Level design tweaks
- Song List now added into the archive!
Small Update

- Fixed an issue where you could camp on the Electric floors on IHz[mapm6]
- Fixed the nuke spawn on CVz[mapmb]
- More shit, dont remember
Version 1.8

- New Level added! - Stone Ridge[MapMM/MapNM] - This level is nice and spacious with several flanks to use. and does look familiar to a map in the vanilla rotation already

- Minor level fixes
- Separate version now rotates thorugh all maps
- Short-end the Separate version file name


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Quick update!

I just updated the Horizontal spring fix script to the latest version in the wads.
Just a question.

Will you port these to 2.2? They are really fun and give needed freshness to the vanilla maps.
Is Granite Lake's removal going to affect anything (Probs not)
Will you make any new maps? You don't have to but I would be nice to know.

May or may not be a pointless bump but I'm doing it anyway.
It will be good to see these maps come back in 2.2. They were really fun to explore in all honesty.

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