
I'd like to suggest separate console variables for camera distance/height for being in analog mode and being in "strafe" mode, such that the game doesn't have to change the variable itself when switching to/from analog mode (and as a result also first-/third-person mode due to that modifying whether one is in analog mode, which currently modifies the camera distance/height regardless of what it was set to before).
Lua Base Update Suggestion

This isn't a major problem for SRB2 right now, but maybe in 2.3 or later I think it would be a good idea to update SRB2's Lua base version from 5.1 to whatever is the latest version at that particular time, because Lua 5.3 added support for 32-bit integers, and there is a huge increase in the amount of numbers that you can use from 16-bit to 32-bit, which would be really good for Lua scripters.
A linedef to allow entry past a linedef 1 way.

I would imagine it to be used mainly for challenge maps where the creator of the map desires you to keep on moving forward. Also i guess it would be good for MP so you dont have people who decide to back track.

I understand this can ruin exploration maps but its up to the map creator to include the Linedef effect into their map.
Would it be possible to implement a Lua hook that adds a thinker to each player by running only for certain skin names? Something like:
addHook("PlayerAbility", function(player)
    //Body code
end, "sonic")
This would make Lua abilities more efficient, as the game won't have to iterate through every player and check for the skin unnecessarily for every single player-oriented ThinkFrame and MobjThinker hook—it'd only have to iterate once and run the abilities per player based on his/her skin.

I know I'm goddamn decades late, but I would really like to second this, as well as adding that it would be awesome if there was also a way to disable said player thinker with a variable or something like that, mainly for mods that modify controls for specific stuff (See SUBARASHII's extra boss, etc).
It would honestly allow for much more compability between multiple mods, without forcefully having to support x character's abilities or whatever.
I think an option to change the folder where files downloaded from the server are saved into would be nice.
I think an option to change the folder where files downloaded from the server are saved into would be nice.

I agree with this.

Also, can we make the air bubble object(s) a lot bigger and easier to see? And increase the spawn rate of the big bubbles? I'm thinking a bubble about the size of sonic or bigger, maybe shield-sized and just as visible .

I only now realized that part of the reason why I hate underwater levels is having to strain my eyes looking for that puny near-invisible cluster of bubbles and breaking any semblance of flow waiting there for the next big bubble to come and hope to God my hitbox doesn't whiff it when it invariably comes on my last few seconds of air.

Yeah, it'll make underwater levels easier, but the difficulty that comes from these stupid bubbles is the frustrating unfun kind!
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Please remove analog mode's random camera angle when the player spawns, it's very annoying and isn't can't be changed while in race's countdown sometimes putting the player at a disadvantage because of it.
Just stick this line in autoexec.cfg, replacing "6" with whatever key you want to bind your centercam key to.

bind 6 "analog off; cam_speed max; wait 1; cam_speed 0.25; analog on"

Basically it turns your analog camera off and gives the game enough time to center the camera behind Sonic before turning analog back on. :)

Here's a workaround for the time being, Rumia. c:
Upgrade the Brak Eggman Final boss into a multi-tier boss battle. Old Brak already works as one of the tiers while Current Brak works as tier 1

(Would Brak Eggman even work as Dark City's boss at this point anymore?)
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Upgrade the Brak Eggman Final boss into a multi-tier boss battle. Old Brak already works as one of the tiers while Current Brak works as tier 1

(Would Brak Eggman even work as Dark City's boss at this point anymore?)

Old Brak was removed for a good reason: figuring out how to damage him is way too difficult (at least if you haven't watched the Sonic OVA recently, which most new SRB2 players haven't).
Old Brak was removed for a good reason: figuring out how to damage him is way too difficult (at least if you haven't watched the Sonic OVA recently, which most new SRB2 players haven't).

While I do agree with this, I think that Brak could be given more hit points in the form of a lower phase. Perhaps not giving him the electricity barrier until a later phase as like a pinch mode and start him off with some easier hits for the player to land.
Old Brak was removed for a good reason: figuring out how to damage him is way too difficult (at least if you haven't watched the Sonic OVA recently, which most new SRB2 players haven't).

Yeah, it took me MONTHS just to figure out how to hit him, and even then I had to cheat to figure it out.

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