V_SMALLSCALEPATCH causes text to be cut off or disappear

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As the title says, if V_SMALLSCALEPATCH is used with v.drawString, it will disappear if placed past the midway point of the screen, or be cut off if the length of the text causes it to cross the midway point of the screen.

Example: This piece of code:

v.drawString(300, 35, "Upgrade", V_YELLOWMAP|V_SMALLSCALEPATCH)

Creates the screenshot in the attachments

v.drawNum doesn't appear to cause this.


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    32.8 KB · Views: 327
I think I've kind of a guess as to what's going on here...

If you remove V_SMALLSCALEPATCH, do you see "UP" right next to the screen's right edge?

EDIT: I suspect the same thing will happen with V_MEDSCALEPATCH, it might not be the flag at fault but v.drawString itself internally.
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Yeah, that's how it goes. There's enough space for at least part of the A to be drawn, but the function probably goes out of it's way to cut it off, without taking into account the video flags. (I tested, and MEDSCALEPATCH does in fact also produce this result)

On a fairly unrelated note, I noticed THIS occurs in openGL. Is this somehow related, or just a completely separate problem?


  • srb20016.png
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