[Open Assets] Aiming Reticle for third person

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Never lose your aim in 3rd person again.

You can use this to aim in 3rd person mode.

ret_enabled sets whether its on or not (0, 1)

ret_dist sets how long it is (5 to 50, default is 20)


Your aiming reticle is only local to you, as of a recent update on the 20th of March. If you got this WAD before then, you will need get this update.


  • reticle-b.rar
    90.3 KB · Views: 788
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Something I've wanted for years. Nicely done! Super fun when you start messing with cam_dist and cam_height (Protip: set cam_speed to 1 to keep the sight from drifting while strafing). It should totally be possible to make these sights visible exclusively for the players using them, though- I saw RedEnchilada talking about it a few nights ago on IRC, maybe he'll weigh in.
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I imagine the only way to do that would be to draw them on the HUD, probably using some scaling and math to make it look like it's being projected into the game world. Not impossible, but probably a pain in the ass.
The solution I had proposed on IRC for a similar problem would involve a HUD hook solely to store the player argument passed in to some global clientplayer (or some name) variable, which would then be available as a reference to the current player being viewed within thinker-related hooks. You have to be incredibly careful on what you do with that variable, though, because it's very easy to cause desyncs with it. (Any changes you make can't influence the behavior of any other objects - except visually, if the object doesn't read those parameters in any way - and it's highly important that you don't do ANYTHING to advance the RNG seed as that will cause immediate and permanent sync failures.)
Do you mind explaining how that works again?

I'd like to try and master this as soon as I can.

EDIT: RedEnchilada showed me on steam. Here's an update with client-only beams.
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Thank you so much for this. May I suggest an optional skin for the reticle so that it's a certain pattern or color no matter what your playercolor is? Maybe a custom console command to do that. It can be hard playing a red character in a lava themed level with the reticle (I know you could just change the color of your character, but this would still be super cool and I would love you forever).
I replaced the old WAD with the new version. I should give it another name just to be clear...

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