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[SUGOI 2] Sonic Uncovers Banning And Realizes Anime Spoilers Hurt Intricate Ideas

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Boo, no one wants to play a rushed map. Is your act 1 as polished as it could possibly get?
Mount Torval Act 2

Here is the level image:

Title: Mount Torval Act 2
Credits: The Textures Belong to SRB2, Myself.
Maintainer Notes: This Level is a 3D, Normal level. This is the second map i created, Map 32 is unused.
This was rushed so it can enter sugoi 2, Its too late for feedbacks.
Hope you enjoy it. So it wont be as good as act 1. The stage is small.

Edit: Final Edit. Over! Script Fixed!


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Sorry for the rushed map, if i had time i would have made it better.

But its not completely rushed.
Mount Torval Act 1 is polished?

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Thank you all who played and gave feedback. I did what I could in the short amount of time I was able to work and polish up the map. Hopefully I addressed some of the issues. Here is the link to my original post.

Looking forward to the first test of SUGOII, and good luck to those that aren't done yet.
Our amazing last minute entry!


Here it is! My and root's amazing creation! That we...just now finished, half an hour from the deadline. The point is, we got it done.

SONIGURI: A little war in brand new mobius

Note: play on 640x400 or higher, preferably in green resolutions, but nothing lower than 640x400. Also do not play in OpenGL, OpenGL breaks it horribly.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fuc2g0brw7efewv/soniguri.zip?dl=0
Credits: Root for all the custom and edited sprites, level design, original concept, and the game's HUD. Sonic 3 & Knuckles for music and some sprites, MotorRoach for the original FSonic sprites, and the game SUGURI for some sound effects. Everything else (which is lua script) belongs to me.
Maintainer notes: Should be an emerald stage, probably. I don't really have anything set up regarding it, though, nor do I know how to. The level ends if all players die, AND if they clear the stage properly. But if they clear the stage properly, the variable server.soniguriclear is set to true, so use that for determining emblem handouts and clearing and such. I don't reset anything gameplay-related that I change when changing to other maps, so as to not mess with other luas, so when returning to the lobby the following HUD needs to be enabled: score, time, rings, and lives. To change what level the Lua will work on, change the if check at line 1409 to what ever map number it gets in the end. We also wonder if it'd be possible to update it again before the release of SUGOI 2, as we had to drop a few features to push this out in time, and we think we can get them in again before SUGOI 2 drops.

Side note: If you try this in a netgame, make sure everyone joins on or before the how to play screens. For what ever reason, the game breaks horribly if you join past that. We have no idea why, as everything is stored in player and server variables.
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It was my first time using quicksand, since I'm pretty new at making stages. If it's an issue, and It's not too late, I'll fix it.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a17dfuvcf2vng9o/scr_twilightgrove.wad?dl=1
Title: Twilight Grove
Credits: The music is "Secret Forest Shrine" by FearofDark (https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=176891)
Maintainer Notes: No asset packs used, the only custom textures are inside the wad. There are a few emblems.

Happy New Year!

The level looks pretty good and the gimmick is really fun, but I think this map needs more attention, the level looks kinda flat and not so many details or visuals. Add various forest textures and more details or visuals. Anyway... Really impressive work!
Updated my post with a newer version that fixes a few bugs, notably one that would cause errors to appear in multiplayer when someone joins even when not on the level.
I'm finally giving map-making a try!

Expect something terrible, as I've had to spend most of my time at home with chores and work.
oh, are you just now starting on making a level for this? the Deadline has passed and the levels are being compiled for the pack.


So in the end, Puppyfaic was the only guy who got any graphics from me. I was expecting my holiday season workload to be insane, but what I actually got was more like a company-sponsored assassination attempt. So! Here's hoping the next SUGOI happens at a more convenient time so I can do this the way I wanted to.

And these graphics are free for all to use as they see fit. Get them here.
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I think this map needs more attention, the level looks kinda flat and not so many details or visuals. Add various forest textures and more details or visuals. Anyway... Really impressive work!

I think this level is far from flat or under-detailed! Did we play the same map? The first thing I thought when I loaded up Twilight Grove is "Wow, lots of detail!". You can tell by the first room, the way the tree trunks protrude from the walls and the sheer variety of textures just in the starting area, along with the superbly-done glowing water just up ahead. Knux576, what maps have you made before? This level shows an expert level of polish and design. The level was designed with an uncanny amount of attention to detail. Every single room look like it got the same amount of effort put into the visuals, which are really good! The lighting was especially perfect, with the glowing water as the level's main standout visual, but the fade-to-black deathpits and the gradual darkening/lightening when moving from dark areas to light areas were also very gorgeously done.

My complaints with the level stem from these deathpits, however. I think they make the level a bit too punishing for two reasons:

-The deathpits are quite unexpected the first time falling in, since their presence isn't immediately visible to the player, and up to the point of their introduction, water wasn't an immediately-lethal hazard. Not to mention that the theme of the level doesn't feel like it should be this dangerous.

-The platforms are quite small, not to mention that many of them have red crawlas on them with buzzes overhead. This makes it twice as easy to fall in and be surprised/frustrated.

I understand that making a challenging level is a GOOD thing, but the deathpits in this level mainly feel unexpected and unnecessary, at least from my point of view. I'd suggest removing them entirely, lightening up on the enemies, or making the platforms above them bigger. Also, the first time I played through the level I had my sound muted and I found that I actually enjoyed it a lot more than when I played it again with the sound unmuted. It's the music. It sounds unpolished and doesn't quite fit IMO. It's up to you to change it, but I dunno, I think it needs something more magical. But again, as icefox said, really impressive work :D
I see that people are updating their maps, i should probably update more too.
So Mount Torval Act 2 may be better than it already is. A rushed level.
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