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[SUGOI 2] Sonic Uncovers Banning And Realizes Anime Spoilers Hurt Intricate Ideas

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Download: Attached.
Title: Atlantis.
Credits: Uses SRB2 Asset Pack and Freedoom textures. Credits will be finalized after map polish.
Maintainer Notes: Many unused resources contribute to file size, will be trimmed down after polish.
...This map needs a complete rework. The start and end are nice...
...but the rest is a bunch of random enemy placement.
No, I'm not kidding.
There are a ton of Jetty Syns, Sharps and Bird Aircraft Strike Hazards unleashed at one point and that's overkill. It gets even worse when you count the fact that there are Egg Guards in random places and just Big Floating Mines where they can't hit you. Random enemy placement is the thing that the community hates the most (well that along with bugs) and that happens to be the whole of your level.
For the redesign, use this. It will help.
...but the rest is a bunch of random enemy placement.
I would have to disagree with random. Every enemy I placed is intentional.
The map starts out with nothing as you are entering the Spire from the top. After you enter the first industrial room, there are a few enemies, but not too many. In the room with the first blast door, there are enemies waiting behind crates to try and stop you from getting through the blast door. By the time you get to the elevator, news of your progress has spread, so enemies come through vents in the elevator to try and cease your progress. After the elevator section and at the second industrial part, there is a brigade of Red Crawlas, and the first line of Egg Guards. They are trying to prevent you from going any deeper into the complex. After this room comes the double button room, where when the first button is pressed, gates open up, letting enemies flood in to try and stop you. After this room and on the final bridge, It's a last ditch effort by the enemies to stop you, and there is a line of Egg Guards before a door that opens up to reveal Snailers and lines of BASH. At this point, it's too late for the enemies to stop you, and you get to the center of the Pillar of Life.
Wanted to share my progress.


It is almost done. It doesn't have win/lose conditions yet, or something that prevents uncovering a mine on your first turn, but the board stuff like digging, flagging, and the numbers around the mines do work and it's neat.
The map makes a board with a size, places mines all around randomly, covers all tiles and the player gets to do whatever he wants.

There's nothing special on the level if anyone is wondering, it's just a bunch of 128x128 tiles in a rectangular map.

I wonder what should happen when you lose. Some people would get angry for losing on a special stage, on a minefield.
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Well, the new Speed booster sprites are starting to come online.

They won't be going into the level proper until the other angels are set up though, and I'm thinking of having lights be on top of each poll to indicate strength.

The whole variant thing won't be implemented in this version though as sonic still has that strong deceleration issue when running. (Less of an issue with Ice Slopes)
I love the speed of your map, and looking at the sprites don't really bother me as much glaber. (They actually do when I look closer though.) But nice sprites so far, I guess.
Well, it's not really finished, but it's completeable, and it's in a fine enough state for release, so here it is:

Download: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/fniv6olwli5k53r/HRTH.wad?dl=0
Title: Highly Responsive to Hedgehogs
Credits: ZUN (For making the base game and everything taken from it, as well as the original compositions of the music), Touhou Midi Central (MIDIs used), Anex86 (The emulator used to capture sprites and for playing the original)
Maintainer Notes: Emerald stage, hopefully. All other info is included at the start of the singular lua lump.
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It would seem as though your link doesn't work, perhaps you have copied the link to the preview rather than the public link?
I would have to disagree with random. Every enemy I placed is intentional.
The map starts out with nothing as you are entering the Spire from the top. After you enter the first industrial room, there are a few enemies, but not too many. In the room with the first blast door, there are enemies waiting behind crates to try and stop you from getting through the blast door. By the time you get to the elevator, news of your progress has spread, so enemies come through vents in the elevator to try and cease your progress. After the elevator section and at the second industrial part, there is a brigade of Red Crawlas, and the first line of Egg Guards. They are trying to prevent you from going any deeper into the complex. After this room comes the double button room, where when the first button is pressed, gates open up, letting enemies flood in to try and stop you. After this room and on the final bridge, It's a last ditch effort by the enemies to stop you, and there is a line of Egg Guards before a door that opens up to reveal Snailers and lines of BASH. At this point, it's too late for the enemies to stop you, and you get to the center of the Pillar of Life.
And how is the player supposed to know this? You seriously need to read that guide because your enemy placement is still way too much. No matter the scenario, following Level Design 101 will make your level a million times better.
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Well, it's not really finished, but it's completeable, and it's in a fine enough state for release, so here it is:

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=HRTH.wad
I would really like to try this out but when I try to open the download site it takes me to my dropbox account page.
Please I think dropbox has something like share button or something like that so please next time update it and use link provided by share button
DarkTechno, that was actually pretty cool!

I know this is going to be a divisive map. A lot of people might hate it, but I personally found it refreshing! I went into this map thinking it was like the giant crawla hallways of version 1.09.4. But no! You were right: Every enemy placement was intentional. And the number of enemies starts off small and eventually mounts until you feel that eggman's entire warehouse was turned inside-out and dumped on top of the level. It gives the level a good difficulty curve and makes the player feel like they're making progress. Aquatic Hinote is only partly right. The community hates enemy spam maps, but mostly because they're often made without any thought. Your map radiates tons of thought at every turn. The most important part is this: you made sure the player was never ill-equipped to handle the hordes of enemies. Aquatic Hinote might have expected the map to play like an SRB2 level, but your map is designed to make you play differently. It's designed a bit more like the final level of an FPS. Rings are scarce, and more valuable than ever. You have to proceed with caution and think through how you progress a little bit. For example:

-In the first room with the crates, the player SHOULD NOT just blast their way in there willy-nilly. They should peek around corners and eliminate one enemy at a time. When was the last time I played a map that made me do that? Never!

-The elevator, which was arguably the hardest and most enemy-spammy part, was actually pretty kickass, because the elevator going down gives your jump an extra boost. This lets you freely avoid the sharps spinning on the floor, and you can bounce off the flying enemies to give yourself even more airtime. Plus, there are occasional rings that float up from the ground to give you some extra chance at survival. Suggestion: please make the rings on the elevators long vertical columns. The way they currently are, there's no way for the player to anticipate the rings because they are invisible while under the elevator, and usually long gone gone once you realize there were any rings at all.

-The area with the two buttons and crates was also very well-thought out. The button platforms are raised above the ground quite a ways, so the player can avoid the chaos on the ground by jumping across the crates, provided that they're good enough at platforming.

-You can just run past all the enemies if you're good enough at dodging. This gives the whole map a sense of terrific urgency, as you have to make split-second decisions with the knowledge that a horde of badniks are at your tail (even if that's not true at all times).

Also the skybox was very well-made and felt connected to the level in a purposeful way. The moment you enter the level you know that the tower at the opposite end is your goal, and when you're on the way through the level, the windows tell you "where you are" in terms of the skybox. This is another great way of using skyboxes that I haven't quite seen put to use! To give your level an illusion of draw-distance that SRB2 couldn't possibly have :P
The music was also kickass and fit the level perfectly. Honestly I think it's the music that ties the whole experience together. It tells you simultaneously that you're somewhere mystical and that you're in for a hell of a fight.
Things aren't all good though. Here are a few problems I found:

-The rings on the elevator should be easier to anticipate. I left a suggestion to help fix this above.

- You have several large staircases that don't behave like stairs (the player has to jump up one or more steps at a time). This is an easy fix. Just select all the sectors in the staircase and make them Sector Type 13: Ramp Sector. This will make it so that the player can pull him/herself up sectors that are twice as high as normal without jumping: https://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Ramp_Sector

All in all, if you're gonna make an enemy spam level, then this is how you make one! After playing dozens of similar-feeling-my-first-map-style levels that Sugoi is inevitably bound to have, yours will be a short sweet refresher. Don't follow the Aquatic Hinote's advice to make your level feel more like everyone else's. This one feels unique and it'll feel even better when it's sitting next to everyone else's samey maps. Some people might hate it JUST for being an enemy-spam map, but I think you did an excellent job. Nice work!
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DarkTechno, that was actually pretty cool!

I know this is going to be a divisive map. A lot of people might hate it, but I personally found it refreshing! I went into this map thinking it was like the giant crawla hallways of version 1.09.4. But no! You were right: Every enemy placement was intentional. And the number of enemies starts off small and eventually mounts until you feel that eggman's entire warehouse was turned inside-out and dumped on top of the level. It gives the level a good difficulty curve and makes the player feel like they're making progress. Aquatic Hinote is only partly right. The community hates enemy spam maps, but mostly because they're often made without any thought. Your map radiates tons of thought at every turn. The most important part is this: you made sure the player was never ill-equipped to handle the hordes of enemies. Aquatic Hinote might have expected the map to play like an SRB2 level, but your map is designed to make you play differently. It's designed a bit more like the final level of an FPS. Rings are scarce, and more valuable than ever. You have to proceed with caution and think through how you progress a little bit. For example:

-In the first room with the crates, the player SHOULD NOT just blast their way in there willy-nilly. They should peek around corners and eliminate one enemy at a time. When was the last time I played a map that made me do that? Never!

-The elevator, which was arguably the hardest and most enemy-spammy part, was actually pretty kickass, because the elevator going down gives your jump an extra boost. This lets you freely avoid the sharps spinning on the floor, and you can bounce off the flying enemies to give yourself even more airtime. Plus, there are occasional rings that float up from the ground to give you some extra chance at survival. Suggestion: please make the rings on the elevators long vertical columns. The way they currently are, there's no way for the player to anticipate the rings because they are invisible while under the elevator, and usually long gone gone once you realize there were any rings at all.

-The area with the two buttons and crates was also very well-thought out. The button platforms are raised above the ground quite a ways, so the player can avoid the chaos on the ground by jumping across the crates, provided that they're good enough at platforming.

-You can just run past all the enemies if you're good enough at dodging. This gives the whole map a sense of terrific urgency, as you have to make split-second decisions with the knowledge that a horde of badniks are at your tail (even if that's not true at all times).

Also the skybox was very well-made and felt connected to the level in a purposeful way. The moment you enter the level you know that the tower at the opposite end is your goal, and when you're on the way through the level, the windows tell you "where you are" in terms of the skybox. This is another great way of using skyboxes that I haven't quite seen put to use! To give your level an illusion of draw-distance that SRB2 couldn't possibly have :P
The music was also kickass and fit the level perfectly. Honestly I think it's the music that ties the whole experience together. It tells you simultaneously that you're somewhere mystical and that you're in for a hell of a fight.
Things aren't all good though. Here are a few problems I found:

-The rings on the elevator should be easier to anticipate. I left a suggestion to help fix this above.

- You have several large staircases that don't behave like stairs (the player has to jump up one or more steps at a time). This is an easy fix. Just select all the sectors in the staircase and make them Sector Type 13: Ramp Sector. This will make it so that the player can pull him/herself up sectors that are twice as high as normal without jumping: https://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Ramp_Sector

All in all, if you're gonna make an enemy spam level, then this is how you make one! After playing dozens of similar-feeling-my-first-map-style levels that Sugoi is inevitably bound to have, yours will be a short sweet refresher. Don't follow the Aquatic Hinote's advice to make your level feel more like everyone else's. This one feels unique and it'll feel even better when it's sitting next to everyone else's samey maps. Some people might hate it JUST for being an enemy-spam map, but I think you did an excellent job. Nice work!

Levels aren't made to spam enemies. The enemies don't look like they belong there. And anyway what does the "Atlantis" theme have to do with this? All the enemies are just... not Atlantis enemies! I get that this level is unique but people will hate on this level when they play SUBARASHII for being an enemy spam.
I can't think of a better level theme right now


Download: [attachment]
Title: Tropical Island
Credits: Axis2D by RedEnchilada, music from Sonic & Knuckles Collection and Time Dominator 1st
Maintainer Notes: Emerald stage???


  • scr_tropicalisland.zip
    888.7 KB · Views: 329
O _ m _ g

What the heck? I am blown away by this. The energy meter is an amazing concept!
* You get hit twice by Robotnik's attack and so lose about 3/8 of your Energy per attack. They are also largely unavoidable due to the 2D arena.
I would love to see this as an emerald stage in SUGOI.
Empty Sanctum Zone has been updated.

  • Nights track items have been readjusted for better flow.
  • Some undetailed pillars in the map have been updated.
  • Caution signs have been added before the water.
  • Ambient sound effects have been added to water sources.
  • The requirement for rainbow A rank has been increased to 200000 points. Other score requirements are unaffected.
  • A 1000 point monitor and a ring monitor were added somewhere...

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwPs4aa_o3DsUk1yNWtWWTJOS1U/view?usp=sharing
Title: Bubble Tides Zone
Credits: SeventhSentinel for helping with the direction I should've taken on the custom assets, as well as composing the music.
Maintainer Notes: Uh, I'm the maintainer.

Anyways, time is up for the first mapping phase! Technically. Let me know if you need more time, but so far the the total level count is a whopping 21! That's astounding! And if the rate of late entries is the same as SUGOI 1, then we'd be seeing nearly double that coming in the coming days! Nice job everybody~!!

Now, is the most important phase of them all: JINGLING. Take today off before moving onto polishing your maps, y'all deserve it. I'll be writing reviews for some of the newer maps soon.
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It's Jænglêmøérnïñg you fiend, there's still an entire day of jánglíng before the initial submission period is TRULY over
Aaaand I'm late. *Cough* I may need a couple more days to finish up and polish my map*Cough*
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