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Zone Builder v2.0 is out! This one's got some cool new stuff, mostly notably:


...Skies in 3D mode! Zone Builder automatically reads your level headers to find out which sky you set for your map, so no effort is required on your part to display the sky.

Other notable features include:
  • In NiGHTS maps, the Super Sonic path is now drawn on the map. Different mares are drawn in different colors so you can tell them apart easily.
  • The flags value field for Things is now writable.
  • Remember how in SRB2 Doom Builder the Ambush flag would change its name for Thing types where it had a special meaning, like displaying "Float" for rings? Zone Builder now does this for all Thing flags, as well the flags value field, the Angle field and all linedef flags.

Check out the first post for a full changelog.

If the NiGHTS path colors are all white for you, it's because your program configuration file is outdated. Go to Help -> Program Configuration Folder and then close Zone Builder. In the folder it directed you to, delete ZoneBuilder.cfg. On the next startup, your config will be replaced with the default config. Unfortunately that means you'll have to point ZB to your IWAD and SRB2 executable again.


  • aczsky.jpg
    149.4 KB · Views: 3,948
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Zone Builder v2.0 is out! This one's got some cool new stuff, mostly notably: ...Skies in 3D mode!
So... I take it this means it stops assigning the ~PIT texture to side-defs of newly created/altered sky-flatted sectors? Either way, an awesome update none-the-less. It will definitely look better than... well, lots of orange squares everywhere. Thanks.
SRB2 took 16 years to release v2.1, Zone Builder took less than a month! TAKE THAT, DEVS!

...but only because my version numbering scheme is different and I messed up some things in v2.0. This is a bugfix release that fixes the following issues:
  • Creating and copypasting certain FOF control linedefs no longer crashes the editor.
  • The nodebuilder is no longer invoked twice when entering 3D mode.
  • Due to an oversight, the nodebuilder was called with the "Save" settings rather than the "Test" settings when entering 3D mode, which took much longer. This is now fixed.
  • Entering 3D mode in a map with invalid nodebuilder data (for example a map with only one sector) no longer crashes the editor.
I'm not sure if a recent changed caused it or not, but FOF's are not rendering in 3d mode for me like they did in previous versions. They're completely invisible for some reason. However they do render if I restart the editor after they're made.

Either way this tool is amazing, and I don't think I can ever go back to doom builder after being spoiled by this. I love it and map making is once again fun instead of tedious for me with all of Doom Builder's errors.

(You guys may see 4-5 maps released by me at this rate if they pass inspection. That's how much I love this utility.)
I'm not sure if a recent changed caused it or not, but FOF's are not rendering in 3d mode for me like they did in previous versions. They're completely invisible for some reason. However they do render if I restart the editor after they're made.

Either way this tool is amazing, and I don't think I can ever go back to doom builder after being spoiled by this. I love it and map making is once again fun instead of tedious for me with all of Doom Builder's errors.

(You guys may see 4-5 maps released by me at this rate if they pass inspection. That's how much I love this utility.)

I had this problem too and the toggle key wouldn't work for some reason - I just uninstalled it and installed a fresh copy, and everything worked. Not sure what caused it, but it's fixed now.
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The latest GZDoom Builder build allowed seeing skybox no matter where is it in your Map :



Zone Builder


will this ever be a thing in Zone Builder ?

EDIT : Oh my ..... God, it worked, all i had to do is to Reinstall it .
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Ok, I'm not sure what I did to deserve this but I got this error after trying to import an OBJ file containing geometry from Sonic Heroes' Seaside Hill and then trying to go into 3d visual mode.

***********SYSTEM INFO***********
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
Zone Builder: v2.1

********EXCEPTION DETAILS********
BuilderModes: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualMode.GetSectorData(Sector s)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualSector.GetSectorData()
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualSector.Rebuild()
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualSector..ctor(BaseVisualMode mode, Sector s)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualMode.CreateVisualSector(Sector s)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes.VisualMode.ProcessSidedefCulling(Sidedef sd)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes.VisualMode.DoCulling()
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes.VisualMode.OnProcess(Single deltatime)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.BuilderModes.BaseVisualMode.OnProcess(Single deltatime)
at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows.MainForm.processor_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

***********ACTIONS LOG***********
ERROR: BuilderModes: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Error: Too many SEGs have been split!

Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '

ZenNode Version 1.2.1 (c) 1994-2004 Marc Rousseau

Unable to build the nodes: The nodebuilder failed to build the expected data structures:
Error: Too many SEGs have been split!

Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '
Unrecognized configuration option ' '

Error output: ZenNode Version 1.2.1 (c) 1994-2004 Marc Rousseau
Compile time: 0.12 seconds
Compiler process has finished with errors.
Arguments: -n3 -nq -rz n1kvqzh6.tmp -o n1kvqzh6.tmp
Program: E:\Program Files (x86)\Zone Builder\Compilers\Nodebuilders\ZenNode.exe
Running compiler...
Copying map lumps to temporary build file...
Creating temporary build file: C:\Users\rumia1\AppData\Local\Temp\1t3510rd\n1kvqzh6.tmp
Copying required files for compiler...
Creating compiler 'zennode' on interface 'NodesCompiler'...
Writing map data structures to file...
Starting exclusive mouse input mode...
Binding action methods for BaseVisualMode object...
Previous stable mode is VerticesMode, previous classic mode is VerticesMode
Editing mode changes from VerticesMode to BaseVisualMode
Unbinding action methods for VerticesMode object...
Preparing to change editing mode to BaseVisualMode...
Editing mode change complete.
Binding action methods for VerticesMode object...
Previous stable mode is VerticesMode, previous classic mode is VerticesMode
Editing mode changes from DrawRectangleMode to VerticesMode
Unbinding action methods for DrawRectangleMode object...
Preparing to change editing mode to VerticesMode...
Creating undo snapshot "Rectangle draw", Source Null, Group 0, Tag 0, Ticket ID 3...
Editing mode change complete.
Binding action methods for DrawRectangleMode object...
Previous stable mode is VerticesMode, previous classic mode is VerticesMode
Editing mode changes from VerticesMode to DrawRectangleMode
Unbinding action methods for VerticesMode object...
Preparing to change editing mode to DrawRectangleMode...
Editing mode change complete.
Binding action methods for VerticesMode object...
Previous stable mode is VerticesMode, previous classic mode is VerticesMode
Editing mode changes from EditSelectionMode to VerticesMode
Unbinding action methods for EditSelectionMode object...
Preparing to change editing mode to VerticesMode...
Editing mode change complete.
Editing mode change complete.
Binding action methods for EditSelectionMode object...
Previous stable mode is VerticesMode, previous classic mode is VerticesMode
Editing mode changes from ImportObjAsTerrainMode to EditSelectionMode
Unbinding action methods for ImportObjAsTerrainMode object...
Preparing to change editing mode to EditSelectionMode...
Creating undo snapshot "Import Terrain", Source Null, Group 0, Tag 0, Ticket ID 2...
Binding action methods for ObjImportSettingsForm object...
Binding action methods for ImportObjAsTerrainMode object...
Previous stable mode is VerticesMode, previous classic mode is VerticesMode
Editing mode changes from VerticesMode to ImportObjAsTerrainMode
Unbinding action methods for VerticesMode object...
Preparing to change editing mode to ImportObjAsTerrainMode...
Resources loading took 3.54 seconds
Map creation done
Editing mode change complete.
Binding action methods for VerticesMode object...
Previous stable mode is NULL, previous classic mode is NULL
Editing mode changes from NULL to VerticesMode
Preparing to change editing mode to VerticesMode...
Binding action methods for MapManager object...
Loaded 1215 textures, 856 flats, 0 colormaps, 208 sprites, 0 decorate things, 0 model/voxel deinitions, 0 dynamic light definitions, 0 glowing flat definitions, 0 skybox definitions, 0 sound environment definitions
Starting background resource loading...
Opening WAD resource 'E:\Users\rumia1\Documents\srb2\srb2.srb'
Loading data resources...
Creating map data structures...
Initializing map format interface SRB2MapSetIO...
Creating temporary file: C:\Users\rumia1\AppData\Local\Temp\d5n0yrrs\uibdltwl.tmp
Loading game configuration...
Initializing graphics device...
Creating new map 'MAP01' with configuration 'Srb2-21slopeszb.cfg'
Binding action methods for Launcher object...
Binding action methods for CopyPasteManager object...
Binding action methods for UndoManager object...
Binding action methods for GridSetup object...
Temporary directory: C:\Users\rumia1\AppData\Local\Temp\d5n0yrrs
Binding action methods for MapOptionsForm object...
Binding action methods for MainForm object...
Startup done
Binding static action methods for class GZGeneral...
Creating types manager...
Creating application clock...
Loading color settings...
Loading script configurations...
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'zennode_fast' from 'ZenNode.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'zennode_normal' from 'ZenNode.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'zdbsp_udmf_compressed' from 'zdbsp.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'zdbsp_compressed' from 'zdbsp.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'zdbsp_udmf_fast' from 'zdbsp.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'zdbsp_fast' from 'zdbsp.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'zdbsp_udmf_normal' from 'zdbsp.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'zdbsp_normal' from 'zdbsp.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'glbsp_fast' from 'glBSP.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'glbsp_normal' from 'glBSP.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'deepbsp_normal' from 'deepbsp.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'bspw32_fast' from 'bsp-w32.cfg'
Registered nodebuilder configuration 'bspw32_normal' from 'bsp-w32.cfg'
Loading nodebuilder configurations...
Registered compiler configuration 'bcc' from 'bcc.cfg'
Registered compiler configuration 'hexen_acc' from 'acc.cfg'
Registered compiler configuration 'zennode' from 'ZenNode.cfg'
Registered compiler configuration 'zdbsp' from 'zdbsp.cfg'
Registered compiler configuration 'glbsp' from 'glBSP.cfg'
Registered compiler configuration 'deepbsp' from 'deepbsp.cfg'
Registered compiler configuration 'bspw32' from 'bsp-w32.cfg'
Registered compiler configuration 'zandronum_acc' from 'acc.cfg'
Registered compiler configuration 'zdoom_acc' from 'acc.cfg'
Loading compiler configurations...
Applying configuration settings...
Binding action methods for EditingManager object...
Creating editing modes manager...
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Strife (UDMF)' from 'ZDoom_StrifeUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Strife (Hexen format)' from 'ZDoom_StrifeHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Strife (Doom format)' from 'ZDoom_StrifeDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Hexen (UDMF)' from 'ZDoom_HexenUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Hexen (Hexen format)' from 'ZDoom_HexenHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Heretic (UDMF)' from 'ZDoom_HereticUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Heretic (Hexen format)' from 'ZDoom_HereticHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Heretic (Doom format)' from 'ZDoom_HereticDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Doom 2 (UDMF)' from 'ZDoom_DoomUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Doom 2 (Hexen format)' from 'ZDoom_DoomHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'ZDoom: Doom 2 (Doom format)' from 'ZDoom_DoomDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Strife (UDMF)' from 'Zandronum_StrifeUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Strife (Hexen format)' from 'Zandronum_StrifeHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Strife (Doom format)' from 'Zandronum_StrifeDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Hexen (UDMF)' from 'Zandronum_HexenUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Hexen (Hexen format)' from 'Zandronum_HexenHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Heretic (UDMF)' from 'Zandronum_HereticUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Heretic (Hexen format)' from 'Zandronum_HereticHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Heretic (Doom format)' from 'Zandronum_HereticDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Doom 2 (UDMF)' from 'Zandronum_DoomUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Doom 2 (Hexen format)' from 'Zandronum_DoomHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Zandronum: Doom 2 (Doom format)' from 'Zandronum_DoomDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Strife: Strife (Doom format)' from 'Strife_StrifeDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Sonic Robo Blast 2 - 2.1 + Slopes' from 'Srb2-21slopeszb.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Hexen: Hexen (Hexen format)' from 'Hexen_HexenHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Heretic: Heretic (Doom format)' from 'Heretic_HereticDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Strife (UDMF)' from 'GZDoom_StrifeUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Strife (Hexen format)' from 'GZDoom_StrifeHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Strife (Doom format)' from 'GZDoom_StrifeDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Hexen (UDMF)' from 'GZDoom_HexenUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Hexen (Hexen format)' from 'GZDoom_HexenHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Heretic (UDMF)' from 'GZDoom_HereticUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Heretic (Hexen format)' from 'GZDoom_HereticHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Heretic (Doom format)' from 'GZDoom_HereticDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Doom 2 (UDMF)' from 'GZDoom_DoomUDMF.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Doom 2 (Hexen format)' from 'GZDoom_DoomHexen.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'GZDoom: Doom 2 (Doom format)' from 'GZDoom_DoomDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Doom: Doom (Doom format)' from 'Doom_DoomDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Doom: Doom 2 (Doom format)' from 'Doom_Doom2Doom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Boom: Doom (Doom format)' from 'Boom_DoomDoom.cfg'
Registered game configuration 'Boom: Doom 2 (Doom format)' from 'Boom_Doom2Doom.cfg'
Loading game configurations...
Loading plugin 'VisplaneExplorer' from 'VisplaneExplorer.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'TagRange' from 'TagRange.dll'...
Loading plugin 'TagExplorer' from 'TagExplorer.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'StairSectorBuilder' from 'StairSectorBuilder.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'SoundPropagationMode' from 'SoundPropagationMode.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'NodesViewer' from 'NodesViewer.dll'...
Loading plugin 'CommentsPanel' from 'CommentsPanel.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'ColorPicker' from 'ColorPicker.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'BuilderEffects' from 'BuilderEffects.dll'...
Binding action methods for BuilderPlug object...
Loading plugin 'BuilderModes' from 'BuilderModes.dll'...
Loading plugins...
Starting Direct3D graphics driver...
Showing main interface window...
Loading main interface window...
Binding static action methods for class General...
Starting action manager...
Loading program configuration...
Command-line arguments: ""
Local settings path: "C:\Users\rumia1\AppData\Local\Zone Builder"
Temporary path: "C:\Users\rumia1\AppData\Local\Temp\"
Application path: "E:\Program Files (x86)\Zone Builder"
Zone Builder v2.1 startup
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after trying to import an OBJ file containing geometry from Sonic Heroes' Seaside Hill
Well, Zone Builder isn't very fond of sloped geometry when importing OBJs, and I think it can't take any sort of geometry that's over other geometry at all either (or simply FOFs, or even just ceilings). At least that's what I remember from the "instruction manual" help thingie. And Sonic Heroes features plenty of both things.
Looks like the nodebuilder wasn't able to handle the level geometry you threw at it. Obviously, the editor shouldn't be crashing when this happens, it should politely refuse to enter 3D mode. Could you give me the .obj file you imported so I can bugtest this?
It would be cool if you finally bring back the FOF setting up tool that was available in SRB2DB1, this would make it much MUCH easier to create FOFs for the selected sector .
I tried two models, neither of which worked, here's a zip of both of them: What suprises me is that even the ONS model (which is just the actual path you follow) didn't work.

EDIT: I think using the loop threw the program for a loop (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist)
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How do i... erm Slope? I'd like to know.

Could someone give me like a breif description how or something?
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Btw is there any .exe file that i can use to test out my maps with slopes? Thanks
Well i managed to figure out 'How to slope' in the end.
You know, I do like Zone Builder and all, but I think testing our slopes through an exe would be a healthy way to present something playable. I know a lot of very concerned new mappers are wondering about it as well.
Looks like the nodebuilder wasn't able to handle the level geometry you threw at it. Obviously, the editor shouldn't be crashing when this happens, it should politely refuse to enter 3D mode. Could you give me the .obj file you imported so I can bugtest this?

Yo Mascara Snake, how do you actually make the slopes on the editor?

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