OLDC Resuming for May/June 2014

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I'm just having a hard time deciding if I want to submit a level that's almost ready for release, or make a new one for this.
I'm just having a hard time deciding if I want to submit a level that's almost ready for release, or make a new one for this.

IMO I would use the one nearly ready. Releasing it in the levels section (at least not without an initial OLDC release) isn't the best way to get good amounts of people to play your levels or at least give you detailed feedback in my past experience. You can start that next one for the other OLDC.

Also, a question:
Custom textures, music, SOCs, Lua, and any other lumps other than a header and the map itself are not allowed in the match and capture the flag divisions.
I don't know much about textures, SOCs, or Lua, but why is custom music not allowed in MP maps? Certainly it can't be because it could take up an existing slot and change another map's music if it happens to use the same slot. There's a lot of free slots- over 1,200 possible slots, solely counting the slots from A0 to ZZ (excluding used ones, but that's still a lot). Just curious, really.
Nothing fun is allowed in the OLDC because Mystic used to compile the wad with lumpmod and Mystic is really lazy and Mystic doesn't like people having fun.

You could argue that it opens up the possibility of severe eye- and ear-rape, but if you're already launching all the wads individually to check that they don't crash? Just let the players be the curators and shrug off all responsibility. OLDC is unsupported and may crash your computer, use at your own risk.
Personally I'd love to allow for custom music - if only MIDI files or something - and maybe allow a custom resource WAD for a bit more variety, but I'm not the one organizing this contest, sooo...
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Don't we have like a fuckton of tune slots? I'm sure we could even allow oggs so long as we set up a filesize limit.
If the music slots clash though, that would mean the level headers would have to be tweaked along with the music file name.
Don't we have like a fuckton of tune slots? I'm sure we could even allow oggs so long as we set up a filesize limit.
Yep. As calculated on my previous post, 1,200+ possible slots. And that's just between A0 to ZZ. There's lots of free slots from 1-99 too. And it's not difficult to fix, as long as people don't somehow make a mess of their lumps. I agree with the filesize limit too.
If the music slots clash though, that would mean the level headers would have to be tweaked along with the music file name.
Doesn't SRB2 default to using the music slot that correlates with the map slot if none is defined? If so, it'd be a simple matter to instruct people not to set a musicslot in their header if they want custom music and then just adjust the music's lump name to match the map's new slot when compiling the WAD. I do think that filesize might be an issue at some point, though, especially if everyone decides they need a custom track for their map. Aside from the filesize limitation, if custom music was ever allowed into the multiplayer divisions to begin with, it might be a good idea to have a separate music WAD if the filesize starts to get big.

Speaking of which, since the current Match/CTF rotation takes up the slots the old OLDC packs used, are they gonna stay there and override the vanilla maps, or will there be new map ranges assigned to them?
WOW! I sure can't wait for the Version 2.1 Official Level Design Contest, it's going to be more awesome and cool. Hopefully, we will get the amount of multiplayer levels to go over 20 levels of each multiplayer division because that would be very, very GREAT and AWESOME to see.
Chances are there aren't gonna be too many, especially as 2.1 is still relatively new and people might wanna get used to making levels for it before going for the contest.
Mapping in 2.1 is pretty much the same. It's not like 1.09 to 2.0 where people weren't really sure how to take advantage of the new match/ctf system yet.

If anything, I would say that the new version would bring a lot of maps to this contest but this thread isn't as active as it could be. Hopefully everyone is just quiet, though.
I have a quick question regarding the OLDC and the SP rotation, is it allowed to create a proper maincfg category so I can have emblems in the map, or should I just do what ATZ did and hide wing logos in those places for people to find instead?
I just figured what with it having to create a separate .dta and saves it might be considered an issue is all, i'd prefer having the emblems properly implemented (possibly throw in an emblem hints unlock for 3/5 emblems)
Well I can say my map is almost done, it is short tough (1:20 to arrive to the*SPOILER* section when you EXACTLY know where to go.

The only things left I have to do is adding more decorations and remade an outside section from scratch because it sucks...

So when I'll be done with this...
Mapping in 2.1 is pretty much the same. It's not like 1.09 to 2.0 where people weren't really sure how to take advantage of the new match/ctf system yet.

If anything, I would say that the new version would bring a lot of maps to this contest but this thread isn't as active as it could be. Hopefully everyone is just quiet, though.

Mapping for match/ctf is inherently more of a bitch because of the weapon panel system.
Most people are posting their WIP maps in the General project screenshot/video thread from what I can tell, and I know there are quite a few who will be entering 1P, not sure on Match and CTF though, seeing the fact that all the love was put into stuff that can only be done in the SP division (tons of stuff for custom content, meaning match and CTF are still scraping at what ever vanilla has to offer).
My CTF map is finally completed, it's the map FB (just after Nimbus Ruins) is it ok at that map? If yes can I submit it right now (This is my first OLDC and I am not sure what to do...)?
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