Roly Poly Putt

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New update. Howabout NOW? :P
The new update finally fixed the dark patches.

Another thing to note down, the viewing angles are too sensitive, where one tap counts as two taps or three taps. *Basically, I'm in third-person view, I switch to view the entire hole layout, I attempt to switch back but it skips the third person view a few times before it finally selects it. Same thing applies for the other options.*

Is the "Go" button suppose to turn you very slightly when tapped? It kinda might mess up your shot sometimes.
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Yes, but I doubt it would be worth the time to write a whole Direct3D subsystem and all of the other Microsoft-specific stuff that Microsoft requires you to use to put something on the Windows Marketplace.
The game is now FREE on iOS, too. Don't worry, if you already bought it, you still won't have ads and you also got 500 free cubes.
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is it bad that for some strange reason i kept reading the title of this game as roly poly butt
instead of roly poly putt?
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I always read it as Roly Roly Putt instead of Roly Poly Putt.
Anyway, I have this game on my Iphone and I think it's very fun. I'm not getting any issues or lag.
Does anyone have a gamepad for their iPhone? I added support for it, I wonder if it works.

(No, gamepads on Android not supported.... for now)
Does anyone have a gamepad for their iPhone? I added support for it, I wonder if it works.

(No, gamepads on Android not supported.... for now)

I hope I'm not too late, but I actually have an Iphone game pad, called the iCade mobile. Was disappointed when it failed to work with SASRT on iOS, but I have not tried Roly Poly putt with it...

Anyway, figured I'd give a review..

First off, why is Arid Canyon Woodlice West easier than Greenflower Sowbug Swamp? I mean, it may just be that I'm weird, but I had a much easier time in WW than in SS.

Anyway, I really liked the game. It puts a nice twist on golfing games, while at the same time not over complicating things. Also, the game has smooth controls.. when my phone decides to not be stupid, that is (but that's probably due to me having 10 apps open at once and needing to shut some down).

Also, I like the costumes and power ups, even if they are kinda expensive considering the slow gain of sugar cubes throughout the different courses. I also like the easter eggs in some of the costumes, as while I found Gangnam Style to be overrated, the sound effects with the Oppa costume were humorous to me for some reason.

My only complaints are the over abundance of ads, as no matter how many times it tells me in X number of apps, I do not care for Clash of Clans. That, and how Restart Hole and Restart Hole+ are two different things, as you would think restarting the hole should reset the strokes anyway, but that is a minor complaint compared to the constant barrage of "DOWNLOAD CLASH OF CLANS NAO!" messages.

Overall, great game, and since it seems both current Grand Tours are based off of SRB2 stages to a degree, I would really like to see some based off of ERZ or CEZ. Maybe even THZ.
Awesome review! I need this kind of feedback, thanks.

Pleasepleaseplease do try your gamepad! It is supported, but was never able to test it. You still have to use touch on the menus, but actual gameplay of an entire course can be done with the gamepad alone, using two buttons (one is jump, the other one special like the brake).

First off, why is Arid Canyon Woodlice West easier than Greenflower Sowbug Swamp? I mean, it may just be that I'm weird, but I had a much easier time in WW than in SS.

Personally, I like WW a lot more...we had a heck of a time coming up with a 'Generic Tutorial Theme Course' which is what most of Sowbug is supposed to be. At one point it almost became Canada-themed.... moose, maple syrup rivers, and hockey. Sounds good in idea, but not very interesting in execution over 18 holes.

Are there certain holes you really had trouble with? Maybe the difficulty can be revisited.

My only complaints are the over abundance of ads, as no matter how many times it tells me in X number of apps, I do not care for Clash of Clans. That, and how Restart Hole and Restart Hole+ are two different things, as you would think restarting the hole should reset the strokes anyway, but that is a minor complaint compared to the constant barrage of "DOWNLOAD CLASH OF CLANS NAO!" messages.

Then buy some cubes for $0.99. ;) It removes the ads. The app used to be $0.99 up front, but I decided to make it free with ads, so if you like it you can 'register' it to remove the ads.
Clash of Clans must be the only company that advertises on the Chartboost network. Hah!

Overall, great game, and since it seems both current Grand Tours are based off of SRB2 stages to a degree, I would really like to see some based off of ERZ or CEZ. Maybe even THZ.

A castle-themed course was planned, but hasn't been made yet. The next course we were supposed to come out with next was snow themed, and a good number of holes were made for it, but hasn't been finished since I'm changing gears a little bit (PC version? Maaaaaybee.... ;) )
Awesome review! I need this kind of feedback, thanks.

Pleasepleaseplease do try your gamepad! It is supported, but was never able to test it. You still have to use touch on the menus, but actual gameplay of an entire course can be done with the gamepad alone, using two buttons (one is jump, the other one special like the brake).

Personally, I like WW a lot more...we had a heck of a time coming up with a 'Generic Tutorial Theme Course' which is what most of Sowbug is supposed to be. At one point it almost became Canada-themed.... moose, maple syrup rivers, and hockey. Sounds good in idea, but not very interesting in execution over 18 holes.

Are there certain holes you really had trouble with? Maybe the difficulty can be revisited.

Then buy some cubes for $0.99. ;) It removes the ads. The app used to be $0.99 up front, but I decided to make it free with ads, so if you like it you can 'register' it to remove the ads.
Clash of Clans must be the only company that advertises on the Chartboost network. Hah!

A castle-themed course was planned, but hasn't been made yet. The next course we were supposed to come out with next was snow themed, and a good number of holes were made for it, but hasn't been finished since I'm changing gears a little bit (PC version? Maaaaaybee.... ;) )

1) It seems my game pad is not supported or something. It may just be due to the game pad itself though, a lot of game pad-supporting games seem to hate the one I have (A prime example is the iOS copy of Terraria hates my game pad).

2) Holes 7, 16, and 17 annoyed me. It wasn't that they were hard, in fact I have managed to Hole-in-One every single course. It's just 7 and 16 are miss and you have to try all over again from the top (7 is quite possible my least favorite hole overall), and 17, not only is it challenging to get the high path correct, but the low path you are most definitely going to fall in the mud, and that's when the game grinds to a halt and gets rather annoying. Other than these holes, I loved the courses, and I also like how the rope pulley gimmick from Arid Canyon was implemented into Woodlice West.

3)I would buy cubes, but I have about 50 to 80 cents in my iTunes account, so I cannot.

4) Cannot wait to see those levels if they get implemented, and if there is a PC version, I hope it is controller compatible, as I have a better time in these kinds of games with an analog stick than I do with keys.
1) It seems my game pad is not supported or something. It may just be due to the game pad itself though, a lot of game pad-supporting games seem to hate the one I have (A prime example is the iOS copy of Terraria hates my game pad).

Ahhh, I see.. your controller isn't one of the 'iOS7 compatible/certified' ones... rather than using the native iOS7 gamepad interface, the iCade sends keyboard presses to the OS... and RPP mobile doesn't interpret any keypresses. :(

I'll keep the iCade in mind when I do another update, tho it might be awhile since I'm tied up at the moment with some code in shambles. :)

...nope, can't say that without hating myself...

I personally find this to be the best golf game ever. Has fun controls, especially with upgraded stats, such as the turning upgrade, cool stages, nice music, cool character.

I actually found WW harder then SS. But both had amazing level design. If was fun, at times challenging, and rewarding to see his dance of victory whenever I get an eagle or hole in one. ( I made the Roly Poly md2 have two similar dances for the waiting and balancing frames :p)
PC Version? Yes please! Just so long as I can actually find a way to pay for it (Paypal, or Steam)
Our other game, TraceRace, is a finalist in the Canadian Videogame Awards this year. Part of that involves participating in some of the promoting of the event.
Right now Spaddlewit has an 'instagram takeover' going on. I think we have 9 or 10 shots that are going to be put up over the course of today.

Hmm.. that one photo... do I see 'Lua::Init()' in the console??? What could that mean...hmmm??? :)
Soooo I got an iPhone very very recently (like, a couple of days ago) and I finally got a chance to play the game for myself.

And I took to destroying it. <3



Not surprisingly, I think it's a wonderful game considering it's managed to hold my attention for most of the time I've even had this phone.
New version -- not with the content I wanted to include, but lots of changes on the back end.

On the Android version, for one, you can replace any of the game files by putting your own with an identical path on the SD card (where save.dat is saved).
The game also now uses WOC files (gee, I wonder what they do) for object and animation definitions... so you could replace the player model and other models in the game (calling Jeck Jims... calling Jeck Jims...).
New version -- not with the content I wanted to include, but lots of changes on the back end.

On the Android version, for one, you can replace any of the game files by putting your own with an identical path on the SD card (where save.dat is saved).
The game also now uses WOC files (gee, I wonder what they do) for object and animation definitions... so you could replace the player model and other models in the game (calling Jeck Jims... calling Jeck Jims...).

Other models? I love you.
So, I FINALLY got an android tablet today, so of course I decided to get this...and, it crashes every other hole, when I make it into the hole. So far every time it's only been when I've gotten hole-in-ones, but that's probably coincidental as one of the ones that crashed I got another hole in one on it and it didn't crash... EDIT: okay now on hole 5 of sowbug swamp, the game crashes if I touch the mushroom bumpers more than once. EDIT2: happens with any bouncy object, turns out. Additionally, hole 9 is COMPLETELY unbeatable, as making it in the hole here crashes every time.
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What Android tablet do you have? Some $49 thing from Wal-Mart?
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