November/December 2011 Voting

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The voting deadline has passed!

<Katmint> Also Mystic, is's downtime going to have any effect on the OLDC voting deadline?
<Mystic> no, it won't

And if anybody was relying on an extension, there isn't one.
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I don't get why this is rating so high.
Not really...
Then you finally figure out that it's the wall behind the altar you go through, so you run through the exact same room, but with a ring suction gimmick. Okay, I can deal with that. Do it again, same room but with space countdown. Well, it's short and straightforward enough that I can deal again. Then you wind up in the same damn room with the same damn gimmick still going. This led me to believe that I was supposed to find another exit, because I was obviously looped to the same place I had been [...]
Yes, I agree that there are too much thoking rooms. And you're right about the two last, actually, the only differences are that there are no rings, and that the Satan symbol on the ground (the one which change of color at each room) has been replaced by the satanic goat.
I abused of thoking rooms to hope to get a balance between the hard first rooms, and the... easier last.
Then finally a room with Brak Eggman, who doesn't belong in a non-SP map in the slightest. Guess what? Beat him, the map ends for everyone. Didn't really think this through...
No-no-no, I added an invisible platform on his head, so they can't beat him. And racing is faster than waiting for the flying missiles.
Internet Explorer I really loved the creativity you had for your Race map. I found it to be more terrifying than KOTE's Eggmansion.(lol?) I never really got to play a full rotation of the OLDC maps except for the SP division so I can't give you a score, that's why I'm telling you what I thought about it in this post. There is one thing you can fix though and that's those broken teleporters. Actually I would not recommend using teleporters in any future Race type level's you make.

EDIT: Well that is if you make any more race maps after this.
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Time for some preliminary results:

Single Player:
Running Special Stage Act 1 by ZarroTsu - 6.11
City Area by Internet Explorer - 3.17
Polluted Plains Zone by 742mph - 4.78

Aquatic Egg Zone by akb778 - 4.23
Maple Lake Zone by ZarroTsu - 7.45
Blissful Grove Zone by Scizor300 - 6.18

Capture the Flag:
Castle Flagman Zone by EternallyAries Red X - 5.50
Spacebound Fortress Zone by ZarroTsu - 7.75

Aphotic City Zone by ThunderNova - 2.50
The End of Circuit by akb778 - 1.14
Unstable Icicle Zone by Zipper - 5.33
Mountainside Greens Zone by Root - 1.14
CastleLand Zone by EternallyAries Red X - 5.83
Black Magic Workshop by Internet Explorer - 4.33
Quartz Caverns Zone by glaber - 3.50
Requiem for a Soul by Boinciel - 3.85
Conveyor Climb Zone by Shadow Hog - 2.42
Hot Chocalate Manor by Katmint - 2.92

Detailed math:
C = Creator vote
X = 10

RSS: 6627C695935485976573 = 6.11 (2 dropped)
CA : 322444C4723343242212 = 3.17 (1 dropped)
PPZ: 27444366943C56764303 = 4.78 (0 dropped)

AEZ: 9424324365445 = 4.23
MLZ: 78C87XX656587 = 7.45 (5 dropped)
BGZ: 87566544686C7 = 6.18 (4 dropped)

CFZ: X528C736255762 = 5.50 (2 dropped)
SFZ: 86C77897879849 = 7.75 (4 dropped)

ACZ: 51231332152133 = 2.50
TEC: 21122111020111 = 1.14
UIZ: 646655C5754564 = 5.33 (4 dropped)
MGZ: 10222111111111 = 1.14
CLZ: 7477C363547767 = 5.83 (3 dropped)
BMW: 137C6566206820 = 4.33 (0 dropped)
QCZ: 52575232323442 = 3.50
RS : 12497253337134 = 3.85
CCZ: 111302421251C4 = 2.42 (0 dropped)
HCM: 2144344C212252 = 2.92 (1 dropped)

Contest average:
Average Circuit division: 3.30
Average everything else: 5.65

I think that made something entirely clear. Congratulations to ZarroTsu, ZarroTsu, ZarroTsu and EternallyAries Red X.
I think that made something entirely clear. Congratulations to ZarroTsu, ZarroTsu, ZarroTsu and EternallyAries Red X.

Triple Great job to both. And the circuit division was the worst one - but some good designers didn't have the time to make a full map, so they didn't released it.
I'll still try the weirdest and most originals themes, but next time, I'll try to improve the gameplay. I hope.

By Metal Fighter
There is one thing you can fix though and that's those broken teleporters. Actually I would not recommend using teleporters in any future Race type level's you make.
EDIT: Well that is if you make any more race maps after this.

Well, if you're speaking about "making a working level", yes, I must avoid race.
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Well hell i'm kinda shock I somehow won the race division.

Even with the up and down votes I keep getting.

I gotta say Internet and Zipper and I was neck to neck in this race division.
i love how my mediocre map made in three days with broken emeralds and monitors still managed to get more than a 5
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Now that all 2011 contests have been held, I'd like to take a look back and collect a bunch of really useless statistics:

  • There have been 89 maps in total (not counting three disqualified maps): 25 SP, 24 Match, 20 CTF and 20 Race. In comparison, 2010 saw 110 maps: 30 SP, 29 Match, 26 CTF and 25 Race. That's a decline in quantity by 19%.
  • The average 2011 map had a score of 4.96. The average 2010 map had a score of 4.77. That's an increase in quality by 4%.
And now by division:

  • The average 2011 SP map had a score of 5.52. The average 2010 SP map had a score of 4.48. That's an increase in quality by 23%.
  • The average 2011 Match map had a score of 4.93. The average 2010 Match map had a score of 5.33. That's a decline in quality by 8%.
  • The average 2011 CTF map had a score of 5.23. The average 2010 CTF map had a score of 4.70. That's an increase in quality by 11%.
  • The average 2011 Race map had a score of 4.03. The average 2010 Race map had a score of 4.54. That's a decline in quality by 11%.
  • Let's be fair and not include the disaster that was this contest's Race division, because it wouldn't have been so disastrous if Mystic hadn't canceled it. Without this contest, the average 2011 Race map had a score of 4.77. That's better, but still worse than any other division this year.
Now let's leave out the Nov/Dec Race division out of this year's average as well. That puts it at 5.17.

So what can we observe from this?

  • The quantity of maps is on the decline. That's a bummer, but on the other hand...
  • The quality of maps is rising. So although we got fewer maps, the ones that we did get had a lot more effort put into them.
  • Single player in particular has really improved from last year, which was really lackluster. People have finally figured out how to make good, even excellent single player maps. Especially some of our top-ranking mappers like Blade, KOTE, Spherallic and Fawfulfan have improved a lot.
  • Match has dropped a bit. Why is that? Probably a mixture of the division being relatively ignored in the first half of the year and the fact that Match is still the number one choice for first maps and last-minute rush jobs.
  • CTF has improved a bit. I can't help but observe how much CTF tends to gravitate towards average scores. There were few really bad CTF maps, but also not many who went above 7.
  • Race still sucks and nobody makes maps for it. I say good riddance.
  • There have been a lot of really excellent maps this year. One map scored above 9, versus no map to do so in 2010. 7 maps scored 8 or higher, compared to 3 in 2010. 21 maps scored 7 or higher, compared to 16 in 2010.
So in total, 2011 has been an excellent year for the OLDC. Let's hope 2012 can keep the upwards momentum, especially now that Race is gone.
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Aw, one of my maps is in the Hall of Shame. I suppose that's what I get for making a symmetrical Match level.
Well, it looks like the contest winner titles were handed out, so I guess SC's results are official?

Though, someone goofed on said titles. Aries got the Contest Winner title but no golden username, leaving Zarro as our sole golden man.

And then someone fixed it, so never mind~
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Aw, one of my maps is in the Hall of Shame. I suppose that's what I get for making a symmetrical Match level.
It wasn't that, because my first map, Winter Twilight Zone, was simple and symmetrical and it got 7.1, missing the first prize by 0.01 to Oogaland's map.

Though granted that was a long time ago and the community taste and standards as well as the Match mode itself have changed since then.
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