ArchPack v2.0 (scmrtf_archpack.wad + Parts pack) [Outdated version]

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SpiritCrusher said:
If you can't manage to play MCZ without getting hit by Sharps, you're not being careful. It's not that hard to avoid them. Also, why does everyone think that putting Crawlas into a level is always perfectly acceptable? Just because they're harmless that doesn't mean they have to be everywhere.

It's not that I can't avoid them as such, but it's when I'm trying to avoid everything else at the same time alongside the fact that the flaming things are attacking from all angles...

Ezer.Arch said:
Funny. That's because you haven't played a build I released (maybe between v0.3 and v04) where I replaced all Red Crawlas with Shaps. MCZ1 had about 100 Sharps. On the other hand, I found it quite amusing being chased by an army of Sharps in every room (I rather prefer Detons XD). I could leave the download here just for lulz.

I did play all the versions when they were released, I'm not saying remove all of them, just tone down some of them as getting constantly chased by them is painful.
I did play all the versions when they were released
I meant the testing/alpha builds, not the official ones. And when a new official release is near, I'm used to update the repository almost daily.

@BlueZero4: Re-posting for record:

Oh btw, make sure that you're not mismatching the big mine maze rocks with the smaller versions. You have a few rocks in act 1 that have the big version on the sides but the small version on the top of the rock.
Fixed. MMFLRB4 is quite fitting for outcrops. But it's still possible I keep using TLITE6_1 in pavements.

BTW, check the repository, new alpha builds are up (1st post).
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Arch Pack v0.5 beta is out (with change log)

Arch Pack v0.5 is out!

This is the first release with gamedata and time attack recording, but no unlockables at this moment. Also, the single-player maps are now more "OpenGL-friendly", which doesn't mean OpenGL-error free.

Now ArchPack is a stand-alone level pack. Once you have finished Miscellaneous Trip Zone (the last one in this pack), it takes you to the title screen. No more DSZ1.

Please check the changelog below for details about the changes.

Along with the level pack, I added two batch files that start up SRB2 and XSRB2 with Arch Pack. Just save the stuff in SRB2 folder and double-click the batch file.

Finally, thanks for 443 downloads and 72 installs. This release was deeply tested in XSRB2 (many thanks to Inuyasha) specially in OpenGL mode. 8D

See 1st post for downloads.

Changes for Arch Pack, v0.5 beta (2011.02.26):

- ADD: General - First version with gamedata. No emblems, still.
- ADD: General - First version with new textures (new CASTLEA and MCZWALL1).
- ADD: MTZ - Extra token in MTZ. Be warned, collecting tokens is pointless in this version.
- ADD: WPZ - More Super ring monitors.
- CHANGE: General - ArchPack is now a stand-alone Level pack.
- CHANGE: MCZ - Improvements in architecte and aesthetics. Better working obstacles.
- CHANGE: MCZ - More OpenGL friendly (not OpenGL-error free).
- CHANGE: MCZ - Few less Sharps in MCZ.
- CHANGE: MCZ - Block enemies to refrain Sharps.
- CHANGE: ACZ - More mud to get stuck into.
- CHANGE: LBZ - Less rails rings.
- CHANGE: ACZ, LBZ, WPZ - Tons of minor edits.
- FIX: ACZ, LBZ, WPZ - Sector light level fix.

If you download and install this add-on, I'd ask you to click on Mark as Favorite (see 1st post, in Addon Information) to receive notifications regarding updates.
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Interesting, no one noticed this :/


It makes me think if people actually use this path. Anyway it's already fixed for next public testing builds.

And other surprises are coming. Sit tight.
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I play through every path every time I play the level. It's just in this section, you don't really have the time to pay close attention ;)
After hours and hours, scanning old sketches and editing stuff... finally I'm publishing an album with level design sketches of ArchPack levels, except MTZ.

ArchPack's Sketches

As you can see, the levels don't fall from the sky or came from no-where. I personally take the planning phase seriously.

May it help you to lighten the ideas up.
ArchPack v0.6 builds are up for public testings

New alpha builds for ArchPack v0.6 are up for public testings

I'm just calling people to test out some modifications that I made in my maps.

My main goals are: less corridors, more vertical variation, less Sharps and Rings whenever it's redundant or excessive.

Main per-map changes:

MAPB1 - Mill Citadel Zone 1
In dire need of more vertical variation, I've been working on left path's 1st section where, among other things, I added a small room with 5 blue springs. It was meant to stop the player before the 3-floor cascade room. I'd like someone to test out this part specially regarding the movement flow, on which I'm unsure. :S

After the 4th checkpoint, before multi-crumbling-floor room: a small death pith with diagonal yellow springs. Solid fences in two-corridor warehouse and new small traps.

After the last checkpoint: vertical variation through small stairs.

My next step is to give vertical variation to the two corridors just after the courtyard (central garden).

MAPB2 - Mill Citadel Zone 2
Not so many new stuff. I've been working on the final part, between the long floor-slide and the big millstone. Probably you'll "miss" some Sharps here and there. Solid fences in the rooms near the central garden.

I'm going to try to fill up the long corridor near the central garden with some stuff.

MAPB3 - Mill Citadel Zone 3
More spikeballs for better visualization. Nothing else.

Ideas for new traps:

I was making some experiences with possibilities of new kind of spike-based traps. Wanna see? Download this (Test-spikes.wad) and tell me what do you think about if, by chance, I implement them in Mill Citadel Zone.

Arch Pack Development Repository

Testing builds downloads:


On July 13rd: Miscellaneous Trip Zone is going to make its 3rd anniversary.
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I've been working on left path's 1st section where, among other things, I added a small room with 5 blue springs. It was meant to stop the player before the 3-floor cascade room. I'd like someone to test out this part specially regarding the movement flow, on which I'm unsure. :S
I don't know which room you're talking about here, and I couldn't find it while playing.

Apart from this, I noticed only minor changes. That's not really surprising: I consider act 2 perfect anyway, so I don't think there's anything left to do besides cosmetic changes. The only things act 1 needs are less corridors and more vertical variation, both of which you are working on. In other words: Continue doing what you're doing right now and concentrate on act 1. I don't think there's much left to fix in this zone.
...So let me put this into perspective...

Three years ago, this pack was released with 4 SP maps and 3 MP maps. Today, the same amount. For three years, you've been updating the same stages over and over again. Actually, barely so; you mostly do Mill Citadel, which first appeared in the OLDC March of 2009. As of today, you STILL work on this stage.

...Am I the only one seeing something wrong here? I mean, isn't there a point where you just STOP and move on already? I mean, christ, there's only so many times anyone can play the same map over and over. It doesn't matter if the 23rd version of the map is "perfect", its the same map you've played 22 times before! Why would you play it a 23rd time?! You seriously need to put your skills to a new map rather than just tweaking and tweaking and TWEAKING AND TWEAKING AND TWEAKING the SAME DAMN MAP for THREE YEARS?

At some point, you gotta be tired of working on these maps! Don't let your talents waste polishing the same statue over and over, go work on something new! Its goddamn sickening watching someone like YOU work on the same maps for so long. I dont know whatever it is you're doing with Mill Citadel now, but I honestly say you should stop whatever it is, and make something NEW, something from SCRATCH, using the talents and skills obtained working on the same maps for so long. Do SOMETHING! Anything but these maps you've been slaving over for three years!

Okay D00D, play the contest version of MCZ2, then play the current version of it, and then tell me they're the same level. You'll be surprised at how much different (and better) the new version. I agree that Ezer.Arch should probably move on, but he worked on these maps so long because he more or less remade them.
I don't know which room you're talking about here, and I couldn't find it while playing.
Because I had removed it meanwhile for breaking the flow (and being pointless too). Now that short-live pointless room is resting somewhere in my repos for future... pointless uses.

so I don't think there's anything left to do besides cosmetic changes.
Sure thing...

Hey! There's a long corridor near the central garden in MCZ2 that needs filling... yeeeaaa.

Seriously, I'm now proud of a secret control room in the middle of the stage. I made some few changes there.

The only things act 1 needs are less corridors and more vertical variation, both of which you are working on. In other words: Continue doing what you're doing right now and concentrate on act 1. I don't think there's much left to fix in this zone.
Sure thing... even.

I broke both corridors just after the central garden. The left one is bugging me a bit: since I converted it into an underground tunnel (MMB4 walls and spikes on floor), I feel it broke the flow a bit. The right one is a quite shorter than the left one. No problems, I have some few ideas so that I can fix both cases.


...So let me put this into perspective...
Oh dear, there we go.

...Am I the only one seeing something wrong here?
I feel more comfortable now. Now I know I'm not the only one seeing there are "somethings" wrong in my stages.

just tweaking

and tweaking





I love when you use allcaps, bold, underlined letters... and italic too.

(besides, Misc Trip Zone is making its 3rd anniversary on July 13th. Let's party?)

Do SOMETHING! Anything but these maps you've been slaving over for three years
Sure. And all this time thinking I was their creator. But, sometimes, I flee from my "owners". ^^

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Arch Pack v0.6 the last beta is out (with change log)

Arch Pack v0.6 is out!

This is the last beta release. After this one, ArchPack 1.0 will be released within few days unless if anything else too big needs to be fixed.

Mill Citadel Zone Act 1 suffered big changes. I added more vertical variation, more length, few new obstacles and better visuals. Both acts 2 and 3 received few changes (in MCZ2, check out the secret control room).

WARNING! Due to the changes in MCZ, recorded time attacks are incompatible with this version.

I added two experimental maps: one is a modified Cloud Palace Zone (CTF) that I created to play with bots in SRB2Cineblast, I'll explain about this map later on; other map is a soccer/football field, which is hidden (only accessible via MAP MAPC5). Both maps are there just because to try out and provoke some ideas.

(Note: as v0.6 won't last much, both maps will be removed soon.)

(@D00D64: I also added tweaks and TWEAKS AND TWEAKS AND TWEAKS. I hope you like them :3)

Please check the changelog below for details about the changes.

Along with the level pack, I added three batch files that start up SRB2, SRB2CB and XSRB2 with Arch Pack. Just save the stuff in SRB2 folder and double-click the batch file.

Finally, thanks for 454 downloads and 75 installs. This release was tested in XSRB2 (thanks to Inuyasha) and SRB2CB (thanks to Kalaron).

See 1st post for downloads.

Changes for Arch Pack, v0.6 beta (2011.07.17):

- ADD: General - Two experimental maps: MAPC4 and MAPC5 (they will removed for ArchPack v1.0).
- ADD: MCZ - New obstacles in MCZ1.
- CHANGE: MCZ - Improvements in architecture, aesthetics and thing placement.
- CHANGE: MCZ - More vertical variation (mainly MCZ1).
- FIX: MCZ - Several minor fixes.

If you download and install this add-on, I'd ask you to click on Mark as Favorite (see 1st post, in Addon Information) to receive notifications regarding updates. And don't forget to rate this level by clicking on "Rating".

Short link
The short link for this add-on is
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