SpiritCrusher said:If you can't manage to play MCZ without getting hit by Sharps, you're not being careful. It's not that hard to avoid them. Also, why does everyone think that putting Crawlas into a level is always perfectly acceptable? Just because they're harmless that doesn't mean they have to be everywhere.
It's not that I can't avoid them as such, but it's when I'm trying to avoid everything else at the same time alongside the fact that the flaming things are attacking from all angles...
Ezer.Arch said:Funny. That's because you haven't played a build I released (maybe between v0.3 and v04) where I replaced all Red Crawlas with Shaps. MCZ1 had about 100 Sharps. On the other hand, I found it quite amusing being chased by an army of Sharps in every room (I rather prefer Detons XD). I could leave the download here just for lulz.
I did play all the versions when they were released, I'm not saying remove all of them, just tone down some of them as getting constantly chased by them is painful.