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It's alright if you are reminded of your older Knuckles picture, but that's not a reason to come in here to tell me to change it because of something trivial like that. Besides, it matches the art style that I wanted, which is around the same one as Sonic and Tails' character select portraits, something that the vanilla Knuckles portrait did not match in terms of outlining.
You're right, and I sincerely apologize. At first glance it did look like an image edit to me, but I guess I've just seen so many of those over the years that it's something I automatically assume. I later realized it wasn't and clarified, but my original post was already posted and as everyone knows, you can't delete something from the Internet. :)
It's all cool. I don't blame you for thinking the picture was an edit, as I understand image edits has always been a very common thing in the SRB2 community.
I love it, it's great to have a knuckles with the right and fixed sprites. Are you going to make a updated version of sonic and tails ? Sonic has a lot of different colors and some grey pixels, and tails has some orange pixels on the lines that can't be changed by the color code.
I love it, it's great to have a knuckles with the right and fixed sprites. Are you going to make a updated version of sonic and tails ? Sonic has a lot of different colors and some grey pixels, and tails has some orange pixels on the lines that can't be changed by the color code.

2.1 fixes the orange pixels on the tails I think
2.1 fixes the orange pixels on the tails I think

I can confirm this.


Although, there ARE still some orange pixels on his other frames...
I do hope that MotorRoach can remake Sonic and Tails for the next update, because Chuckles here is starting to make them look inferior.
Tails looks perfectly fine as-is. Sonic is the only one in need of an update, if only just to remove those ugly grey pixels.
I think that they all look fine. Chuckles'... chuckling when idle looks awkward when compared to Sonic and Tails' idle "taunt" though.
I don't know, I just think they're in need of a redraw. Nothing too drastic, though, but I would like to see fixes to things like Sonic's really weirdly shaped head during the back side of his idle animation, Sonic's lack of a tail, and Tails' cringeworthy lives icon. Oh, and of course, the ugly grey pixels.
I don't know, I just think they're in need of a redraw. Nothing too drastic, though, but I would like to see fixes to things like Sonic's really weirdly shaped head during the back side of his idle animation, Sonic's lack of a tail, and Tails' cringeworthy lives icon. Oh, and of course, the ugly grey pixels.

Wait...he doesn't even have a TAIL in this game!?
Oh my god...all these years and I never noticed...
Wait...he doesn't even have a TAIL in this game!?
Oh my god...all these years and I never noticed...

Nonsense, of course he has a tail! ...right? I mean, I dunno, I usually play as either Knuckles or a custom wad... lets boot up SRB2 real quick...

*boots up SRB2 and selects Sonic for the first time ever*

...oh my...
And now everyone in the community are losing their minds because SSNTails forgot to give Sonic a tail more than a decade ago.

Even I didn't notice. O:
I'm sure MotorRoach's sonic will have a tail.
By the way, I wonder if SonicRE and SonicCE had any tail...
Considering how lewd those edits of Sonic with the tail look, I'm sort of not surprised it wasn't added in. =P
I think they should resprite most of the game, to fit a more... "unified" Style.
I could help if help was needed. But just saying.
Anyway, Thank you for creating this amazing redo of knuckles for the whole SRB2 World to share. 10/10
(I should've said this when I downloaded it about a month ago)
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