SRB2CB - Community Build (Final 1.09.4 Version!)

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Wouldn't jumpdive interfere with the SuperSonic flight, as they are both activated the same way?
New Update

JetTheHawk said:
Wouldn't jumpdive interfere with the SuperSonic flight, as they are both activated the same way?

Well, yeah, I forgot about that, but you can still fly with super sonic even with the move, but I fixed it in this new version so you can't use the move at all while super.



Source Code (Not needed to use SRB2CB)


The source code has been updated for much better xcode support for Macs.



OpenGL is faster by default, it renders less polygons on the screen, not usually noticeable, can be changed in the menu under 3D settings.

More setttings savable like the camera default height and distance, etc.

New Button: Action1 Button, used for new SRB2CB moves like boosting, digging, and spin disengage, jumpdive still uses the spindash button though.

Better performance and more stable over all.

NOTE: The version number has not been bumped, but this is still a big update.
OpenGL mode is certainly smoother-looking now, but far away objects now appear blurry. I don't think that's optimal.

I assume Action Button 1 doesn't do anything yet. It doesn't seem to when I press it.
Turn the following code in P_user.c. (code starts on line 1337 in latest release)
// Responsive turning        
	if (cmd->sidemove > 0)
			player->mo->angle = 0;
			player->mo->momy = 0;
		else if (cmd->sidemove < 0)
			player->mo->angle = ANG180;
			player->mo->momy = 0;
// Responsive turning        
	if (cmd->sidemove > 0)
			player->mo->angle = 0;
		else if (cmd->sidemove < 0)
			player->mo->angle = ANG180;

The player->mo->momy = 0; is not needed. It stops forward momentum for no reason. That can lead to falling when you are using a spring to transfer to the foreground to the background.
Luisete said:
I can't activate the jumpdive or homing attack. What I have to put for activate? homing 1? jumpdive on?
For the second'd time, what I have to do to activate that things!
And delete the thing when you put OpenGL, the models activate automatically. I'd like to play as other characters in OpenGL.
Bug report incoming

When triggering a music changing event (Getting a 1up, water countdown, etc.) if sonic boom is being used while the music goes back to normal, invincibility music will play until you stop using it.
A-star said:
Have to use the new Level header actions for it to work.
Does that mean we can't play in the official levels if we don't edit them, or do we need to type something in the console? It's because I wanted to see Knuckles digging...
Hey Dash! (man I sound like Navi -_-) How's it going on those AI buddies you said you were working on?
Brown the dog said:
A-star said:
Have to use the new Level header actions for it to work.
Does that mean we can't play in the official levels if we don't edit them, or do we need to type something in the console? It's because I wanted to see Knuckles digging...

make a SOC that messes with the level headers. Add it to the game.
Changelog:(SRB2CB 1.0a - 1.001)

- Support for 2D cam angles greater than 180 degrees
- Boosting now instant accelerates you, hold the boost button and tap forward
- Merged extra C files, no makefile errors anymore
- minigl.dll is included by default (Use the -minigl custom setting in the launcher to use it)
NOTE:Minigl may work on some systems who couldn't use opengl, if your screen appears blank when using minigl, change the gl_filtermode setting to "nearest" in the srb2cb.cfg SRB2CB creates, minigl can't use trilinear or nearest mippmapped settings.

Source Code (Not needed to use SRB2CB)

Help with configuring the srb2cb.cfg file

Okay I have a problem.I don't get how to put the jumpdive = 1 thing or daytonight system.Please help
Okay, make a level (or edit another level's header) and in the MAINCFG type the level number in, then below it type jumpdive = 1 and daytonight = 1 into it. That should work.
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