Banana - My first character returns! (Banana.wad)

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You guys, stop complaining. This wad is in fact acceptable as a character wad, as it isn't broken and it doesn't appear to have been drawn by a 6 month old baby. There is nothing preventing this from being released. There has yet to be a character wad that was declined that should have been passed through, I've looked through the whole trash section. Unless you guys WANT a chao sprite edit, stick figure guy, or a shadow with blue stripes.
Well, at least it offers difference from the usual "Sonic" character style here. I mean, so far, this and Greeman are the only wads that are in the releases that AREN'T a Sonic character.

...You're kidding, right?

The only characters that aren't Sonic-related are mine, and they suck.

I didn't say that they suck, although they sort of do, what I am saying is be happy that someone actually made a non-Sonic character wad for once. I plan on making a Chao wad, but I regret never trying to make a non-Sonic character wad, such as Pac-Man or Mario (eve if they would suck). I also regret not making the Keroro wad, since he would work perfectly in a Sonic game.
Yeah I love the Banna Wad, veary funny. As for the Non-Sonic Character.
I'v made a Yoshi Wad, using yoshi Island DS sprites, I resized them and fixed the blockyness, and animated it myself. But I don't think it's exceptable on the MB because of the sprite rip rule.
It wasn't a Gif but whatever.
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Just a little tip, Jeck. ALWAYS save picture/sprite files as PNG. GIF makes the colours "grainy".
Also, if another user could confirm this, if I make the sprites, and, say, put effort into them, such as shading, perfecting it, etc, would it be accepted into the releases? Because I am planning on making a Pac-Man wad for the heck of it, and I want to make sure it can get accepted.
Uh, Pac-Man is just a yellow circle. I fail to see how it would even possible to make a decent sprite out of that character.
Not the yellow circle oldy version. Besides, I am just attempting it, sort of as a "base" wad for future ones I will make, as it would be my first wad. Plus, i wouldn't be surprised if it asn't accepted. I am just wondering.
The banana is very tasty Chrispy. *shot*

The wad is not the best, but I can say it is much improved over the "other" Banana that I am thinking of. *coughonlydancingcough*
I really don't understand why you had to go there.
I had to go there because I was the one who accepted this character WAD and somebody questioned my decision. Therefore, I had to justify that decision, right? Oh, and since you said there are some good character WADs that aren't accepted, I asked you to give me an example, obviously.

I hope this issue is finally settled now. Could we please get back on the Banana WAD or let this thread die altogether?
I had to go there because I was the one who accepted this character WAD and somebody questioned my decision. Therefore, I had to justify that decision, right? Oh, and since you said there are some good character WADs that aren't accepted, I asked you to give me an example, obviously.

I hope this issue is finally settled now. Could we please get back on the Banana WAD or let this thread die altogether?
That's really all I wanted you to say.

And I kind of meant char wads who didn't go into submissions in the first place...
But, yeah, let's just get back on the banana wad(I hate to see threads die. So sad... lol).
You guys are making such a big deal out of this. It's already accept so stop saying it should be removed. No body force's you to download it. Geez >.>
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