
Upgrade the Brak Eggman Final boss into a multi-tier boss battle. Old Brak already works as one of the tiers while Current Brak works as tier 1

So what would be the explanation for the mech suddenly growing twice its size between phases? Are we gonna replace Metal Sonic with Rita Repulsa or something?
I agree with this.

Also, can we make the air bubble object(s) a lot bigger and easier to see? And increase the spawn rate of the big bubbles? I'm thinking a bubble about the size of sonic or bigger, maybe shield-sized and just as visible .

I only now realized that part of the reason why I hate underwater levels is having to strain my eyes looking for that puny near-invisible cluster of bubbles and breaking any semblance of flow waiting there for the next big bubble to come and hope to God my hitbox doesn't whiff it when it invariably comes on my last few seconds of air.

Yeah, it'll make underwater levels easier, but the difficulty that comes from these stupid bubbles is the frustrating unfun kind!
I agree with this but I don’t think they should be that big. My main gripe is trying to position myself especially when trying to catch a bubble above me.

Oh and that bastard Tails can still steal air bubbles from you by chance.
So what would be the explanation for the mech suddenly growing twice its size between phases? Are we gonna replace Metal Sonic with Rita Repulsa or something?
None, the player gets shrunk or pesudo-shrunk instead.

Forum suggestion, require addons in the level section to be identified as single player/co-op or multiplayer in the topic line. Some levels do not do this and have names that sound like they would be a single player stage, but are really a match mode battle field.
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Please make a way to spawn the bot when launching the game via command line. Perhaps making (skinname1)&(skinname2) trigger it akin to how you'd do it in a maincfg lump?
I would like to suggest the addition of os.time() or at least a function that points towards it. There is no known way (in my experience) to have a totally universal timer in SRB2. I've had this issue when trying to do a simple Speedrun Timer in SRB2, as well as my script, Utility.

I can't use ThinkFrame because that clock will stop as soon as there is lag. player.jointime is a little better since it uses the player's session time, but even then, it faults and stops during an intermission. The result is Utility will silence some of my players for spam in the intermission when they shouldn't. The same goes for the timer; no matter what I do, the results tally will cause it to stop.

My thought was perhaps the game can use os.time(), and to make it netplay safe, it always checks the server's os.time() result and sends it back to the remote client. It doesn't matter if there is any latency since the remote client can piece which frame the server responded in, so the server and client will inherently match up.

Though, not all the os functions are safe, hence why I suggested its remapping. But take it as you will.
I'd like to suggest a hook like ThinkFrame which would run on all frames of the game, or if that's not possible, maybe hooks for the different areas of the game, like for example the intermission screen, the fade cutscene, the main menu, stuff like that, so modders can have a little more freedom on what can be done.
Right now, no hooks except for maybe the chat hook and the player join will run when the game is showing the score tally, and even then there's no way to detect if players are playing or waiting for the intermission to end.

Maybe a timer that always increases, even while the game is lagging and everything's frozen, so timers can still run no matter if the game is experiencing problems. Sounds desynch prone, but with some magic it can be used for something neat.

Maybe also give the ability to modify the intermission screen, both in Co-op/Singleplayer and in match gametypes, just like we can modify the HUD while in-game?
Please restore the old Object place mode for NiGHTS mode. The current version is not as easy to figure out right away.

Plus I've only figured out how to place 2 of the items so far
I think it would be cool if the elemental shield could set fire to oil slick when rolling over it or being able to burn some of the leafy fields in CEZ1 (the part where you come across a lake in the map where there are leafy fields with rings inside them.)

I think this would be a neat gimmick that could open up more possibilities with level design and hiding valuable items. I.e having a secret entrance to a room filled with a token/extra lives/emblem and covering it with a leaf pile or pile of wood that can be burnt using the elemental shield to get into the pit. Or maybe being able to light torches with it.

And yes I did get this concept from Mania.
It was already pretty dumb in Mania with giant screen-covering flames everywhere you went, and in 3D it'd be even worse because it's now blocking your field of view while you're right in the middle of it.

Might be neat in a custom mod, though
We've talked about shield-stage interactions like that before, long before Mania released, and the general problem is that we have five shields and the player can easily lose them. Most players would never even see the interactions in normal play.
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Based on the current goof where the character ability trigger is inverted, why not keep this but assign it to 3 new numbers? Could be useful for example like making a lift that takes characters to different floors depending on who you play as.

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