Official Level Design Contest Voting: March/April 2008

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The problem is that if the Hinden does not see a chase object, it crashes the game. In a previous version of the SOC, they chased after the player. Nev3r saw this and claimed it was something that needed to be fixed. I requested a new version of the SOC with some fixes (Slime that disappears after a minute and no-gravity on the chase centers) and he included that. I wound up stuck with the new version of the SOC when I stupidly overwrote the old version. Thus, I was forced to keep the new, crashier enemies. I have nearly no knowledge of SOCs so I couldn't fix it.
Sorry for riddling my level with crashes, everyone.
I myself was looking at the multiplayerz, and like I said before, nothing really bad, nothing really extraordinary. Lemme check to see how they are doing...

Carnage Palace: 13634 Avg: 3.4
Metal Spire: 21644 Avg: 3.4
Voiced Concern: 3X464 Avg: 5.4

Wow, thar's a lot of controversy with Glaber's Voiced Concern. Maybe because it has Emerald Syndrome instead of Glaber Syndrome? *poisoned*

Frantic Factory: 4354 Avg: 4.0
Barren Ambition: 6345 Avg: 4.5
Mine Maze: 5467 Avg: 5.5

Come on, guyz. Four scores would not be much of an average if this contest was done seven years ago. And I do NOT count Chase's score because...

Furious Fox said:
Please give a vote from 0 to 10, NO DECIMALS.
I'll only be doing race maps.

Frantic Factory - 4/10
The convaer belts broke the flow abit, and so did the lazers. Other than
that, it was pretty good. However it got a bit cramped at the end.

Barren Ambition 4/10
This was WAY too long and too open. I got bored on the 3rd lap. The
detail was good, however.

Mine Maze: lol/9000

Quick question, why is it mrtF, if there are no ctf maps?
Poison Prison Zone by SonicMaster - 7/10
Basically what I already told you, it's a good level, and I really enjoyed it. It still suffers from a bit of narrowness. Wider pathways can go a long way in a level.

Triopolis Tower by Brandon Dyer - 5/10
Alright, this map is pretty good, but it has some pretty major flaws. The first big one is that there is no real street texture. It's a big black floor. Another issue is that if you veer off the beaten track, it's fairly difficult to find your way back. I spent a good 5 minutes in a big grass field with lots of bushes, unable to find a way out. I finally found a spring, but at that point, the little hunt session ruined the rest of the level for me.

Metal Mechanism Zone, Act 1 by Hyperknux - 4/10
Alright, in turns of actual map design, that is, taking away gimmicks, it's a fair map. But things like obnoxiously low lasers & unavoidable turrets really drag this map through the dirt. If you removed those things, and replaced them with better gimmicks, this map could do well.

Flooded Mine Zone by Boinciel - 8/10

This map was fun. Very very fun. I liked the overall feel of the level, and the design flow was very well done. I can't think of too much that would really help improve the design in that aspect, but a bit more in the way of water gimmicks might help. There are several areas I can think of that would benefit from being underwater or having fluctuating water levels.

Green Hill Game Gear, Act 2 by Glaber - 1/10
Ok, I can see that you put some effort here, but honestly, the end result was terrible. The level was just completely cramped and insanely close to unplayable. You really need to learn that size is a very important factor in SRB2. This is just proof of how a small cramped area is not beneficial to map design.

Undersea Palace Zone, Act 1 by GCFreak - 7/10
This map was pretty good. One of the main things that really bothered me
was that there were no rings immediately available at the start of the level. Those should be there. As far as trying to take DSZ's water currents...Well, I liked what I saw here. They weren't badly executed at all. But it is extremely hard to see many things underwater, and even, occasionally, above water, and that doesn't help a lot. And then there's the issue of having too many big giant water pits that you need to really look to find a way out of. And usually, that way out is a spring. Would be nice to see a little variety there, too. On the whole though, it was a fun level.

Overall, great job this contest, guys. It's been a while since I really got to play an SP contest set without hating myself for playing it half the time. It was a nice breath of fresh air.
SGG: 2/10
Damnit, Glaber, don't you learn from every map you make? No-one likes "remade" classics. Terribly made due to crampness, lack of effort, and poor music. You have officially uined one of my favorite levels ever. Better not do Bridge Zone.

UPZ: 8/10
Amazing. Nice song, obstacles and paths. The slides made me feel like I was in 1.1. The song is a rather relaxing tune. And the multiple paths gave this replay value.
Nev3r said:
Orangelink said:
Boinciel said:
(Nev3r, I still blame you.)
As you very well should. The crashes dissipate as soon as the custom enemies are removed.
Stop blaming me, guys. He's the person who used the SOC, not me.

I blame Boinciel. He should have tested his map more often. Whenever I change ANYTHING about my map, I always test it! Good thing I did, too. Once I accidentally changed the Player 1 Start to a Player 6 Start in PPZ (happens with double-clicking in SRB2DB). Plus, I like just playing my own level for a while anyway...that helps.

Gemini Spark said:
Carnage Palace: 13634 Avg: 3.4
Metal Spire: 21644 Avg: 3.4
Voiced Concern: 3X464 Avg: 5.4

This contest is historical. Not only is it the first contest where a joke level won a division, but it's also the first time where Glaber won a division.

The Dark Fox said:
You have officially uined [sic] one of my favorite levels ever.

Wait, since when were Game Gear levels really good? Most GG levels I've played felt really average. Anyway, Glaber, when you made Barren Ambition because you heard I was making Dynamic Temple Zone Act 1, your stage came out...well...not too shabby considering your inexperience with NiGHTS. The best thing about Barren Ambition Circuit is your visuals. Despite them being quite devoid of detail, that wasn't a problem, because Barren Ambition Zone had, in my opinion, very nice visuals. Still, when making a NiGHTS Circuit, the gameplay still matters just as much as if it were not NiGHTS.

And do NOT overlap two Axes in NiGHTS races so that you can make a turn larger than 180 degrees. If you get hurt in such a section, well, you'll fly off the track. That gimmick works for 1P, but it just is not suitable for race.
The voting is over. Let's see the results, shall we?

SinglePlayer Division:

Poison Prison Zone by SonicMaster: 578484656457 = 5.75
Triopolis Tower by Brandon Dyer: NA (Broke rules)
Metal Mechanism Zone, Act 1 by Hyperknux: 665644656554 = 5.16
Flooded Mine Zone by Boinciel: 79763586354768 = 6 Winner
Green Hill Game Gear, Act 2 by Glaber: 2637324252222 = 3.23
Undersea Palace Zone, Act 1 by GCFreak: 69558635367478 = 5.85


MAPA1 - Carnage Palace Zone by Zanyhead: 13634 = 3.4
MAPA2 - Metal Spire Zone by SonicMaster: 21644 = 3.4
MAPA3 - Voiced Concern Zone by Glaber: 3X464 = 5.4 Winner

MAPA4 - Frantic Factory Zone by Roy: 43544 = 4
MAPA5 - Barren Ambition Zone by Glaber: 63454 = 4.4 Winner (Tied)
MAPA6 - Mine Maze Zone by Blade T. Hedgehog: 54670 = 4.4 Winner (Tied)

I'll say that the multiplayer stages were pathetic for the contest this time, and I'm even more suprised that a Joke wad won the Match division, and even has the highest score of all multiplayer maps in the contest this time. You really need to make CTF maps for next time, guys, as well as making more good multiplayer maps in general.

As for the SinglePlayer Division, well... the levels weren't as good as I thought they were going to be... yet they were fairly good anyway. The maps' scores were so close, and I've never seen something like that. Yet there was still a winner for this division, which is Bonciel's Flooded Mine Zone of course.

As for me, I'm not keen on trying to enter a level for the OLDC again. No one seems to be interested in encouraging me to finish the levels I've tried to enter, and I've not managed to finish one in time in any of the contests so far. But I may enter one if I feel like it ever again, which I doubt will happen due to almost totally ignored by everyone else.
Chrome the hedgehog said:
That gives you the essence of surpize Monster, you should know this by now. :)

Which gives me an advantage!

How much they ignore me = How much I suprise them!

Now I don't regret being ignored. Yet I still would like more attention anyway. Thanks for reminding me, Chrome.
My level was the most broken of all and yet it still won. I'm extremely surprised by this.
I was fairly disappointed with this contest. Many of the levels looked pretty good, but only a few of them were decent. Well, I learned something from all of this: Never post pics of your level, and don't judge a wad from its screens.
I sort of felt the same. I still think my SinglePlayer Zone, Mech Mountain Act 2, would have made a difference in the outcome of this contest for the SP division.

And what happened to RedEchidna's Rickroll Paradise Zone? I was hoping to have a go at that. :(
This contest was failure. Not only were all of the maps pretty much average and below that fine line, but there were no CTF maps. CTF is like, the most awesoemest mode evar. Even the large amount of SP entries couldn't help this contest if it tried. :(
Monster Iestyn said:
And what happened to RedEchidna's Rickroll Paradise Zone? I was hoping to have a go at that. :(
What happened was I hit a snag and had absolutely NO idea of what to do next. I decided, instead of rushing my map to make the contest, just wait for the next one.

Still haven't figured anything out BTW. It'll likely make the July/August division if I'm lucky.
If I could make wads, I would. But, I don't have a simple-enough instruction/guide to making it. I'm very bad at that kind of stuff.
Monster Iestyn said:
The voting is over. Let's see the results, shall we?

SinglePlayer Division:

Poison Prison Zone by SonicMaster: 578484656457 = 5.75
Triopolis Tower by Brandon Dyer: NA (Broke rules)
Metal Mechanism Zone, Act 1 by Hyperknux: 665644656554 = 5.16
Flooded Mine Zone by Boinciel: 79763586354768 = 6 Winner
Green Hill Game Gear, Act 2 by Glaber: 2637324252222 = 3.23
Undersea Palace Zone, Act 1 by GCFreak: 69558635367478 = 5.85


MAPA1 - Carnage Palace Zone by Zanyhead: 13634 = 3.4
MAPA2 - Metal Spire Zone by SonicMaster: 21644 = 3.4
MAPA3 - Voiced Concern Zone by Glaber: 3X464 = 5.4 Winner

MAPA4 - Frantic Factory Zone by Roy: 43544 = 4
MAPA5 - Barren Ambition Zone by Glaber: 63454 = 4.4 Winner (Tied)
MAPA6 - Mine Maze Zone by Blade T. Hedgehog: 54670 = 4.4 Winner (Tied)

You're NOT supposed to drop both 3's on PPZ. Just one of them. Also, drop the 4 on Mine Maze. Don't add a 0. Glaber DID NOT win the Circuit Division. Only the Match one.

The correct scores are on the Wiki now.
Don't add a 0.
Um, if that's what the vote was, then yes, it should be added. Just be sure to factor that vote in to the total amount (ie: 50 total/5 votes, then count the 0, to get 50 total/6 votes).
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