Fixed WAD Limit problems on Server Connect WAD Sync

Not open for further replies.
Compiled for SDL version: 2.0.4
Linked with SDL version: 2.0.3
Setting up SRB2...
Looking for WADs in: SRB2WADDIR,.
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon. 
System memory: 2047MB - Free: 1181MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\jbruckman\My Documents\Downloads\SRB2-2.1.17\srb2.srb (6214 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Documents and Settings\jbruckman\My Documents\Downloads\SRB2-2.1.17\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\jbruckman\My Documents\Downloads\SRB2-2.1.17\zones.dta (962 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Documents and Settings\jbruckman\My Documents\Downloads\SRB2-2.1.17\zones.dta
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\jbruckman\My Documents\Downloads\SRB2-2.1.17\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\jbruckman\My Documents\Downloads\SRB2-2.1.17\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\jbruckman\My Documents\Downloads\SRB2-2.1.17\patch.dta (94 lumps)
Added file C:\Documents and Settings\jbruckman\My Documents\Downloads\SRB2-2.1.17\music.dta (171 lumps)
NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.
Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.
Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.
 0: 1920x1200
 1: 1920x1080
 2: 1680x1050
 3: 1600x1200
 4: 1600x900
 5: 1366x768
 6: 1440x900
 7: 1280x1024
 8: 1280x960
 9: 1280x800
10: 1280x720
11: 1152x864
12: 1024x768
13: 800x600
14: 640x480
15: 640x400
16: 320x240
17: 320x200
Current Video Mode
 320x200 at 16 bit color
 Stored in system memory
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 0, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Default resolution: 1280 x 800 (8 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2975 frames in 231 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 1 frames in 1 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 6
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
                   We hope you enjoy this game as
                     much as we did making it!
                            ...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.18 (May 12 2017 16:20:29 a1f5caeb)
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Contacting the server...
Connecting to: Spec
Gametype: Co-op
Version: 2.1.18
Checking files...
Added file ./sc_srb2hub_1.3.wad (220 lumps)
Loading main config from ./sc_srb2hub_1.3.wad
4 digital musics replaced
sc_srb2hub_1.3.wad added 19 frames in 12 sprites
Added file ./FortressClub.wad (83 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./FortressClub.wad|LUA_FALL
Pardon me while I initialize the Lua scripting interface...
Loading Lua script from ./FortressClub.wad|LUA_M82
Added command "ringslinging"
Loading Lua script from ./FortressClub.wad|LUA_ROPE
Loading main config from ./FortressClub.wad
1 sounds replaced
4 digital musics replaced
Added file ./CheckeredZigZags.wad (1180 lumps)
CheckeredZigZags.wad added 703 frames in 100 sprites
No maps added
Added file ./SF94-Core.wad (608 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./SF94-Core.wad|LUA_SF94
Added command "sf94welcome"
Added command "sf94version"
Added command "sf94ver"
Added command "commands"
Added command "orderempanada"
Added command "puyomode"
Added command "netgamemode"
Added command "blood"
Added command "sandbox"
Added command "flamethrower"
Added command "ringregrab"
MobjType MT_SF94_NPC1 allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_NPC2 allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_NPC3 allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_NPC4 allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_STANDNPC allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_STANDNPC_SKIN1 allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_STANDNPC_SKIN2 allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_STANDNPC_SKIN3 allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_STANDNPC_SKIN4 allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_TRIGGER allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./SF94-Core.wad|LUA_TALK
Loading Lua script from ./SF94-Core.wad|LUA_JUMP
MobjType MT_JUMPSPHERE allocated.
State S_JUMPSPHERE allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./SF94-Core.wad|LUA_SHOP
Loading Lua script from ./SF94-Core.wad|LUA_TIME
Added command "displaytime"
Added command "time"
Added command "sleep"
Added command "wakeup"
Replaced command "weather"
Added command "timehelp"
Loading Lua script from ./SF94-Core.wad|LUA_XMAS
Added command "event"
MobjType MT_SF94_ROLLING_SNOWBALL allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_SANTA_HAT allocated.
MobjType MT_SF94_GIFT allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./SF94-Core.wad|LUA_HLWN
MobjType MT_SF94_NPC_ZOMBIE allocated.
Sound sfx_night allocated.
Sound sfx_npcz1 allocated.
Sound sfx_blkout allocated.
Sound sfx_laugh1 allocated.
Sound sfx_laugh2 allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./SF94-Core.wad|LUA_RSPW
MobjType MT_SF94_ITEMREMOVED allocated.
State S_SF94_ITEMREMOVED allocated.
State S_SF94_ITEMRESPAWN allocated.
State S_SF94_MONITOREXPLOSION1 allocated.
State S_SF94_MONITORREMOVED allocated.
State S_SF94_MONITORRESPAWN allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./SF94-Core.wad|LUA_DROP
Loading main config from ./SF94-Core.wad
Loading SOC from ./SF94-Core.wad|SOC_SF94
WARNING: Line 596: Couldn't find state named 'S_TEAMRING16'
WARNING: Line 600: Couldn't find state named 'S_TEAMRING1'
2 warnings in the SOC lump
25 sounds replaced
SF94-Core.wad added 323 frames in 42 sprites
Added file ./SF94-Maps.wad (80 lumps)
Added file ./SF94-Music.wad (21 lumps)
Loading main config from ./SF94-Music.wad
1 midi musics replaced
19 digital musics replaced
No maps added
Added file ./DOWNLOAD/utility-v0.3b.lua (1 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./DOWNLOAD/utility-v0.3b.lua
Added command "util"
Replaced command "csay"
Added command "notice"
Replaced command "gametype"
Added command "vote"
Added command "cancelvote"
Added command "votepermission"
Added command "afk"
Added command "afk2"
Added command "showvotecmds"
Added command "callvote"
Added command "silence"
Added command "unsilence"
Added command "ignore"
Added command "unignore"
Added command "changemus"
Added command "changesky"
Added command "sayadmin"
Added command "updatename"
Added command "utilversion"
Added command "dediname"
Added chat macro "$rings" as ID 1.
Added chat macro "$health" as ID 2.
Added chat macro "$lives" as ID 3.
Added chat macro "$location" as ID 4.
Added chat macro "$score" as ID 5.
Added chat macro "$time" as ID 6.
Added chat macro "$name" as ID 7.
Added chat macro "$weapon" as ID 8.
Added chat macro "$ammo" as ID 9.
Added chat macro "$coin" as ID 10.
Added chat macro "$roll" as ID 11.
This is a sub-version (Not an MB release) so please report bugs you find.
No maps added
Added file ./DOWNLOAD/Jazz_Term_All.wad (2 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./DOWNLOAD/Jazz_Term_All.wad|LUA_JCOR
Added command "defaultpermission"
Added command "setpermission"
Added command "removepermission"
Added command "iamtheserver"
Added command "spectate"
Added command "showplayers"
Added command "changemap"
Added command "kill"
Added command "dokick"
Added command "doban"
Added command "do"
Added command "findmap"
Added command "term_help"
Loading Lua script from ./DOWNLOAD/Jazz_Term_All.wad|LUA_JCHE
Replaced command "setrings"
Replaced command "setlives"
Replaced command "god"
Replaced command "noclip"
Replaced command "devmode"
Added command "warpto"
Replaced command "suicide"
Replaced command "scale"
Added command "normalspeed"
Added command "runspeed"
Added command "jumpfactor"
Added command "thrustfactor"
Added command "accelstart"
Added command "acceleration"
Added command "mindash"
Added command "maxdash"
Added command "actionspd"
Replaced command "gravflip"
Added command "giveshield"
Added command "runonwater"
Added command "superon"
Added command "superoff"
Added command "addflags"
Added command "removeflags"
Added command "thokitem"
Added command "spinitem"
Added command "revitem"
Added command "panim"
Added command "destroyallenemies"
Added command "spawnobject"
Replaced command "charability"
Added command "charability2"
Added command "setscale"
Added command "setringsfor"
Added command "setlivesfor"
Added command "freeze"
Added command "setmyrings"
Added command "setmylives"
No maps added
Added file ./FSonic.wad (602 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./FSonic.wad|LUA_DASH
Loading Lua script from ./FSonic.wad|LUA_SPIN
State S_SPINDUST1 allocated.
State S_SPINDUST2 allocated.
State S_SPINDUST3 allocated.
State S_SPINDUST4 allocated.
Sprite SPR_DUST allocated.
State S_FIREDUST1 allocated.
State S_FIREDUST2 allocated.
State S_FIREDUST3 allocated.
State S_FIREDUST4 allocated.
Sprite SPR_FPRT allocated.
State S_BUBBLEDUST1 allocated.
State S_BUBBLEDUST2 allocated.
State S_BUBBLEDUST3 allocated.
State S_BUBBLEDUST4 allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./FSonic.wad|LUA_INST
MobjType MT_INSTASHIELD allocated.
MobjType MT_INSTAHIT allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD1 allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD1B allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD2 allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD2B allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD3 allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD3B allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD4 allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD4B allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD5 allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD5B allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD6 allocated.
State S_INSTASHIELD6B allocated.
State S_INSTAHIT allocated.
State S_INSTAHIT1 allocated.
State S_INSTAHIT2 allocated.
Sprite SPR_TWSP allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./FSonic.wad|LUA_SUPR
Sprite SPR_SUPR allocated.
State S_SUPERWALK1 allocated.
State S_SUPERWALK2 allocated.
State S_SUPERWALK3 allocated.
State S_SUPERWALK4 allocated.
State S_SUPERWALK5 allocated.
State S_SUPERWALK6 allocated.
State S_SUPERWALK7 allocated.
State S_SUPERWALK8 allocated.
State S_SUPERSPRING allocated.
State S_SUPERFALL1 allocated.
State S_SUPERFALL2 allocated.
State S_SUPERFLOAT1 allocated.
State S_SUPERFLOAT2 allocated.
State S_SUPERCARRY allocated.
State S_SUPERTEETER1 allocated.
State S_SUPERTEETER2 allocated.
State S_SUPERGASP allocated.
State S_SUPERPAIN allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./FSonic.wad|LUA_NDRF
Sprite SPR_NDR0 allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDR1 allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDR2 allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDR3 allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDR4 allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDR5 allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDR6 allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDR7 allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDR8 allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDR9 allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDRA allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDRB allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDRC allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDRD allocated.
Sprite SPR_NDRE allocated.
Loading SOC from ./FSonic.wad|SOC_FUCK
FSonic.wad added 428 frames in 21 sprites
Added skin 'fsonic'
No maps added
Added file ./tailsCD.wad (308 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./tailsCD.wad|LUA_MAIN
MobjType MT_TAILS allocated.
Sprite SPR_TTLS allocated.
State S_TAILS_DUM allocated.
State S_TAILS_1 allocated.
State S_TAILS_2 allocated.
State S_TAILS_3 allocated.
State S_TAILS_4 allocated.
State S_TAILS_5 allocated.
State S_TAILS_6 allocated.
State S_TAILS_7 allocated.
State S_TAILS_8 allocated.
State S_TAILS_9 allocated.
State S_TAILS_10 allocated.
State S_TAILS_COPTER_1 allocated.
State S_TAILS_COPTER_2 allocated.
State S_TAILS_COPTER_3 allocated.
State S_TAILS_COPTER_4 allocated.
State S_TAILS_YAWN1 allocated.
State S_TAILS_YAWN2 allocated.
State S_TAILS_YAWN3 allocated.
State S_TAILS_YAWN_LOOP allocated.
State S_TAILS_DROWN allocated.
State S_TAILSSPINDASH1 allocated.
Sprite SPR_CDSP allocated.
MobjType MT_TAILSSWEAT allocated.
Sprite SPR_SWET allocated.
State S_TAILS_SWEAT1 allocated.
State S_TAILS_SWEAT2 allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./tailsCD.wad|LUA_TFLY
Loading Lua script from ./tailsCD.wad|LUA_SWIM
State S_TAILS_SWIM_1 allocated.
State S_TAILS_SWIM_2 allocated.
State S_TAILS_SWIM_3 allocated.
State S_TAILS_SWIM_4 allocated.
State S_TAILS_SWIM_5 allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./tailsCD.wad|LUA_SPND
Loading Lua script from ./tailsCD.wad|LUA_SFLK
MobjType MT_SUPERBIRD allocated.
State S_SUPERBIRD1 allocated.
State S_SUPERBIRD2 allocated.
State S_BIRD1 allocated.
State S_BIRD2 allocated.
Sprite SPR_SBIR allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./tailsCD.wad|LUA_MGRB
Loading object config from ./tailsCD.wad
Loading main config from ./tailsCD.wad
tailsCD.wad added 92 frames in 5 sprites
Added skin 'tailscd'
No maps added
Added file ./DOWNLOAD/Rosy.wad (254 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./DOWNLOAD/Rosy.wad|LUA_ROSY
Sprite SPR_PSGN allocated.
Sprite SPR_CYCL allocated.
Sprite SPR_HAMR allocated.
Sprite SPR_HART allocated.
MobjType MT_CAPEHAMMER allocated.
MobjType MT_HEARTATTACK allocated.
MobjType MT_HEART allocated.
MobjType MT_BLINKHEART allocated.
MobjType MT_ORBITHEART allocated.
State S_CAPEHAMMER allocated.
State S_HAMMERCHASE1 allocated.
State S_HAMMERCHASE2 allocated.
State S_PLAY_LAUNCH allocated.
State S_PLAY_HAMMER1 allocated.
State S_PLAY_HAMMER2 allocated.
State S_PLAY_HAMMER3 allocated.
State S_PLAY_HAMMER4 allocated.
State S_PLAY_HAMMER5 allocated.
State S_PLAY_HAMMER6 allocated.
State S_PLAY_CYCLONE1 allocated.
State S_PLAY_CYCLONE2 allocated.
State S_PLAY_CYCLONE3 allocated.
State S_PLAY_CYCLONE4 allocated.
State S_PLAY_CYCLONE5 allocated.
State S_PLAY_CYCLONE6 allocated.
State S_PLAY_CYCLONE7 allocated.
State S_PLAY_CYCLONE8 allocated.
State S_ROSYSIGN allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL1 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL2 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL3 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL4 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL5 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL6 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL7 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL8 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL9 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL10 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL11 allocated.
State S_PLAY_TWIRL12 allocated.
State S_HEARTATTACK allocated.
State S_HEART allocated.
State S_BLINKHEART allocated.
State S_ORBITHEART1 allocated.
State S_ORBITHEART2 allocated.
Loading object config from ./DOWNLOAD/Rosy.wad
Rosy.wad added 70 frames in 4 sprites
Added skin 'amy'
No maps added
Added file ./Shadow.wad (273 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./Shadow.wad|LUA_GAME
MobjType MT_WARPFX allocated.
Sound sfx_shadst allocated.
Loading main config from ./Shadow.wad
Loading object config from ./Shadow.wad
1 sounds replaced
Shadow.wad added 106 frames in 6 sprites
Added skin 'shadow'
No maps added
Added file ./Blaze_Alt.wad (168 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./Blaze_Alt.wad|LUA_GAME
Loading object config from ./Blaze_Alt.wad
Added skin 'blaze'
No maps added
Added file ./Hinotev3.2.wad (235 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./Hinotev3.2.wad|LUA_HINO
Sound sfx_kcjmp allocated.
Sound sfx_hblast allocated.
Sound sfx_hready allocated.
Sound sfx_omfire allocated.
Loading Lua script from ./Hinotev3.2.wad|LUA_SPIN
Loading main config from ./Hinotev3.2.wad
4 sounds replaced
Hinotev3.2.wad added 21 frames in 2 sprites
Added skin 'hinote'
No maps added
Added file ./DOWNLOAD/hyperV2.lua (1 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./DOWNLOAD/hyperV2.lua
No maps added
Added file ./colorblinkv2.wad (2 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./colorblinkv2.wad|LUA__AUL
Added command "colorblinkusage"
Added command "colorblink"
No maps added
Added file ./blendcolor.lua (1 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./blendcolor.lua
State S_BLENDCOLOR allocated.
Added command "blendcolor"
Added command "blendamount"
No maps added
Added file ./DOWNLOAD/SpectrumTweaks-v2.wad (2 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./DOWNLOAD/SpectrumTweaks-v2.wad|LUA_FIXS
Loading main config from ./DOWNLOAD/SpectrumTweaks-v2.wad
No maps added
Added file ./DOWNLOAD/tetris_s8.wad (18 lumps)
Loading Lua script from ./DOWNLOAD/tetris_s8.wad|LUA_TRIS
Sound sfx_crashd allocated.
Added command "_t_w"
Added command "_t_s"
Added command "_t_h"
Added command "_t_f"
Added command "tetris_cmd_repeatdelay"
Added command "tetris_cmd_repeattime"
Added command "tetris_hide"
Added command "tetris_show"
Added command "tetris_endgame"
Added command "tetris_controls"
Added command "tetris_highscores"
Added command "tetris_newgame"
1 sounds replaced
No maps added
Sending join request...
Join accepted, waiting for complete game state...
Downloading .\$$$.sav...(done)
Loading savegame length 19487
Map is now "MAP26: JAZZ CLUB"
Player 3 has joined the game (node 2)
** [~Spectrum (distracted) -> Player 3] Welcome to my server. To start a vote for a command, do callvote <command> <reason> in the console. To vote, do vote yes or vote no in the console. For a list of votable commands, do showvotecmds in the console.
Player 3 renamed to InBreaker
<*Blaze> Hello.
$exec WiiPack.txt
executing WiiPack.txt
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Added file pal-richtone.wad (4 lumps)
No maps added
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
ERROR: File skylua-6.1.1.wad not found.
Errors occured while loading skylua-6.1.1.wad; not added.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
bind <keyname> [<command>]: create shortcut keys to command(s)
Bind table :
- : "vote yes"
. : "spawnvehicle helecopter"
1 : "superoff;color teal;skin fsonic;name Wii100;scale 1;devmode 1;devmode 0;secondcolor blue;jumpfactor 1;blendamount 1;tunes 201;actionspd 20;colorblink clear;actionspd 300;cam_speed 0.5;nick $4 Wii100"
2 : "superon;color teal;skin fsonic;name Wii120;scale 1;devmode 1;devmode 0;secondcolor gold;giveshield fire;jumpfactor 1.5;blendamount 1;tunes invinc;blendcolor gold;actionspd 200;acceleration 700;actionspd 900;;cam_speed 0.1;;nick $2 Wii120"
3 : "superoff;color teal;skin fsonic;name Wii100;scale 1;devmode 1;devmode 0;secondcolor blue;giveshield none;jumpfactor 1;blendamount 1;tunes 201;blendcolor teal;blendamount 1;actionspd 20;acceleration 500;;actionspd 300;cam_speed 0.5;colorblink clear;nick $4 Wii100"
4 : "superoff;color cyan;skin tailscd;scale 0.5;name FreeFly3r;devmode 1;devmode 0;secondcolor cyan;giveshield none;jumpfactor 0.5;tunes 201;blendcolor cyan;blendamount 1;acceleration 20;normalspeed 10;colorblink clear;actionspd 30;;cam_speed 0.7;nick $4 FreeFly3r"
5 : "superon;color cyan;skin tailscd;scale 0.5;name FirePilot;devmode 1;devmode 0;secondcolor green;giveshield fire;jumpfactor 1.2;tunes invinc;acceleration 50;normalspeed 30;colorblink clear;actionspd 500;cam_speed 0.3;nick $1 FirePilot"
6 : "superoff;color cyan;skin tailscd;scale 0.5;name FreeFly3r;devmode 1;devmode 0;secondcolor cyan;giveshield none;jumpfactor 0.5;tunes 201;blendamount 1;acceleration 20;normalspeed 10;colorblink clear;soundtest 7;actionspd 30;cam_speed 0.7;blendamount 1;;nick $4 FreeFly3r"
7 : "superoff;color black; skin knuckles;scale 1.5;name InBreaker;devmode 1;devmode 0;secondcolor teal;giveshield none;jumpfactor 2;tunes 201;blendamount 1;acceleration 50;normalspeed 50;colorblink clear;actionspd 50;cam_speed 1;;nick $6 InBreaker"
8 : "superon;color black; skin knuckles;scale 2;name IceBreaker;devmode 1;devmode 0;secondcolor teal;giveshield fire;tunes invinc;blendcolor cyan;actionspd 150;blendamount 9;acceleration 100;normalspeed 150;colorblink clear;cam_speed 0.5;;nick $4 IceBreaker"
9 : "superoff;color black; skin knuckles;scale 1.5;name InBreaker;devmode 1;devmode 0;secondcolor teal;giveshield none;jumpfactor 2;tunes 201;blendamount 1;actionspd 50;acceleration 50;normalspeed 50;colorblink clear;soundtest 7;cam_speed; 1;nick $6 InBreaker"
= : "vote no"
[ : "superon;name Wii150;blendcolor white;secondcolor white;skin fsonic;tunes invinc;colorblink 5-2 6-2 8-2 13-2 14-2 20-2"
\ : "tunes mapd4m"
] : "gravflip"
f : "setrings 9999"
g : "superon;skin fsonic;name Wii180;secondcolor red;blendamount 5;blendcolor none;giveshield ring;jumpfactor 5;mindash 9999;tunes invinc;actionspd 9999;devmode 1;scale 1;devmode 0;acceleration 9999;blendamount 1;colorblink 1-2 2-2 3-2 4-2 5-2 6-2 7-2 8-2 9-2 10-2 11-2 12-2 13-2 14-2 15-2 16-2 17-2 18-2 19-2 20-2 21-2 22-2 23-2 24-2 25-2 26-2 27-2 28-2 29-2 30-2 ;scale 1 ;acceleration 999;nick $1 W $2 i $3 i $4 1 $5 8 $6 0"
h : "spawncustommonitor hyper"
i : "noclip"
j : "warpto 00"
k : "spawnobject 3"
l : "spawnobject 4;spawnobject 5"
m : "spawnvehicle tank"
n : "spawnvehicle  knight"
o : "god"
p : "suicide"
r : "spawnvehicle jet"
t : "spawnvehicle Am"
u : "spawnvehicle sub"
y : "spawnvehicle motor"
Unknown command 'tunes 200'
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
ERROR: Maximum wad files reached
Errors occured while loading; not added.
Only the server or a remote admin can use this.
ERROR: File chatcolor.lua not found.
Errors occured while loading chatcolor.lua; not added.
<~Spectrum (distracted)> Hi
ERROR: Music lump MAPCTM not found!

This log file is not mine. It is InBreaker's, but he seems too angry to even bother, so I took the time to bring this up.

A few people have had this problem so far on Spectrum's server, who frequently is at max or near-max WAD count.

Apparently, if the WAD limit somehow gets breached by some new additional file(s) when a player joins a server, it can cause SRB2 to think it has WADs loaded when it doesn't. This can be triggered by adding WAD files prior to joining a server with enough WADs. This can cause crashes and errors.
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I spoke to Inu about it (since they were the one who marked it as Won't Fix), and they can't quite remember! The best recollection was that there were TONS of problems with netgame joining with WADs added at the time, and so it was a major issue to handle. Things seem to be a lot better on that front, though, so I've made some headway on that.

Here's a potential fix. Once a test executable ends up on the appveyor, I'll link it here.
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