Contest Discussion Topic (2.0.X)

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Yeah, I didn't mean permanently, per se. Just until 2.1 comes out.

Y'know, coincident with the Rapture. (And Half-Life 3.)

xD Going by that, then by the time the contest is reinstated we'll probably have forgotten what the OLDC is. All in all, I'm surprised things are still going fairly strong.



My level
8 days from the deadline!

Wait, deadline for what? It can't be the OLDC, I thought that was cancelled 'till 2.1 (as stated right up there.) Did I miss something?

Also, another small shot of what's coming for whenever the OLDC is reinstituted...


I'm not gonna give it away :-)
Wait, deadline for what? It can't be the OLDC, I thought that was cancelled 'till 2.1 (as stated right up there.) Did I miss something?
No, but apparently you read a post that doesn't exist, because nobody said the OLDC was cancelled yet.
8 days from the deadline!
Did anyone publish a map?

Yes, I sent my map into submissions yesterday. :)

Wait, deadline for what? It can't be the OLDC, I thought that was cancelled 'till 2.1 (as stated right up there.) Did I miss something?

While we all thought it was cancelled, we were told that if there were still not enough maps after the 31st January that it'd be postponed until 2.1.
Alright guys, 7 hours until the submission deadline arrives now. From the looks of things we actually will have an OLDC voting this time, hurrah!
So here's a question to discuss:
Did the new voting system stunt the discussion of the levels in this last OLDC?

I felt like less people threw in their two cents (myself included, but because of internet problems) on each level this time around, and that may just be because of the new voting system. Instead of rating each individual level with a number (which prompts explanations), we just place them in an a simple order relative to each other, and maybe that made for a less discussable OLDC?

Or maybe there just wasn't much to talk about?

What do you guys think?
People who only give their votes without comments already existed in the old voting system as well, and as far as I can observe, the vote:comment ratio hasn't changed significantly. The actual process of voting (without comments) is a matter of a few seconds in either system, so I don't see how the current system encourages people to "vote-and-run" any more than the old system did. The one exception would be people whose opinions diverge a lot from the overall consensus. In the old voting system, they had to explain themselves lest their votes be ignored in the final tally. Now you can post completely crazy rankings (like putting Eggslimer Battle first or something) without any comments, and nobody would care because even the most divergent votes don't influence the overall score very much (which is why Mystic changed to the new system to begin with). However, highly divergent votes come from one of two groups of people: a) trolls. Nobody wants to hear what a troll has to say, so this is not an issue. b) people whose opinions are sincerely different. And since their opinions are different, they're probably itching to declare their disagreement with the consensus already, so they're likely to post comments anyway.

So really, the only reason to stop posting comments because of the new voting system is if you're secretly a troll who wants to skew the average, which is a pretty futile exercise. No, the real reason that there are fewer comments is that there are fewer votes to begin with, and the ratio has stayed roughly the same. I don't think this has anything to do with the new voting system, it's because of the six-month gap and the fact that activity in this community is declining. You might be fooled by the decent number of entries in this contest, but you have to remember that they were submitted over the course of half a year. I assume that many of the people who used to vote in the OLDC have simply stopped coming here on a regular basis. They either missed the OLDC (which usually doesn't take place in February) or maybe they played the maps and thought "this isn't worth coming back for". This will change when 2.1 comes out, which hopefully won't take that long. I'm fairly confident that we won't miss more than a few OLDCs in the meantime.
So here's a question to discuss:
Did the new voting system stunt the discussion of the levels in this last OLDC?

I felt like less people threw in their two cents (myself included, but because of internet problems) on each level this time around, and that may just be because of the new voting system. Instead of rating each individual level with a number (which prompts explanations), we just place them in an a simple order relative to each other, and maybe that made for a less discussable OLDC?

Or maybe there just wasn't much to talk about?

What do you guys think?

I feel there's plenty to talk about with the new system. Much discussion sparks for "Why did you put <Zone X> in front of <Zone Y>? What makes it better? What makes <Zone Y> worse?" etc.
I just was too lazy to playtest this OLDC.
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